Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 39 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I am not simple, nor are you. We are a complex organism made up of many parts. If this is true about our carbon make-up than it is most essentially true about our mental one as well. I can be found doing a variety of things for work but this is not the whole sum of my being and on its own valor cannot define me. It is what I do with my free time and how I value life and those in mine. I live and love with the passion of a low brow novella. I can easily spew out some quotes in an attempt to make myself sound better or at least not alienate anyone from the race, but that is not me today, maybe tomorrow. Three years ago I was divorced; I left my career and moved to the town where my family lives so they could help me raise my daughter, she is my everything. When I left NYC and moved to Fairbanks I knew it was going to be a culture shock because it had happened once before. I was born in Los Angeles and when I turned 15 my mother drove us to Fairbanks to live. The shock wave that blasted through me back then was for the best because of that I have learned to adapt to any situation and that being an introvert was not in my DNA. The one minor mole hill I have come across is meeting women more in my age group. So in an attempt to broaden the pool I have signed up for online personals. I figure what can it hurt if I make a friend than great if I find a lover than Tony the Tiger GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT.
I have no expectations on people they only lead to resentments so as far as an ideal candidate there is none. I just want the person, friend or lover to be happy with themselves. I cannot fix anyone nor do I want to rescue anyone, it is a preordained lost battle if that is the case. Well I am hitting a stumbling block with the rest of the words for this so I am going to round this out with I will get back to you more later.
Myself in a nutshell is passion and forward moving thinking, my soundtrack in life can cross cultural as well as time boundaries but is rooted in passion.
Here is a riddle. My first name is Richard sometimes as a joke I go by dick. My last name is s/t/o/u/t. If you put the joke before the last name and remove the slash marks add an at sign then finish it with a six letter word beginnning with g and ending in e. Do you get it? Then send me something. I can still communicate through this as well I just thought it would be fun fo the others.

Meet single man from Fairbanks, United States. I have never met a stranger. Grateful to live in Alaska. Love intelligent dry humor. Never tried to meet anybody on-line, however being bombarded relentlessly by this site I got bored and gave up. I love to see music performed live (classical, jazz, rock, DJs)

Date a man from Fairbanks, United States. i keep to myself . dont get out much. am useualy very lonely. want someone to enjoy doing stuff with. somebody honest, caring, supportive, energetic, sexual, aggressive, smart, and enjoys working together.

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. funny hardworker and honest. Snowboarder,camper,sports fanatic. Big fan of comedy and action adventure. Looking for Mrs. Right who can be a good friend. Honest and truthful will work. Friends and family are valued. Some music I like is Soundgarden, Pearl Jam,Van Halen.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. About me.. hmmm... well for starters i am a Chef and Manager at a restaurant. I enjoy tournament archery, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and about anything that will get me outdoors. I am looking for that one in a million girl that wants to spend time with me, but doesnt feel a need to. The one that likes a good dinner out or a movie at home, but isnt afraid to go out with her friends and doesnt expect me to come along every time. Anything else you would just have to ask me because is is 2:30 am and i am braindead right now lol