Date women from United States / Alaska / Allakaket, 33 year old

Date someone special from Allakaket, United States. News Flash: It says Im on-line...when I am not. Fact.
So here are some deal breakers:
1. Couch potatoes. Get up, get active and live.
2. Chemical dependencies, smoking or an alcohol addiction.
3. Married or in some sort of other relationship.
4. Kids in diapers and the mother is still flag.
5. Unemployed. I earn my way and so should you.
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. I enjoy change. You'll notice I change my profile and pics quite often. I am a complex person that extends way beyond any words I could type on a screen. But, I am single and you would have to be pretty wonderful to change that.
Im independent and feel smothered when thats compromised. Please know that I am in no hurry for anything. Life is an adventure, Im living it one day at a time with no expectations or attachments. Many have asked me, "What are you looking for?" My answer is, Im not looking for anything. But they say, "love is friendship on fire", it would be nice to have that in my life. Oh who am I trying to kid, I would like a damn boyfriend!
I would rather choose to be with the right person, one that fits into my lifestyle and me into theirs. I enjoy eating clean and working out. I crave the summer time when I can run the trails and ride my road bike. I dont drink much, maybe twice a month if that. Partly due to calorie intake, and mainly because Im just too busy. I will however have a glass of wine if I have friends over, or I will have a beer or two if I go to the strip clubs. Yes, I did just say that. So if you can inspire me with your drive, motivation and passion in life, then great! Lets go do something fun!