Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 44 year old - page 11

Date a man from United States. I am an optimistic, healthy-minded, educated, professional in the real estate business. My girl will be one or some or all of the above, but I don't really care about that if you are sweet and generous with your heart.
My life is great and I look forward to accomplishing a lot this year. Warrior dash in April, Mexico in June, buy a rental condo or two, continue my home improvement projects. What's on your to do list?
I'm looking for someone or something different. I'm attracted to sweet, outgoing, athletic, outdoorsey types.
I like yoga, but I prefer tennis. Would you hit balls with me if I did madrasanas with you?
I like running, but I prefer hiking. If I went on a run with you and your dogs, would you scramble up Camelback with me?
Don't be shy!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I trust in God!, but I'm not a Saint!, I'm Human! and I'm Romantic, Down to Earth, Formal, Responsable, Passional, I like to joke and play. I love Nature and Woman.
I love the really values of life (no materialist issues)
The essence of woman make me feel plenty of Happiness!, I love taking and possessing my woman in my arms with care and love and see her eyes and express how much I love her and how much my hearth is anxious for loving with care, passion, and tenderness.
Love, love and love!...
The only valuable reason to be in this life!
I look for a lady who:
Values the really true of life like: Love, Nature and Romantic ambient instead materialism.
Woman who enjoy and value: trusting, caring and faithful.
"Woman" is the best "Creation" of God, she is "Sweetness", "Tenderness", "Love",
"Beautiful", "Intelligent", her silhouette is the "Perfection" of Nature!... Her "Natural Essence" is better than the most sophisticated perfum in the world!... She represent the "Life" because with only one word she is able to change our ambient so then, our world!, she is "Magic!"... She deserves our care, our most admiration, she has to be loved with all the power of our soul! with all of our passion! and all of our hearth!...

Date single man from United States. My friends would describe me as a nice person and out going personality.
What makes me smile is a beautiful who has nice smile.
My accomplishments that I'm proud of is a I have college degree.
What I'm grateful for is a great family.
The type of woman I'm trying to attract blonde and blue eyes.
My social life is ok.
My what me laugh out loud is a great comedian.

Meet someone special from United States. Looking for someone who I can be best friends with. A person who continously pursues being better for themselves by serving others. Not judgemental, doesn't have a critical spirit, down-to-earth. An encourager...

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. I am that genuine, down to earth, got his act together kind of guy that I hear women are dreaming about! Being honest, true and having respect are ideals I hold dear to my soul. I have no skeletons in my closet, so I have no reason to be fake. I am the type of person that can hold a conversation on a serious subject, yet I can laugh like an idiot at myself two minutes later. I am comfortable just waking up and going, let's say on a camping trip, in ratty shorts and a tee-shirt, but I also feel great when I can dress up and go out for a nice dinner out in town or on a vacation. Totally comfortable and at ease with both. I love my job and the future in my career. I work hard, put my time in, but I don't bring my work home with me. I enjoy my quality time to share with my friends and family. Both are very important to me...
I am looking for a girl that knows what she wants, both now and in the future. Hopefully she enjoys some of the things I like to do, yet feels comfortable bringing something new to the table. I would like to her to hold close to her some of the same ideals that I find so important. I would like her to be open and honest, down to earth, don't be fake. I think it is possible for a women to have class and grace, yet be a complete fool at times as well. WE have to laugh at ourselves. So if you think you fit the bill, then I would love to hear from you....And then we can have fun learning about each other!!

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Somebody who is flexible and easy going....I am attracted to femininity (pretty nails, etc.) but someone who can also be "one of the guys" in "sweat pants and a baseball cap." A fun night out on the town might be a good hotel lounge, visiting an art gallery or turning martini glasses upside down!


Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. I'm a positive person who was raised right and went through a wonderful marriage and raised three awesome children. I'm divorced now but have a friendship with my ex-wife. We raised a 17 year-old daughter and 15 year-old twin sons but separated about a year ago. Divorced now and I'm ready to look for another person to share my happy life with. My twin sons will soon be living with me and I'd love to meet someone who could do things with me and also with us three happy guys! I've only a few years before they grow up and want to start doing things on their own without dad and need to make the most of it.
I also want to make the most of my time and share this with a positive woman who sees this as a good thing. I am a positive person and very thankful for what life has brought to me and want to share that with someone else now as well. Moc Tod Elddilttocs ta Ttocs is my favorite online movie! I don't drink myself but have no problem going out to a bar to watch a band on the weekends. I just need someone who wants to be positive as well with their lives and looks forward rather than back as that's the only way we can travel in our lives. I can go out or stay in and either one is okay with someone who wants to do it smiling.
Okay, anymore than that's going to have to be discussed! :)

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I am a professional manager and retired military. I like the outdoors and sporting events. I am looking to meet a quiet and adventurous lady for some fun and more. I do not have any small children at this time but no problem if you are still raising the little ones.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. im a good guy, normal, nice, attractive, and staying fit is a priority. im looking for a solid relationship with a sweet lady who has her act together and isnt looking to perruse the bars on a regular basis. a simple woman with a good sense of humor. if you know how to bake that is a plus.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Time for another rewrite.
So, here's every cliche you've ever read on here all wrapped into one:
"I'm in search of my soul mate, because I know you're out there. Though not much is missing in our lives, we are missing from each others. I'm looking for a life-long relationship that makes me wonder, 'where has this been all my life?' A relationship filled with passion, based on trust, support, respect, friendship, and ultimately love. I want to fall down laughing with one look from you, and I want you to do the same with one look from me. I want to cheer and encourage your every endeavor as you do all of mine, and when we endeavor together, nothing can stop us. We aren't perfect, but we are perfect together." How did I do, did I get them all?
I don't want all of that to seem like a complete joke because it is all true, but how do you say it without sounding like every other guy on here? I tried to work the word “boobs” in, but it I just couldn't make it work this time.
Though I joke A LOT, I really am looking for more than a casual relationship. I have two amazing nieces (both 5) that have convinced me, I want a family. I don't think that was their intention, they mostly wanted me to chase them, stick things in my ears and sit still so they could jump on my head, but that's what happened in the end.
I love to travel, eat, drink, and cook interesting things. I have a great family, we are all very close and you'll love them. My friends? Well, I like them, and I think you'll like them, but I can't guarantee it like I can my family. I will make you laugh at things you never thought could be funny. I'm a tragically unsuccessful but persistent gardener (I need good tomatoes in my life!). I love Napa and Sonoma and get there at least once every other year. I love kids, I’m not going to run if you already have some, and if we have some together, that's even better. I don't always follow the rules, but I’m not a criminal, I just think outside of the box. My work comes in waves, I work very hard and very long hours for a few weeks at a time, and then I go weeks with almost nothing to do...I like to take advantage of those down times. I love using the D-backs as an excuse to travel. I'm very laid back and stress about very little, life is just too much fun to let stress get in the way of enjoying it.
I find brilliant women irresistible.
What do I hope for in you? I hope you laugh easy, and laugh at yourself as much as you laugh at me. I hope you wash your hands after using the bathroom. I hope you are intellectually curious and enjoy conversations about things great and small. I hope you enjoy family gatherings. I hope you love wine, food and travel. I hope you love to explore our own back yard or the other side of the planet. I hope you don't watch reality TV, but I'll deal if you do. I hope you have some family cooking secrets you're willing to share. I hope you live a reasonably healthy lifestyle, but you don't have to be crazy about it. I hope you are serious about finding something that will last a lifetime. Finally, I hope I find you or you find me soon so we can get started on the rest of this adventure together.
I live in the NW Valley, so I'm hoping you live north of Camelback-ish...or are willing to move immediately (in a non-stalker kind of way) once you find out how amazing I am!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I`m a homebody but,I love to explore so,I can bring home treasures to share. I`m a listener,open minded,self dissiplined,shy to the illusion of outer beauty,because inner beauty is harder to find,a life long friend,we`ll find new depths in being alive,we will pretend for nobody,but ourselves. I always liked playing house or doctor when,I was a kid,I would like to find that again and our innocence!