Date men from United States / Arizona / Glendale, 44 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a single good looking father of five boys, I have full custody of my 2 youngest 11 and 13 and my 17, 19, and 21 year old live in Litchfield with there mom and step dad. I am looking for someone that is out going, fun, funny, likes to do things and likes to go to sporting events I love foot ball games, I love to camp, and I also like to just snuggle and watch a movie. I hate drama and games and will not deal with it, I have had enough of that in my life. i am just looking for someone to have fun with and if the chemistry is there then we go from there.there is so much about me but you will have to get to know me to trully know the real me, im really fun and funny. I am also really conpassionate and caring but strong and fearless at the same time. I have Tattoos and I love tattoos, but if you have none its all good. Oh and I'm a great cook in and outside the house, I love grilling and smoking food. I'm right here come and get me, you will not be disipointed.
My ideal match would be a strong independant woman that is stable, someone that doesn't mind getting dirty and having fun, someone that likes to get dressed up for a night out on the town or a weekend out of town. Someone that likes to watch sports weather at home, in a sports bar, or going to a game. I'm not looking for a servant, I am a grown man and capable of getting my own dinner or doing my own laundry but it is nice to do things together, part of having a healthy relationship is enjoying doing things for each other and doing things together, I don't believe in the theory of this is your job and this is mine, it should be a unity. I am a faithful dedicated loving man to the woman that I am with, I can't stand insecure jealous women, I would never give you a reason to feel that way. I'm looking for a princess to cherish and share a happy, fun joyful life with, It's that simple, is there someone out there that is looking for the same thing? Oh and yes I smoke and have been trying to quit for some time, I have tried diferent types of medication and spent alot of money trying to quit, if anyone has any good ideas I am all ears.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I am 44 yys old recently seperated .Have 2 kids they live with me 10 yr old boy 19 yr old girl.Like to cook especially BBQ spend time with family and friends. Looking for some one to hang out with ,have a nice dinner,watch a good movie or just stay at home n relax,live in glendale.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. You ---
positive attitude
not a deparate man stalker
friendly /flirty with your guy
drama free / not arguementitive
not wanted by the federal govornment
brave enough to take the chance and meet a great guy. (me)
not a not scammer from west africa.... real American girls only need apply ....
not insane (criminaly or otherwise- crazy about me is an exception I am willing ot
Sound like you? Then email me.....I'm available
More about your future boyfriend....(lol)
Im just average guy looking for a very special girl.......... maybe it's you
Im probably not like "most" guys. I am not really into watching sports on TV, or spending my time drinking at the bar with the boys. I do like to play sports or hit the gym when / if I get a chance, and I may, on occasion go out to a bar, but its not something that is really important to me, I'm definately someone with a drinking problem.
I have two daughters, 11 and 14 and I try very to be a great dad, Getting that right is important to me. my match will need to be ok with a guy who has kids. I dont require that you have kids to date me but you must understand that I do, and I wont be dumping on them for a new girlfriend. as far as future kids are concerned, I'm really flexable on that issue, When I meet the right girl It isnt a deal breaker either way, I love kids so having another child would be great with me, and as I allready have two if my girl is done with that or just doesnt want children... I'm allready covered. I am the oldest of eight, so I grew up with alot of kids around and I love and enjoy childern, its just not a deal breaker. My goal is to meet the right girl, she is what need in my life more kids is optional.
I have been in phoenix since 1989. I grew up in Iowa, so I learned those "midwestern values" so if you dont require the challange of a guy who lies or cheats Im probably the right guy for you . I would love to meet a gal who also has those kind of values. You need not necessarily be from the midwest as long as you are a woman of integrity, but bonus points are available for a beautiful girl from the midwest !!
I believe that it is important to do for yourself, but equally important to be the kind of person who is willing to do for others as well. Im a guy that in a relationship, treats his girl well, I know how to love, respect, and show that I value the love of a beautiul woman. I have done quite a bit of volenteer work and continue to at current.
For the ladies who's universe revolves around themselves... Im not the guy for thanks.. being selfish or having an ugly personality is a big turn off. Please be a girl with a positive attitude, a warm heart, and a charming personality, I am a passionate person in life and love, if you are a girl that tends to take her guy for granted, I'll pass. if on the other hand you know how to show your man that you feel passionaltely about him.... Im a sucker for that kind of girl. being with a woman who knows how to show her guy that he is loved and valued is a huge turn on. pleaase be that kind of girl.
I guess Im just your honest, loyal guy who would love to find a beautiful girl, with similar interests / values and put a smile on her face for the rest of her life....simple as that
drama free
good with kids
not afraid to meet you
not broke -employed
not a liar or a cheater
not desparate or a stalker
ready to be somebodys greatest love
Knows how to treat a beautiful woman with love and respect
not wanted by the federal govornment, the state of Arizona (or any other)
and if you act now you too can get all of this for just five easy payments!
is threre still such a thing as a woman who is as beautiful inside as she is outside???
I hope so, because that's the kind of girl I'm looking for. if that sounds like you.... happiness is just a mouse clck away

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Don't sweat the small stuff. Choose your battles wisely. Kiss ur kids goodnight. Don't say u love someone unless u mean it. Tell the one u love u love them before falling asleep. Follow through. Don't make promises u can't keep. Hold the door open for someone. Say thank you. U only live once. Be careful what u say, words can cut like knives. Respect your elders. Pay it forward. Smiles and compliments are free. Stand by the one u love. 44 is the new 34. You are only as old as you act. Life is too short. Break off the rear view mirrow and don't look back.

Date a soulmate from Glendale, United States. 1. My friends would say fun and genuine.
2. I smile a lot and am a fun positive person but seeing my boys always puts a smile on my face (well 99% of the time) lol.
3. My biggest accomplishment without a doubt is being a great dad and raising my boys to become great men. After that my career.
4. I am grateful for the man I have become after being broken four years ago. After being married for 17 years divorce came. I look back at the pain and hurt and how I turned a negative into a major positive. No substitute for experience. You learn so much about what's important and how to handle the up's and downs of life but most importantly about yourself.
5. What am I looking for in a women. Well, the usual stuff but a women who enjoys taking care of herself, who likes fashion, who can laugh and hold a conversation.
6. My social life revolves around my friends and family happy hour on fridays, nice dinners, birthdays. I am a big believer in celebrating important days.
7. Many things male me laugh. Life is a crack up.
8. I am looking for somebody who can make a commitment.
9. Most passionate about my kids. I would love to find a women that I could include in that sentence.

Meet a man from Glendale, United States. Hi I’m Seth. I spent the first 16 years of my life on the East Coast and then moved West, so now my friends say I am a hybrid—an interesting mix of East Coast and West Coast.
From the East, I definitely learned to speak my mind, and I also developed the drive and passion to take some risks at a young age. I was only a month out of college when I started working onboard Air Force One. What an incredible experience! To this day I actually don’t know how I got the job—I literally just got a phone call out of the blue one day and they asked me if I’d like to work for the President. Um…yes!
From the West, I’ve developed a passion and compassion for animals and the environment. I volunteer at an animal shelter every week and have been a vegetarian for most of my life.
While I’m not looking for the “female me” I would love to share some of my interests with the person I meet. In particular it would be great if she shares my passion for health (I would love a workout buddy) and animals.
I’m looking for someone who is friendly, likes to laugh, can handle my sometimes-sarcastic humor, and is a good conversationalist. Loyalty is important to me—I’d do anything for a friend. In fact, I am the most loyal person I ever met. :)
To sum up the east and west stuff. I lived in NY until the age of 16 then moved to Sedona at age 16. Parents bought me a motorcycle and I was and riding. I had a really fun upbringing :)
I would love to get together sometime and see if we click. Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Date single man from Glendale, United States. I am a hopeless romantic. I'm looking for that once in a lifetime romance. Nothing makes me feel more like a man than treating a lady like a princess. I enjoy opening doors,pulling chairs out, holding hands, and yes, writing love letters to that special lady I can trust with my deepest feelings. I am very outgoing, But sometimes shy. I'm not afraid to take chances but try to be cautious, I'm looking for someone sweet, kind, honest and knows what she wants. I try to enjoy the small things in life and find that appreciation is one of the cornerstones for happiness. I'm looking for someone who feels the same way, some one who isn't afraid to laugh at herself. I enjoy sports, traveling, going on long trips, cooking and working out. Staying in good shape and healthy is important to me and my faith is important to me. I eat extremely healthy but can't say no to a plate of cheese enchiladas.I love my job and run my own company. I love business, politics, and yes, complaining about the government. Don't worry,I do it just for fun, It's a family tradition. I'm looking for someone who wants to laugh, get the most out of this gift we call life, live spontaneously, and go on adventures but can also sit back and enjoy the quite times. I'm looking for a woman that knows how to treat a man like a man. I'm looking for a woman that I can give my strength to and knows what to do with it. Are you her? Physically, I find myself attracted to women that are slim and athletic to curvy. I love a woman that tries to take care of herself But I find that the sexiest part of a woman is her eyes and her attitude. Please, I'm not looking for perfection, in fact, it is your imperfections I take delight in but if you don't try to take care of yourself, please don't waste your time. If you've read this far then perhaps you are looking for the same also and perhaps something I have said speaks to your heart and I thank you for your interest and time you have taken. Perhaps you are the one I am looking for and perhaps I am the man for you. I hope you are. In any case, I wish you well and that all your dreams come true.

Meet someone special from Glendale, United States. I grew up in England and moved to the USA as an adult, so I still have the English accent. However, I am now a proud US citizen.
Sincerity and honesty are very important to me. I am a Bible believing Christian and want to find someone with the same faith and values.
I love life and love to make people laugh and smile. I tend to see the glass half full rather than half empty.
I think life should be lived on purpose and we should passionately pursue our goals rather than just waiting or hoping they come towards us.
I am looking for a real, genuine and tender hearted lady to be friends with and then see if anything more develops. Sense of humor is a must, a positive outlook on life and a companion. Someone who wants to learn and discover new things and adventure each day. If she is also romantic and affectionate then that would be just perfect.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm looking for a best friend.....she has to be charming, educated, have a cute personality, have integrity, good friends and family, and who has formulated a few goals.
Also, it would be a plus if she had here nails and toes painted and polished and liked to wear strappy shoes.... I love the strappy shoes:) I really think its sexy when a girl has a sense for fashion.
I have a basset hound and she's my only baggage. I'm debt free and plan on staying that way. I love to golf, and follow football, baseball and basketball. I'm a huge Broncos, Cardinals, Sun Devils, Suns and Yankess fan.
My family is very important to me. I have an incredible sister and brother in law, and brand new little nephew,which I adore, and my parents are extremely supportive and live a few fairways away. Like most families they are far from perfect, but I feel fortunate to have them around. I hope your family is a part of your lives as well.
I try and live a healthy life style. I try and hit the gym atleast a few times a week , hiking the mountain by my house, and watch what I eat.

Meet a man from United States. I have 3 kids the youngest is 17 so I am home by myself most of the time.
So i am just looking for someone to hang out with and have fun.
I work nights and have my days off in the middle of the week so I am also looking for someone that there schedule will kind of match up so we can spend time together.

Date single man from United States. to be upfront and honest, I am seperated 3 years now, she cheated and took off.... that being said, If I viewed your profile its cause something really caught my eye, your eyes, I look at the eyes first for they are the gateway to the soul, do they sparkle or dance with life or are they soft and angelic...but just cause i didnt wink or send a message doesn't mean there wasn't an intrest on my behalf, it may be your limits in your profile and dont know if you are flexible. I am not a full subscriber (yet) and history has shown me that most of you out there don't accept winks anyway. I have also found that most of you around my age have a hard time keeping up cause I am very upbeat, silly and absolutely love to explore and have fun! I am a 44 year old with the mind set of 30 and most agree i dont look my age. I have a few extra pounds and I am not really fat but stocky or burlly. If any chance to get out of town comes up...yeah... you will find me in the truck already waiting panting like a pup still trying to get my socks just like to have as much fun as possible...I have seen enough bad (in the Army) to last me a lifetime.
I am starting over, but not by choice, and its a bit scary, but I am laid back and look for the dare to be great moments so let the fun beguin. I STILL believe in Gentlemanly ways, holding the door, walking to the outside, or rising when a woman aproaches or leaves the table. I am full of life and love laugh. My son is 8 and my pride and joy (he will steal your heart ladies), although not with me all the time, we are still a package deal and he is everything in the world to me, so yes you can say i am VERY family oriented !!! If u take a chance and get to know me, you will find I wear my heart on my sleeve, I hide nothing nor do i have anything to hide, I find that expressing ones self ALWAYS lets people know where they stand, granted i can bite my tongue when necessary to avoid drama...I dislike drama, but i am very honest to a fault, extremely faithful, loyal, devoted, kind, gentle, caring and loving teddy bear. I love kids and most anilmals. I am looking for a my true ANGEL... Is it you... r u sure? A woman that is prefered to be slim, slender, petite or athletic...if not i am truely sorry i am not trying to be mean...a woman who TRUELY knows FAITH, LOYALTY, HONESTY, CARING, LOVING, DEVOTION, and can keep up with the laughs, quite times, snuggle times, caring moments and most of all all the special moments that are shared and treasured.
I am adventureous, favorite thing to do is camping (i have a cabin) and exploring, especially GHOST towns and Historical places. I can have fun most anywhere and usualy do something silly on a whim just to get that special someone laughing, why?? cause i can and its in my nature. To all those hopeless romantics out there seeking the same and a gentleman to need only to take a small chance here, I am very real, upfront and sincere and looking for the same....REMEMBER TO : pray for that someone special, wish for the best in others, and never stop reaching for the stars....I do hope u will be daring and take a small leap of faith...

Meet someone special from United States. my friends tell me that i can make any one smile
i have never been shy and im very out going ,i love just being outside if its just for a walk or hanging out back feeding the birds ,im looking for some one that can make me smile and laugh some one that will enjoy the back roads and good music as much as me im not a sports fan at all there are to many thing to see and do with out a TV .i no there is a special lady that is as passionate about life and seeing new places as me , i dont no what else to say lol