Date men from United States / Arizona / Clarkdale, 51 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I can be all this great person, romantic, full of life and energy, very loving and caring, respectful and supportive, truthful, and very helpful. I do have all this qualities but Im not perfect. I have a very strong spiritual values and responsabilities that I follow.I am outgoing but reserved, an intelectually funny person.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am an athletic six foot six inch 48 year old man, never married, who enjoys the company of a classy woman. I am a former professional athlete who likes a occasional cocktail but doesn't have issues with alcohol or drugs. I enjoy MLB baseball, Football, college and pro, and basketball. I enjoy going for daily walks with my dog. I love to travel. I lived in Europe between the ages of 22-30.