Date men from United States / Arizona / Mayer, 51 year old

Date a soulmate from Mayer, United States. I try to maintain a positive outlook on things and believe we are all responsible for our own emotions and actions. I believe in commitment and that is likely why I stayed in a deteriorating marriage for too long. I finally saw the damage it was causing our grandson whom I've been raising since he was 2. Spent the past couple years learning how to manage being a single parent and focusing on his needs. We have a great relationship and we are both happy and doing well. I am content with my life but know it can be even better with someone to share it with. I enjoy the simple things in life and am generally happy with any activity that gets me close to nature. However I have to admit that my favorite pastimes are snow skiing and sports (esp. football). Hiking in Sedona and near waterways are a close second though. Places we can take our dogs is always a plus.