Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 39 year old - page 7

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I am looking for a nice attractive woman that is secure and is not afraid to speak her mind but can have a nice conversation but not always feel like its a argument. Difference in opinions doesnt mean that its an arguement its actually healthy you really get to learn something from the other person. I like a woman that isnt afraid to tell me what she wants and goes after it. I like a woman to be assertive and aggressive and wants the same to a certain degree. I am very open and want them to be as well. I never judge a book by its cover so please dont judge me untill you have at least met me and spent sometime with me. It does take a little bit to get to know me I am kind of shy at first but open up when I feel comfortable. I hope to hear from you soon.

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. looking for soulmate,laughing is important. never judge someone and never care to be judged.posisitive heart and a funny a passionate guy , strong inside and out, looking for who is the same.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I don't like to write about myself. It's seems egotistical and it's not accurate. It always seems to come out as something you want people to think you are, and not really who you are. I'm just a regular guy. I have a lot of tattoos and sometimes people can't look past that. So much so that when I meet someone for the first time I always wear long sleeves so they will look at me and not my arms. I hope to meet someone who see's me for who I am; a funny, average looking guy who has a lot to offer the right woman.
I decided to update this part right here recently. I have to admit I don't know how this online dating is suppose to work, or what I'm really suppose to write. I deleted a bunch of frivolous nonsense and I'm cutting straight to the point; I don't want go to bars to meet women anymore. It just doesn't work out. I'm done playing. I just want to hang out with someone who is funny, smart and attractive... in that order.
If you like what you see send me a wink or something and we'll go from there, but a warning...if you have more than 1 profile photo of yourself at a bar with a drink in your hand getting crazy with your girlfriends, it's probably not gonna work out. I'm not a party at the bar kinda guy. I'm a drink a couple beers and watch the game at the bar kinda guy, or even have a glass of wine while enjoying my steak and the atmosphere kinda guy.

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. friends say i am humble, funny , cheerful,and outgoing. When people meet me for the first time they see me as a serious type of guy , after we conversate thier like " you're a cool guy to hang around with". I have a serious side of me but that's when i am talking buisness or working on a job other than that i'm always smiling or have a smile on my face never a dole moment when my friends hang out with me.Life is to full of joy and happiness to be sad. I picked up this quote that i like ( take life one day at a time ) it's something that i like to think or say it once it just keeps me happy and focus makes me accomplish my goals or task for the day...I am looking for a gorgeous women that always has a smile and enjoys life who likes to go out and have fun, but can spend some quantity time together at home. A women that knows how to carry herself respect other and show kindness toward others a plus. A women that's secure,ambitious,focus, knows what she wants in life is what i am looking for.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I live in a small old house, I raise chicken and grow veggie, I eat rice and chicken eggs (that the only thing i know how to cook) mostly I eat at Jack in the box and McDonald.
I'm a quiet guy, looking for nice looking face female, don't care much about fat or thin

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
To: [Insert your friend, family member name here],
I’m writing to you today to share some good news. I’ve met someone interesting. Yeah, I know, I’ve said that before but this one truly is different.
To start, he is honest, caring and overall is just kind-hearted. He opens doors for people and treats everyone with respect.
You know how you can talk to many people about all kinds of different topics? Well, not only do we talk about them, he is actually eager to listen and learn about a different perspective. Oh yeah, and when we can’t seem to completely agree, we always can find that common ground and agree to disagree.
He is a native to Phoenix and he does a lot of traveling within Arizona. We enjoy taking day trips and finding those little “hole in the wall” restaurants that have great food. We seem to have a good time whether we’re staying in watching movies, games, talking, etc. or going out to a show, sporting event, zoo, site seeing or taking in some other local event. When we’re not together, we both have found ourselves daydreaming about the other, often leading to that spontaneous phone call just to hear the other’s voice.
As you know, I love animals and get a kick out of his resident cat and a visiting houseguest dog. We find ourselves cracking up about the simplest little things, and we’ve both got each other laughing out loud. It is so nice to have someone else who has that same optimistic attitude towards life, the world, and ultimately people too.
There’s no need to worry about all that basic stuff with him either. He’s so clean the police not only can’t find a rap sheet on him, they can’t even find his name in their system! Job situation is under control too – he owns and operates his own small business.
Although it’s hard to say where any relationship will go, we both agree we have found a friendship and are both eager to see if this can grow into that long-term relationship we both would like.
I’ll keep you posted on how this develops, and I’m looking forward to the day where you could meet him.
[Insert your name here]
Sound interesting to you? Let me hear from you.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. cool person to chill with, no drama. Play and have fun with someone who can not talk about themselves all the time.
happy where i'm at.
too tired for the clubs - dudes are dicks and girls are to in to themselves.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Am a nice guy a lonely teddybear who likes to do for his women? But also like it in return? Dont have kids but loves kids .very out spoken says wats on my mind ? Love to go out and have fun but loves to stay home too?trust is a big thing for me?loves to cook and go to the gym u like this hit me up?

Date single man from United States. Spontaneous, outdoorsy, responsible with a wild streak.
I recently bought my own house, now I can paint it any color I want - YEAH!
I like to check out different events, go to dinner or a movie. Trip to the river or a lake is fun too.
I'm looking for a woman to enjoy doing things together. And see where it goes from there.

Meet someone special from United States. Unsuccesful in love thus far, trying something new. Maybe you are too?
My friends say I have a big heart. Hoping you do too.
I am an established, educated, well traveled, professional individual with an outgoing personality. Staying fit and living a healthy active lifestyle are important to me. Looking to find that one to share all with.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a person that is driven. I like to set goals and achieve those goals. I'm looking for a person that likes to have fun and smiles a lot. I like riding atv's and enjoying outdoor activities. I own a Phoenix motorcycle/go-kart shop so I stay busy five days a week. I don't go out to the bars or drink that much, but enjoy watching movies at home or sometimes even the movie theatre. I'm hoping to attract a genuine sweetheart that likes shares my interests. I love spending time with my girl and am an old school gentleman.I need to get out more and would love to go camping, hiking, fishing, whatever. I'm open to trying things you have wanted to do as well, but haven't.

Meet a man from United States. I like to get outside whenever I can whether its going to a ballgame or hitting the road to get out of town.I'm looking for someone that can laugh at a good joke but dosent take life too serious.just looking for a real woman.