Date men from United States / Alaska / Valdez, 26 year old

Date single boy from Valdez, United States. At this moment I'm an on-call ferry terminal assistant. I'm taking a CNA course starting in August. As far as what I want in life I want a steady job, my own place, and time to do things that I like. I'd also like somebody to share my life with. Nursing allows a person the option to travel and get lots of time off. I like working with and helping people. I'm a caring individual and tough when I need to be. I like traveling and look forward to doing it more often. I enjoy learning all the little things in order to become an independent person. I enjoy learning how to build and work around the house. I like keeping busy. I enjoy reading. I'm always down for new adventures and experiences. I'd like to meet someone open-minded, smart, and positive. I have kind of a silly sense of humor. I laughed pretty hard watching the Sarah Silverman Program a little bit ago. I like Valdez for the ice climbing, snowboarding and skiing. Once I get a feel for the medical field I hope to pursue a career as a rad-tech or an RN.