Date men from United States / Arizona / Hereford, 41 year old

Date a man from Hereford, United States. looking for someone to hang out with and see where life takes us.. if its meant to be then that is great.. if it's not than maybe we made new friends..
ultimate goal is is to laugh from my soul.. want the love i can't live without.. not the one i can live with
things i try and live by;
life is to short to wake up with regrets
love the people who treat you right
and forget the ones that don't
beleive that everything happens for a reason
if you get a chance,take it
if it changes your lfe, let it
nobody said life wuld be easy
they just promised it would be worth it

Meet a soulmate from Hereford, United States. My friends would desribed me as a bit closed off, but very funny to be around when you break that shell.
I like good drama TV shows and despise all reality TV shows, except for cooking shows like "Chopped". I go to the movies maybe about 3-4 times a year and am not much of a concert-goer. I am a bit of a closet nerd, but not a full blown nerd (no Star Trek uniform in my closet, sorry). I am nowhere near a great cook, but am trying to teach myself and improve.
I am overweight, but have been exercising and eating right for about 2 months now and have lost a few notches on my belt that I am confident enough to try something like this (dating site).
I don't care for beer or hard alcohol, but have been observed opening a bottle of wine now and then with a good meal.

Date someone special from Hereford, United States. i hang out with friends and watch sports, i bowl, and read...i would like to find someone to support me and i would support them in what they want to do......other than that the sky is the limit........