Date women from United States / Arizona / Spring Valley, 51 year old

Date someone special from Spring Valley, United States. I am looking for someone who comes into my life by accident and stays on purpose. Well, maybe by doing this "Match" thing I guess I'm increasing the odds of an accident. When you work from home in a solitary career and live in a new town, you do what you have to do to make love happen.
I'm a writer and am new to San Diego. I'm from Chicago by way of Tucson. I work too hard and play too little. I'm iin one of the most beautiful places I've ever lived and have seen very little of it. Whether you're a native who can't wait to share it, or a newbie like me, count me in.
Are you adventurous, optimistic, open-minded, interested in everything just like a 5-year old and as good at telling stories as Bruce Springsteen? (The last is not a deal-breaker, but if you tell me about the most embarrassing thing that happened to you as a kid, that counts too.)
Do you like football? Any other sports? Do you like big dogs? Traveling? Do you know how to surf, or are you willing to learn with me?
Is great sex as still as much of a necessity in life as eating and Rock & Roll? Are you any good at it?
Do you have a bucket list?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.