Date men from United States / Alaska / Kotzebue, 21 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Some call me the song bird of my generation, having a good time makes me smile, im proud of my wrestling accomplishments, im grateful for being me i suppose, im hoping to attract a fun beautiful woman, my social life is at its peak and its amazing, anything embarrassing or a good joke, im looking for someone to be there and be faithful, i am most passionate about my wrestling and being there for my friends and family. i also enjoy riding the ice on the ocean during the spring.

Meet single boy from Alaska, United States. im eric im not perfect but i do everytrhing to make every one around me feel good about them selfs, and im always making friend and family laugh.
i do my best to make people happy i hate violence. cant stand people getting hurt. willing to try out new thing an im a thrill seaker i like trying new hights. my greatest accomplishment is finishing school,