Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 39 year old - page 5

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. The internet didn't even exist last time I was single! I'm recently divorced after 14 years. Wife and I just grew apart and went our separate ways. I'm 39, no kids. I enjoy hanging out with my friends just laughing at dumb jokes and crazy life stories and with my friends, there is never a shortage! I'm looking for someone who can share that with me. I love my dog and enjoy the dog park or just walking. I would love a girl who is comfortable in jeans and a tee shirt just hanging out at home cooking watching a good movie. I absolutely hate the dance club scene and anywhere you have to pay to get it in and the music is so loud you can't talk!
I'm very fortunate to have a job I love, and more importantly that gives me tons of time off to travel. My next adventure? Mt. Everest base camp trek from Katmandu! Wanna go? :)

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. A little about me. I recently sold my van DOWN BY THE RIVER! and moved in with my parents. I don't have a car so you would have to pick me up and drive us around. Preferably a four seater since i have two pet chimpanzes KING and KONG that go everywhere with me. I also don't have a job, except on saturdays when i stand under the bridge with my cardboard sign. And last but not least if you believe any of which you just read and are not laughing right now then you don't have a sense of humor. In a nut shell looking for a girl with a good sense of humor who loves to travel. Who is happy with a night out on the town or a quiet night at home. O yeah, and if your not hard on the eyes that's cool too :)

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I've cancelled my membership. Sorry ladies... you had your chance. I was optomistic about this whole online thing however I really am starting to believe meeting people online like this will yield very little success. The human interaction is just not there. I wish you all well in your online search. I would have deleted my prOfile however I can't seem to figure out how to!!!

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I have an intense adventurous side, but can adjust to several situations. I try to capitalize on every minute of free time i am provided as well all have limited time to achieve and reach all the joys and obstacles we seek.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I have been using the same essay for a while, and the time seems right to switch things up. Here goes ...
I am a good guy and a good catch. I am currently relaxing for the summer, recharging my batteries before starting my eighth year as an elementary school teacher. I have been at the same school for the past seven years. I spent one year teaching fifth grade before beginning my tenure as a seventh grade social studies teacher. I have also taught writing, reading, a bit of math, and a slew of electives. I coach our girls' soccer team in the fall, and I pitch in here and there to help other clubs and sports whenever I can. I am working on my Master's degree in Educational Leadership by taking courses online through Grand Canyon University. It's a lot of work, but I am learning quite a bit as I strive to refine my craft and become a better teacher. I do not want -- at least not right now -- to become a principal. I like being in the classroom and on the ball field (and on stage -- I was a terrific Mad Hatter!) too much to sit in an office and distance myself from the students. My job is different every day, and I am very proud (and grateful) of the way I am able to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. There is nothing more rewarding than sharing that moment with a student when they finally "get it" -- unless it's having those kids come back to visit years after they leave my school to tell me how well they are doing in the next phase of their lives.
So, that's the teacher thing. Still reading? Good!
I spend my free time doing all sorts of normal stuff. I exercise, read (a lot), spend time with my family, go to the movies, and catch up on TV on DVD. I have travelled a little bit but want to get out on the road more often. I am not a fan of heights, so ziplining through Costa Rica is out -- sorry. But there is so much I want to do now that my career affords me the time and money to experience new things. Such as:
1) I want to learn how to snowboard and surf.
2) I want to learn how to cook. I can follow a recipe, but I want to develop my instincts in the kitchen.
3) I want to visit Australia, Tokyo, Italy, London, Moscow, and all of the states I have not been to yet (which is most of them).
4) I want to learn how to play guitar.
5) I want to learn how to play tennis.
And that's just the start! I am on Match because I believe there is someone out there to take that journey with me. Maybe you have already done some of those things, maybe you haven't but you want to -- either way, let's team up and tackle those challenges together. I took a while to figure out who I am and where I am going. Now it's time to move forward with somebody special. Is it you?
Send me a note and say hello. Every journey begins with one small step.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am funny, healthy, and think that respect is very important. Not much for writing on a computer, I would much rather talk on the phone or in person. I just think a computer is not very personal. Plus I like to hear people laugh. My family is the most important thing in the world. I enjoy long conversations over a nice dinner and a bottle of wine. I have old fashioned values and I believe a woman should be treated like a queen. ( The right woman ) I am down to earth and I tell it like it is, right, wrong or indifferent.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. My friends would describe as laid back and easy going for the most part. This is true in a lot of aspects of my life such as my personality and my responses to other people in my personal life. I do however have an in intense side and that comes out when I'm playing/training for rugby or at work teaching and coaching. My neices and nephews always make me smile and I love spending time with them. I am very proud of the fact that I finished college and am planning to go back for my graduate degree this upcoming year. I am also proud of the accomplihments I have made as a teacher and football coach. Athletics have always been a big part of my life so I am proud of the goals I have achieved in that arena as well. I am very grateful for my family they have always been supportive of me and I truly owe them everything. I always enjoy spending time with them whenever possible. I am hoping to attract a woman that is down to earth, has a similar sense of humor, views family as impotant and over all someone who just gets along with me and vice a versa. As far as my social life is concerned I enjoy rugby which has a social side to it, I usaually like to go to dive bars instead of clubs but occasionaly I can get dragged out to a club. i like listening to live music as well, I can listen to just about anything. Things that make me laugh are stupid movies ie. "Stepbrothers", ruanchy jokes, I love stand-up comedy and people watching. Right now what I want to get out of being on match is someone I can hang out and enjoy free time together with. Serious relationships have their good points and bad points, I have mostly found that the good outweighed the negative. I'm looking for someone who wants to get into serious relationship at some point and see where it goes from there. I am by no means opposed to marriage and see myself being there relativley soon but not after one date or two dates, or even 6 months for that matter. I am using Match to help me meet more people and find the person I want to be in a serious relationship with.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am described by my friends as a honest, trustworthy, loyal friend that always watches your back. I am often the person that goes out of the way to make sure everone is having a good time. I am looking for someone that is fun, witty and wants to be a good friend.

Date a man from United States. My friends say I am a easy going guy. I like to laugh and have fun. I like to workout as much as I can but am not a gym rat. I like to jog and usually run in some 5 and 10k events. I love football and usually you can find me watching games on Sundays. Yes I am a Cardinals fan and hope just maybe someday we can WIN a superbowl. Hey I can dream right??? Love listening to music and going to concerts. Also love to Travel! As you can see I have been on a cruise or two and I recommend it to anyone that just wants to get away and meet nice people and see awesome places. Family is really important to me and try to hang out with them as much as possible. They are my backbone along with my friends and couldn't do it without them. I am looking for a nice, caring, honest, easy going lady that likes to laugh and have good conversation. I am new to the site so if you have any other questions let me know. Thanks for checking out my profile and I wish you all good luck in your travels!

Meet someone special from United States. Well hello :) My name is Francisco, Im 5'9" 195lbs (ht/wght porportionate) brn hair/eyes laid back down2earth, jovial mexican (e~z on the eyes) who thought u lookd beautiful, interesting and would like 2talk2u and get 2know u. I live in Phx. Im not a wierdo just someone who think u r very pretty : ) I hope 2hear from u soon

Date single man from United States. I’d consider myself witty with a hint of sarcasm with an A type personality. I like to be challenged and intellectual types attract me. I speak my mind and am fairly straight forward but never in a malicious way. Therefore, if you take yourself too seriously or lack confidence we are probably not a good match. It’s not only important to laugh but to laugh at yourself from time to time. I’m self-aware and independent and generally tend to gravitate towards others who possess these same qualities. I cherish family and loyalty. Most importantly, over time I have come to enjoy the simpler things in life. What makes me happy is not as much things as it is moments or experiences. Materialism turns me off. I love to travel but truly who doesn't? I am fortunate to have a great career that allows me a lot of freedom and the ability to travel lots of great places. Always nice when I "have" to go to South Florida but not so much when I have to go to Mississippi. No offense but Mississppi in the summer is miserable! I love good music (all kinds but no country), team sports, craft beers, ethnic food, crossword puzzles, poker, and the beach. I have an addiction to hats and flip flops that have not subsided from my younger days. Spontaneity is important as taking a last minute road trip to Vegas or the beach still sounds very appealing to me.
Most importantly, whomever I meet has to love kids. My kids are terrific and an absolute blast to be with.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hello! I'm a nice guy looking for a GREAT girl, i have a great job working for the union and it has given me a wonderful life. I love camping, hiking, fishing(but i suck at it) love the beach, road trips. I'm not much for the bar scene anymore but don't mind going now and then. Looking for my best friend. Started P90X again and i'm going to finish it this time, made it 40 day but hurt my knee playing hockey so now i'm starting all over again.