Date women from United States / Arkansas / Greenbrier, 65 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am warm, outgoing, and bring my own sunshine and energy wherever I go. A lover of people, I volunteer and help others.
I have lived in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Georgia, Florida and Arkansas. I have started programs in education, so you might say I am a self-starter. I have owned my own business and think we all should have experience a variety of employments to appreciate the best of each.
I love to go to movies, enjoy dining out and cooking at home. I love to travel and put on 7,000 miles on my car last summer! Sunrise is the best time of day! Sunsets aren't bad I love beaches and mountains and find beauty wherever I am. I'm likely to photograph or paint what I see.
I am looking for a person who enjoys some of the activities that I do. A good sense of humor is vital. (I'm known to laugh & giggle often.) Someone who enjoys parties as well as quiet times would be great. Do you like to hike, walk on the beach, go for a picnic, travel? Or maybe you like to go fishing or do home projects or gardening...these all are things I'd enjoy doing together.
I'm grateful for my Christian faith, my family and for the opportunities we all have in the USA. Travel abroad helped me to apprecite our freedom and benefits.
I am sunshine waiting to brighten your days.
What makes you shine?...I'd like to know.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. a good honest person,caring person. someone that will be there, if you need them in money or just a helping hand. A person that like to tried to dance. I like to dress up and go out. I'm looking for friendship, someone to go dancing, camping,out to eat. moist important a honest person,no false people. no drinking,no smoking,no drugs, a christen person.