Date a guy from Arizona, United States. Hi! My name's Caleb.
I grew up with a great family and learned to work hard at a young age. I can be outgoing, but I enjoy getting to know one person very well more than making lots of friends. My idea of fun can be anything from a night out on the town, taking it easy around the house, or getting outside and exploring the incredible landscape of southwest Arizona.
I've had an interesting past few years. Through my job with the military, I've been able to travel and get to know all types of people. My experience in the Air Force has taught me more than I can fit in the 3,520 characters I have left. In short, I have loved (almost) every bit of it.
When I'm not in uniform, I'm either a college student or working on a farm (very possible career choice). It's not the type of farming that most people think! Ask if you're interested and I'd be happy to explain.
I am looking for an honest, dedicated woman who sees the value of family and relationships. I like someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind, but who is a team player and is willing to compromise when necessary.
Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I love going out and seeing what the world has given us and take in all it's beauty. I enjoy playing music and couldnt stay away from it if I tried. I want to see the world and make the best out of my life by learning what I can and passing it on for others to have the same.