Date men from United States / Arizona / Apache Junction, 41 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Loockin for a baby to make me forget the poor to a live in this country those kind of stuff to make my two daughter to go back mexico and eventually brokedown mi relacionship with in that time my wife

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Not to sure what to say here, just that I'm hard working, take care of my own. I enjoy family, friends and life but try not to get too hung up on either of them. I'm responsible, take care of things that need to be taken care of and try to find fun and enjoyment in life. Like to find someone who doesn't hold grudges and can talk things out because tomorrow is a new day. I believe there's someone special out there for everyone you just have to be patient and not try to change people to suit your own wants and needs.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. My friends describe me as a little crazy, sarcastic and fun to be with. I like to laugh and please no drama movies. I love to be close to the ocean enjoying the beach, swimming, diving, spearfishing, riding boats and anything water related
Enjoy freediving in oil rigs and icy water. My personal best 90ft. I traveled to aprox 20 countries and lived in 15 different cities. Now stuck in central Africa.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm looking for someone who has a good sense of humor and loves life. She must be able to not take things so serious all the time. Life is too short to stress over the little things. I love to go the movies one day and the next take a weekend trip somewhere tropical. I also love to go see plays which Phantom of the Opera is my favorite. Are you out there? I hope so and look forward to meeting you!

Date someone special from United States. Most people will tell you that I am quite different from most guys. I am not saying that I am any better (or any worse) than anyone else...just different. I do not like to be around people that are negative or mean. I enjoy people who have respect for themselves, for others and for life. I am honest, caring, fun and am looking for someone that is the same and has a common yearning to live a meaningul and adventurous life.

Meet a man from United States. good human being lovely and respectfully person
inshaallah god help me god bless every one i hope
i want the life partnor this time im very disturb iwant enjoey my life i hope god help me and my life partnor is beautiful heart and goodloocking

Date single man from United States. I recently decided it was time for me to meet someone to hang out with and have some fun. I am open for just about anything. I do not drink or smoke, but I still like to go out and party from time to time. Although, I must admit that I prefer a quiet night at home over a loud night at a club. I work as an exterminator and I am going to school full time. I got a very late start on school but so far so good. I have 2 years left to graduate and then I will start another chapter in my life. If your interested let me know I will be happy to tell you more.

Meet a soulmate from United States. i want someone that will express their love to me as i do them. someone that will be there for me know matter what life takes us through.someone to share my time with and is family oriantaded,i love life and what it has to offer.

Date someone special from Apache Junction, United States. I am a simple down to earth kind of guy. Honesty, integrety, and sincerity are the key traits. I really enjoy the simple things in life, its the little things that make a big differance. Movies, hiking, camping, exploring, and just plan old hanging out are my favorite past times. I like to get crazy and have fun at times, but I am not looking for any wacky rushes. I am looking for a serious relationship. Friends first ofcourse. see you soon :)Nice down to earth with a good heart and mind. That one line says alot. Average looks suit me fine, I grow to like people the most for who they are not what they are. Looks will only impress me for a short period of time, then who you really are will shin through. The people I enjoy being with the most are the ones that I grow to enjoy.

Meet a man from Apache Junction, United States. I never know what to say about myself without sounding corny.. Get to know me and you'll see I am a caring, compassionate, funny person to be around. I have 2 wonderful kids who are my life. But now they're getting older and I am looking for someone to spend time with me.
I am looking for someone that is fun to be around and likes to have fun.

Date single man from Apache Junction, United States. My friends describe me as meing nice funloving guy. I am to nice most of the time, and alot of people take advantage of that. I am very kind, and I have a big heart.I am also shy and quiet, and never no what to say.
I am kind of the old fashion kind. I alwyas try to open doors, I like to hold hands, and cuddle on the couch.
Family is important to me, I do talks to my parents a couple times a week, they even come out to my work when they can to visit with me for a few min. I have 1 younger brother, That I do try to talk to once a week. It is hard though since we are both always busy.
What I am looking for is someone that is kind and trustworthy. Someone that won't mind if I call them once or twice a day just to say how, and to see how there day is going. Someone that like to go out and do things with, and also likes to stay in and relax.