Date men from United States / Arizona / Willcox, 51 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Family is the number one most important thing in life. All other needs should be put aside. Everything else should have there priority after family whenever possible. I believe trust is the foundation to a relationship if there is true trust than all insecurities are handled on there own. With trust come the simple rule treat you mate in the same manner that you would like to be treated. As long as both are treating each other equal and always trying to improve and there is trust then all other things will work themselves out. Every relationship only needs three things, Trust, loyalty and respect. If both parties work to improve in these areas and leave selfishness behind then only happiness can came as a result.
No one is perfect. We all have faults. Looking past the imperfections and seeing the beauty beyond, that is were that true happiness will be found.
There is nothing wrong with a disagreeing and even and argument or two. Keep it respectful and get it out, get it settled and move on. Holding feeling in will only will only their friends. Till there is so many inside you, there is not and answer that will mend.