Date men from United States / Arizona / Spring Valley, 51 year old

Date someone special from Spring Valley, United States. some one that we both natural chemistry toward each other, lots common interst, play full in and loves to do things joyfully together, can hold on a un-biased conversation , learning to deal with unpredicable real life events at times, not greedy , some one that can laugh just i like i do laugh at myself, willing to compensate ...... honest , faithfull,
wants to be loved and love.

Meet single man from Spring Valley, United States. I am a positive person that loves people. I love my profession and my family. I have passion in my life. I know where I come from, who I am and where I am going. I am caring, tolerant, loyal and understanding. I treat people the way I want to be treated. My friends come from all walks of life and I am able to relate to many indivduals. I am sensitive and caring. I am open minded and not afraid to show my true feelings. I am not affraid of commitment! I think communication, trust, and respect are the basis to finding unconditonal love. My ideal match is a confident woman that knows she wants out of life. She has traveled the world in search of exepriences and has found answers to her inner questions that have sculptured her personality and her views of the world around her. She unnderstands that there are other people and cultures that might enhance her spirit. She talks about her feelings and desires. She is loving and passionate about her beliefs and profession. She keeps close contact with family and friends. She is comfortable in her own skin and does not need to immitate or follow others. I want a woman that dresses for the ocassion, looks great in a pair of jeans or in a cocktail dress. She is able to adapt to any circumstance with mininimum effort. Someone that measures achievement and success by her own standards. She knows no drama, just self confidence and asertivness. I want a woman that is not afraid to take calculated risks and seize the moment. My ideal relationship is one where we both can express our feelings and be passionate about each other!