Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 44 year old - page 3

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Dedicated family man, willing to try most anything. Always looking for a challenge. Seeking a woman with lots of energy and desire to experience life. Out of a long relationship that offered very little in terms of adventure. Travelling, talking about anything or nothing in particular, learning something new, having a good laugh. Enjoying the company of a true friend.

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. In the works...
I am a busy professional with passion for work and love for family and friends.
Definite and growing desire to share life experiences and develop a sincere friendship and intimate relationship with a woman who is ready and willing to experience and explore the goodness and love on offer...

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. My Profile expires July 4th, so if I don't respond right away or at all that's probably why.
This will take some thought. Check back soon. Error-Match needs 200 characters?
Laid back, easy going and get along with most people. Rather hang with humble humans than uptight people with something to prove.
I really want someone that is looking for adventure, down for spur of the moment ideas, trips etc. A healthy lifestyle, but that doesn't mean vice free. I do enjoy a cocktail here or there, but boy I'm only as good as I used to be once in awhile.
I'll add more soon...

Meet single man from Phoenix, United States. Who I am…
IT professional with no interest in geeky video games, lots of computers around the house, or the latest tech toys (usually). I am dedicated to my job and career, however, so long days are part of the package. My weekends and vacations are rarely interrupted, however.
I'm physically active, work out regularly, and watch what I eat...most of the time. Life gets boring without the cake and ice cream once in a while.
I enjoy the outdoors, flyfish, hike, design and build furniture in my shop, participate in shooting sports, travel and explore (mostly in the Southwest), hang out at bookstores, drink more coffee than I should, and don't like chocolate. Yes, that last is not a typo. Any chocolate is yours. :-)
I prefer to take the road less traveled, regardless of how long it takes, as long as I have enough water and gas. I've found some interesting places by accident but admittedly get lost once in a while. It's part of the fun.
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've got the pilot thing done but the astronaut seems a bit of a reach now. I'm not giving up yet, though!
I'm a bit of a closet artist. Photography is a passion of mine. I see art in everything, including some of my woodworking projects. I enjoy museums, art shows, galleries, and First Fridays.
I'd rather sleep with the window open than have the a/c on (when it's actually comfortable for it). I tend to get up early, even on the weekends.
I feel like I'm organized but have my cluttered moments. There is room for improvement in just about anything I do. I'm okay with that. :-)
I do not like cooking but enjoy helping out. I'm not bad on the grill, though.
I do not enjoy the young child lifestyle. If you have younger children (any age without the "teen" at the end), I'm not the right choice for you. Nor am I interested in future kids. I'll stick to my dogs and leave child rearing to those who enjoy it. I've been told I'm a pretty good uncle, though. :-)
I am not into sports, particularly on TV. I don't really watch a lot of TV at all. I'll go to the occasional game of some sort but have no idea what the statistics are nor really care. I just enjoy the experience.
Who you are…
Easy to laugh, smarter than the average bear, reasonably fit and open to exploring.
You’re not into the Scottsdale club scene but you enjoy a night at the local bar with friends and a pool table once in a while.
You read regularly but don’t have to have a library of books.
You enjoy movies of all kinds or will at least sit quietly through my action fix since I’ll do the same with your chick flicks. ;-)
You’re curious about anything and enjoy trying new things.
You either have pets or enjoy them, particularly dogs (that’s a deal breaker, btw…I’ll always have a dog or two around).
You like to travel, either for the weekend or longer to close or far away places.
You’re comfortable with who you are, recognizing that there is always room for improvement and that’s just part of life.
Who we are…
Friends at first...and see where things go. The spark must be there or anything more won’t work without it. We hold hands often and aren’t shy about it. We send each other texts or e-mails for no reason. I send you flowers whenever I can, just appreciating who you are to me.
We enjoy doing a lot of things together but are independent enough where we’re not in each other’s back pockets…unless we want to be.
We laugh a lot, look forward to seeing each other, and hurt a little when parting ways…but always eager for the next visit.

Date someone special from United States. I enjoy the simple things in life - taking my dog for a walk, hanging out with family and friends, good food and drink. I like traveling, trying different restaurants, and relaxing on nice a beach. I'm a pretty laid back guy who works hard but understands life is about having fun. I live by the golden rule and try to avoid any kind of drama. I believe that working out and being physically active are an important part of life and it heIps me stay balanced. I appreciate someone with a sense of humor who is not afraid to laugh at themself. I want to find a best friend, someone who believes in honesty, loyalty, and integrity. Having similair interests is important, but sharing new experiences is what I look forward to.

Meet a man from United States. I am Personable, Charming, Generous, Witty and Easy Going!
I’m not much into Pubs or Clubs but, once I get a few drinks in me. I discover Rhythm!
I enjoy going to the movies (with a companion) and putting jalapenos on my popcorn instead of butter.
A nice romantic dinner once a week is mandatory once a match is made. More over a relaxing vacation to somewhere exotic
yearly should be on the todo's as well.
Some activities I enjoy are road cycling with some friends and mountain bike riding with my brother generally on the weekends. But, sometimes I just have to take a day off during the weekday and enjoy what Arizona has to offer.
Scuba diving in warm exotic climates is another activity I enjoy.
Im adaptable to most activities...except pole dancing!
Likes: Nice Smiles, Kissable Lips, Humor!
Dislikes: Hoarders, Dentures, Prison Records?

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a smart ass whose funny and affectionate. Great self esteem. love kids and animals. love exercise, roller coasters and water slides, scuba diving, cooking dinner and breakfast, being a gentleman, not in any rush. looking for a woman who is in good shape, excited about life, needs a challenge and loves to vacation often even weekend trips to cal. likes to cuddle and kiss. doesn't need someone to be happy.

Meet single man from United States. hi my name it toddy boy 007 and i am frome los angleses california. i currently live in the city of phoenix arizona. i have four beautiful kids all of which are in school getting their education i am a personal trainer working and helping people freach their fithnness goals

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. A smile that makes my heart stop a heart of gold and an uncoditional love that only children give Theseare what i am lookig for i am an easy ging man love kids love like there is no tomorrow.Im tired of fightig an just want a pure love

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I am a father of 2 awesome teens who I see often. I am intelligent and can carry on meaningful conversations. I like being spontaneous, adventurous, and romantic. I'm looking for someone to laugh with, hang out with, and have fun with! I feel there has to be mutual physical attraction for there to be good chemistry between two people as well as sensuality and affection. Having some similar interests helps, some things I enjoy are Happy hour, motorcycle rides,watching movies, travelling, going on day trips up north, having romantic nights at home, cuddling, and basically having a blast together. I am at a place in life where I enjoy what I do, but would love to have someone to share those special moments with. I am looking for that special someone who makes my face light up at the sound of thier voice, the sight of thier face or even a text to say hello. I'm looking for somebody who is just as happy sharing a bottle of wine and a video at home,as easily as a night on the town. I tend to be pretty happy go lucky. I like to think of myself as confident but not a jerk. I understand that there's a time to give and be loving and understanding. I also believe in standing up for what I believe. I'm always there for my friends and loved ones.
So, if you have read this far you should probably send me an email so we can get together - sparks may fly!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm easy going with a wicked sense of humor.
Looking for someone who can carry on a coherent conversation about something other than what's in People magazine.
Looking to avoid religious and political fanatics.
Looking for someone who believes in the imminent zombie apocalypse :P

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Semi-charming, intelligent, witty, occasionally downright funny and devastatingly handsome. (One of these things doesn't belong here.)
Don't hassle me. I'm a native. Excluding two fun yet frigid years in Chicago (North Side. Cubs. Giordano’s.).
Pets are negotiable. Unless they have special little outfits. Or if they're a particularly evil cat.
Two out of two nieces and nephews (and nine out of ten dentists) say that I'm the coolest Uncle around.
Miscellany: I've taught Junior Achievement to 3rd-graders, I've been to a Super Bowl, I've taken improvisation classes at The Second City in Chicago, defenestration is one of my favorite words, I've never watched anything "with the Stars," I prefer Pepsi over Coke, the customer is not always right and I've held both an Olympic gold medal and a Super Bowl Ring.
I'd like to find an interesting, funny, intelligent and witty woman to get to know and enjoy the pleasure of her company.
I am always impressed with women that hold their own, if not exceed, my attempts at "smart" and "funny." I'm fairly bright and fairly humorous, but, I'm not intimidated by women who are brighter, funnier and have their altogether more together than I do. In fact, I find that combination to be highly desirable and bitchin'.