Date men from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 66 year old

Date a man from United States. I'm an easy going reserved guy that enjoys the small things in life, music and old movies live theater and plays. I have lived in Alaska for many years even before it was a state! I like exploring the small towns and villages of our great nation whether they are in Alaska or some other state. I would like to find my best friend to experience what the world has to offer with. I am goin to retire in the next year and am thinking about becoming a snowbird by spending the summers in Alaska and the winters somewhere south where it is warm. Maybe just be a nomad in an RV and explore the lower 48 in the winter. I'm turned off by smokers and wish them success in quitting as I know it is hard to do.

Meet someone special from United States. My music and those that I have performed at and with. Also bein a Clon (Weeble the Clown) I have enjoyed performing as a Clown. What I have done at work has helped. I am looking for some one that does work hard or has, and does cook. I try to cook as well.

Date a soulmate from United States. i am a very quiet add reserved person who is mostly a wallflower, a christian who tries to lead a good but honest life.what i am most proud and greatfull for are my children and grandchildren.hopefully i can find a kind,loving,gentle home loving woman to grow spend the rest of my life with.