Date men from United States / Arizona / Paradise, 51 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a one woman man, looking for a one man woman, I am very affectionate, I am a gentleman all the time, my girl must act like a lady all the time, doing the right thing when nobody is watching, is important to me. honesty is always the answer, even if it hurts. I want someone that doesn't need medication to be happy, I love my three daughters, my family and my life. I am looking for someone who loves life and isn't afraid to fight for whats right. I am looking for my best friend, to be by my side no matter what. I can have fun doing almost anything, I am very positive most of the time, my closest friends think I am the best man they know, they don't know me that well, just kidding. We can talk about everything else when we meet.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Thank you in advance for viewing my profile...
With that said, My friends would say I’m pretty laid back and easy going. I’m not big on materialistic BS… I have a passion for cooking, and family is very important to me, "Yours included". Life is an adventure I love to explore, and even more exciting to share with that special person… I am happy most of the time, because it is a choice I get to make. What would be your choice? This is not a trick question... We all need our space and down time to recharge especially me, so I can respect that.
Laughter is good for the soul, and I can see the humor in most situations… I experience life from an open perspective. The glass is 3/4's full. I’m a romantic when it comes to that “Special Woman” in my life… That doesn’t mean life is all bubbles and champagne, but you are definitely “Special” and will be treated that way… I really believe life’s too short to play games... I've had my fill of games people play, and attitudes that need adjustment. Haven’t you?
What I am hoping that God will bring into my life?
My new Best Friend and then maybe the rest will follow... A Soul-mate, Partner, Companion, and Lover in that order... She will be trustworthy, loyal, and have Integrity with sound moral values… She is dependable, spontaneous, and has a mixture of introvert and extrovert characteristics in her personality (-no couch potatoes or Jane Goodalls’ :-) She takes care of herself as she feels her appearance is important to her and her mate. Just as I do... Without it, there will be no spark too light the fire... ;-) She is slow to anger, non-confrontational however; she can hold her own when she needs to.
If you have "No Photo Posted" in your profile, please don't waste (-our time-). I don't respond to someone who is afraid to show themselves. What are you hiding? Do any women ever read this stuff..? If I say Hi.. first, and you respond back, then I'll email you. If you say hi, or email me first.. and I don't respond. I'm either working, or there’s something that I feel would not make us a good match. Honesty is the best policy. Remember I don't want to waste (your) time or (mine)... Do You..?
My Partner and Family will always come “First”. Animals "second" friends and associates, well you figure it out. And “No” the buck and the prairie dog are not my pets… For those who may have a question..? No, I did not kill the deer... It was just a photo taken on vacation...
Posting photos of how good you looked 5 or 10 years ago is dishonest and misleading. It will be over before it even begins... I myself look just as you see me in my photos, with the exception of the go-T...
The truth is... If you're not attracted to someone, you’re not attracted. "Right"..?
If your search is for honesty, friendship, loyalty and a companion to share life with, you are interested, you only have a backpack ,and no baggage, let’s talk… Chivalry and romance still exist in my world. I eventually would like to remarry and relocating is not out of the question... Something you may want to consider when looking for a partner... If you are a very Liberal Democrat we won't get along... My life doesn't circle around politics. However, ones political views is usually an indicator of their belief system, which coincides with how we conduct our lives... I'm not trying to be shallow, just honest... There’s more to say, but I’ll leave you with a poem and save the rest for later… until then Ciao good luck in your search…
You have the power to be your own person...
Look no further than your own mind...
Own your own happiness because you choose to be happy, not because someone tries to make you happy...
Never take yourself so serious that you can't laugh at your own jokes as well as others...
Smile at every person you feel you can trust... They will usually smile back...