Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 66 year old

Date a soulmate from Kodiak, United States. I am a recently retired academic professional. My wife and I had a wonderful marriage for 44 years, full of love and fun, until cancer took her away. I have 2 grown children with professional careers, no grandkids yet.
I have always enjoyed outdoor recreation, like back-country skiing, ocean kayaking, hiking and mountain biking. I prefer living in pristine environments, but with college town stimulation, such as lectures, reading and classical music. Therefore we maintained moderate to elegant homes in small-town coastal Alaska as well as in a major college town in Western Oregon. For now, I am still holding on to these places, though it is becoming a real challenge.
I am a non-religious, liberal freethinker, politically progressive and a world-traveler with an educational background in Europe. I have family and friendship ties to Germany and Austria.
I am financially secure, but prefer to adhere to a fairly simple life style without being stingy. I shun profligacy and try to adhere to high environmental and ecological standards. I am healthy and have maintained the same weight since age 17 due to a sensible diet and regular exercise without being rigid about it - I do it just for the enjoyment a healthy body provides.
I would like to make the acquaintance of a high-spirited, statuesque and athletic woman in the mature age range who has a comparable emotional as well as educational and cultural background.
After years of hard work and the care for a slowly dying loved one I am now getting ready to hopefully enjoy many more years of a healthy retirement at home and while traveling to selected areas of the world.
Will you be my companion? A woman who is compassionate and sensual as well as intellectually stimulating?
My hope is to find in you a soulmate for a permanent and loving relationship.