Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 21 year old

Date someone special from Kodiak, United States. im looking for a girl she loves me what i am loving me and carry me the girl true to me and she inspire me ..and loving me for ever.. but i cant speak english and the girl teach me how to speak english im a good guy and allways make your day complete

Meet a soulmate from Kodiak, United States. Well I'm big on being around water and protecting the oceans. I love to scuba dive and hope one day I can buy a sailboat and sail around the world.
I am originally from Lafayette, Louisiana.
Currently I am in the Coast Guard stationed in Kodiak, Alaska. I joined the Coast Guard to pay for college. As of right now I am going to college for Environmental Science, but once I get out of the Coast Guard in 2013 I will switch my degree to marine biology. I will be going to college in Texas but haven't decided where yet.
I am a very dedicated person and love working towards my goals. I am constantly continuing my education and love experiencing and learning new things. I tend to act like a dork at times (don’t we all?) and love to laugh. I am a morning person, so when I wake up I am ready to get things done, but I do like to sleep in on weekends. I love ice cream; it’s the best thing in the world, especially when it’s cold outside. I enjoy reading, but if you gave me the choice of reading a good book or a National Geographic or science Magazine I would choose the magazine. I am a very calm person, when things get stressful. I RARELY get mad; the only thing that aggravates me is people that are around me that can’t drive.
I would like to meet someone that is smart, and can have a good conversation. Someone that is goal oriented and wants to live life to the fullest. I want someone that is independent but needs someone to rely on at times. There able to try new things even though it’s their biggest fear.
If you would like to know more just message me!!!!!!!!!!!!!