Date men from United States / Arizona / Wittmann, 51 year old

Date single man from Wittmann, United States. hello ladies,i am an attractive,intelligent,very hard working,hard playing,male.a good man.who enjoys each and every day on this earth.
looking for a very special,attractive ,classy,intelligent, lady. a lady who understands the power of communication.

Meet a soulmate from Wittmann, United States. I am an honest person and I am looking for a woman who is Honest. I heard on klove, the radio network, a man called in and stated that the most important thing a woman can do is have faith in their man. I believe this also, as did the men who responded to this statement. I am looking for a woman that puts God first, her man second, kids will be third. You women may think that this nut, but this makes sense for your live, and the life of your kids. Your husband is to be with you for life, until death do us part, if you do your job right with the kids they will leave your nest and start a nest of their own. If they marry a man or woman, do you want them to end up in divorce, no? You want them to repeat the process of raising their kids.