Date women from United States / Arkansas / Springdale, 27 year old

Date someone special from United States. I'm a high school teacher and I love my job. The kids keep me on my toes and I never have a boring day. I'm very close with my family, probably because I am an only child. I've got two dogs and would like to find someone who loves animals too.
I want to travel the world and see things I have never seen before and want someone who would enjoy doing the same. I was born and raised in Arkansas and I'm definitely a southern girl. I love the outdoors: hiking, biking, horseback riding, etc. I also like having game nights where friends can hangout and play cards or board games.
I'm looking for someone who shares some of my interests but am willing to try new things. A good date could be dinner and a movie or hiking and a picnic. My date needs to be adventurous, fun loving, and intelligent with a great sense of humor.

Meet a girl from United States. I'm a forever student, working toward my B.A. in Art History while working in book publishing. I'll eventually get around to going to med school before I get too old and lazy brained.
I'm probably one of the more athletic fat girls you'll ever meet. I love hiking, tennis, canoeing, and whatever else I can get myself into outdoors (as long as I have tons of allergy meds handy). I've recently lost 30 pounds and taken care of some sinus problems, so I'm a lot more active than I used to be. Always looking for a new outdoorsy adventure!
I can't swim in a pool nor play pool. Teach me?
I don't have too many expectations from a "perfect match." I just want a guy who doesn't mind hanging out, but will be happy to get out and be active every now and then (FOR ADVENTURE!) because I bore easily and have too much energy to burn. Being a lover of music, I like going to concerts and festivals (Bonnaroo every year and Harvest Fest when I get around to it, Gogol Bordello at least once a year) when I can and I'm always struggling to find a companion. I generally need some space, so needy/clingy guys aren't my thing. Intelligent conversations about movies and general pop culture are a big bonus and apparently difficult to come by.
Be creative, be brave, be silly, be serious when you need to be, and don't be an alcoholic.