Date men from United States / Arizona / Globe, 51 year old

Date single man from Globe, United States. I am 51 years old, retire police officer, 6 ft 4 inch, enjoy the out doors. Love watching comedy shows I do not have much of a social life as I stay busy building my business to fill my time. I love spending time with family and am especisally proud of my 16 year son. I am supportive of various charities such as Wounded Warrior program, MADD, VFW, FOP.I love building things, fixing things and helping others that are greeving the loss of loved ones. I ma looking for one that would share some of the same interest and or looking to share their interest with a open minded person.

Meet someone special from Globe, United States. I would like someone that can roll with the punches and come up laughing life is to short to be angry I would like to believe that I am this type of person a person who is quick with a smile and a kind word in hopes that my good nature can be contagious to all