Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 58 year old - page 2

Date single man from United States. She is either born and raised in Asia or one of the Hispanic countries.She believes in her cultural standards, when it concerns dating men. As I do as well. She is willing to live in her country near her family with myself as her husband. She enjoys traveling to other countries, with having a home and property as a home base. I like owning horses-Paints. I'm retired with pension $985.00 a
month. My cultural teaching is that the wife manages all money and has the final say as to what is paid and when.When I want money I ask her.If she reveals to be responsible with money &
trust worthy.We can create a life together.

Meet someone special from United States. well i'm a calm but crazy guy, like the great outdoors, espeicially sports fishing ..people say it can be too much at times, but none the less that is what i do. I am retired and like to travel..but love the summers in alaska,, love clam digging to shrimp fishing to salmon fishing. Don;t ski as much as I'd like too though..

Date a man from United States. I live in anchorage and have been here for around 14 years, moved from the Fairbanks area where I lived for around 6 years. I was born in San Diego and left when I was 17 . There's alot more to talk about as far as what and where I've been in the last 40 years, I'm 56 now. Divorced for a little over a year now and looking for a good woman to share my life with.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I would like to fine some one who is fun. I like to go out any time of the day I will work with you to find time do go out I know it is hard to do with kids and work we are all busy. I like to that walks on the coastal trail, run, and go where it is warm Looking for some one to travel with.

Date single man from Anchorage, United States. no stinkers. healthy, able to learn and teach and share. thoughtful. i can listen well to someone who can get her point across and does not just chatter. I don't mind quiet. like to give and get body rubs. pay attention to where the energy in a relationship is. ( i will feed all the energy i can to someone who needs it but some times i need energy too). able to entertain new people in a variety of setting, without having to be the center of attention. ( I would rather be underestimated)
truthful and honest (both ways). I can usually figure ways to fix a thing, and like to be the hero.

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. Ready to enter a new chapter in my life! Made a big change a few years ago and it is time to get on with my new life. I have been in AK for 30 years and at the same job for 25. Although the company has been bought and sold 4 or 5 times. Still love it and my people. I enjoy golf although I am not very good. Same with fishing and cross country skiing but have not done those for a few years. Would like to learn to dance (better) but it is more fun when you have a willing lady. I know how to cook, again, it is more fun when I can share it with someone. I can be handy when necessary. I like to travel outside of Alaska during the winter for a couple of weeks at a time but I'm always excited to return home.
A wonderful woman to share life's joys and challenges. Someone who is honest and generally happy. She will not take herself too seriously. Someone who can to laugh or at least smile, even when things are a little sticky. Maybe even a golf partner to play a-round or two?
I am a bit shy, maybe cautious. I hope to hold a warm loving woman in my arms very soon.

Date a man from Anchorage, United States. I'm enjoying life and want to continue doing that with that special lady. I don't need a person to lean on, but someone to share life with. I enjoy coffee and conversation (I really do!) I am not into club scenes or bars.I'm a non smoker, don't drink and drug free. I want a partner who can be sexy and tom boyish. Comfortable going four wheeling, snowmobiling or for a ride on the Harley. We also will go to dinner, movies, theater and camping. I love cooking and cooking together is a highlight of the day! Family values sit high on list. So is honesty, compassion and trust. Let's find each other and enjoy this life and all it has to offer together. I know you are out me find you.....

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Hi there fellow single person. At our ages we have been through
a lot of learning curves. We have all been in relationships in the past.
Each one holds a blessing of knowledge and experience. I have come to believe that all our past experiences help us learn some lessons about our self.
I am not a religious person, yet I find a relationship with God can help us in life's challenges and it can give life new meaning.
I do believe man and women bring a certain balance to the table of life. In a relationship it seems we can be more whole as a person.
Having a connection with another.
Of course before we get involved with someone it is necessary to get to know yourself. Discover more of you start living the you that you are.
It is in doing this that we are most likely to meet one whom is compatible to us. Yes sometimes going through these times alone,
can be hard. We can reach out to each other, share good times.
All doesn't have to be love and romance. Yet when it feels right we will know it. We didn't force it yet we manifested it.
Well my present job as a contractor, is to design and build, and be good and ethical contractor.
I have greater aspirations, yet time will on these things.
Been officially out of a long term relationship for about 5 years.
Yes I went through the had to date stage.
Yes I went through the get engaged to soon stage.
Yes I went through the give on dating stage.
Now it is let's do this again meeting some good people,
Enjoy each other's company. Be a good person with my "partner".
If we where to find each other to be "the one". Well Hallelujah
If not all was not wasted. Meeting good people and having some fun.

Date single man from Alaska, United States. Friends say that I am a class act. I am stylish, have a hilarious sense of humor, intelligent, handsome, genuine and definitely one of a kind! I pride myself on always keeping it real. I love children and I love cats and dogs.
I am comfortable in my own skin. I live in the moment. I feel right at home when I am either dressed to kill or simply wearing my jammies. I treat my woman like royalty and always express my feelings and affections whether in public or in private. Does this make me a little old fashioned? Well, so be it. It is what it is.
I am seeking a woman for friendship, dating, discreet relationships, long term or lifetime relationships. Love is like lightning, it strikes when and where it pleases! I hope to be struck by this lighting bolt of love someday, but until then, I intend to have fun and make friends along the way. I will enjoy the companionship! I guess the bottom line is, I am hoping to find my second half here. Its all about love. About sharing. About caring.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. i am very loving, caring and a spoiler, i like the good foods, dancing, reading a lot of adventuros books, running, sleeping, lots of walking in parks or else.
she will have to be atletic cuty, nice body, grat smile, my best friend in the world, a dancer.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. I'm looking for someone who is energetic, perky, spontaneous with a fun smile when we greet and willing to step outside of her comfort zone once in awhile for adventure together. This woman is confidant and truely loves life to the fullest and making others happy with her careing nature. She is the type of person who has time to go out of her way to help someone less fortunate and helping to make the community we live a better place.
She should be passionate about family and work, always striving for the better for both. She is honest, thoughtful and has a healthy respect for the nourishment of mind and body.
I am passionate about my work, boating,flying, skiing, and Alaskan travel, and wish I had time to be more passionate about my golf game. I am adventurous and want a gal that has the energy to check out new places and experiences. I also like to take time to stop and smell the roses, do community work or sit back and enjoy a roaring fire with family and friends. I enjoy remodeling and improving our house together to add the details that make it our special love nest. I really love life within Alaskas vast surroundings and spending time with the great people that make our state unique. These are but a few of the things I enjoy.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am looking for a woman who is a romantic, loves to cuddle, hold hands/touchy feely type of girl, who can look great in jeans/baggy clothes going to a ball game or horseback riding & then can clean up & dress to kill while going out to eat & see a movie!
I like to plan outings, but more over, love to do spur of the moments outings. "Lets go".