Date men from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 43 year old

Date a man from Wasilla, United States. Hello,
First off, I do NOT chase. It's a game for boys. I am a man with desires to meet a woman. Playahs need not read any further.
I said I do not chase and for good reasons. This is NOT a game to me and I have absolutely nothing to prove. I am proud, strong, intelligent, confident, fiercely loyal and ready for the second half of my life. I wish to share it with a "Real" lady. I am not as young as I used to be and no time for games.
I have 3 wonderful children. Two in college and one in High School. Youngest lives with mom. I have always had a credit on my child support. I will always have love for my ex-wife. She and I had good times and bad. I believe more good than bad. We were together for over 24 years and married for almost 21. My ex and I have been apart since April 2011 divorced since August 2011. I am in a completely different point in my life right now. We were as fair with each other as we could be. Doesn't mean I have to like her, nor do I.
I am a computer aided draftsman/designer. I have been drafting and designing in Alaska for almost 20 years. Last 4 years I have been self employed. I draw most anything. Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical. I have a client in Hawaii I worked for off and on for over two years. I spent a month in Hawaii working for them a couple of weeks after my divorce was final. What timing. I now work in Los Anchorage and commute from my home. I absolutely love my job. It is interesting and fun. Something I have craved for years. I still do the self employment gig on the side. Spring is very busy for me.
I spent 7 years as a Volunteer Fire Fighter with the Central Mat-Su Fire Department in Wasilla, AK in the 90's. Definitely some of the best 7 years of my life. The adrenalin rush was better than sex sometimes. I absolutely loved the feeling of rolling up on a scene and being part of a team dedicated to making the best of a very bad and dangerous situation. It truly gave me purpose and felt awesome. I gave up the Fire Fighting thing because of the politics. I do love helping people when they need you the most. Hey, I am a the astrological description of a Leo. I am definitely a Fire Sign. :-)
I would love to find an honest, attractive, caring and loving woman. I am a man. I look like one, feel like one, smell like one, hear like one, see like one and act like one. I am also a romantic, respectful and loving man. I love giving flowers, opening doors, warming the car, standing up from the table when a lady arrives or leaves the table. I am also one to let you have your own space, girl time, just don't forget I'm with you because I like you. Refer to the "I am a Leo" comment above. If you read the astrological definition of a Leo you will see that I am King of my domain, loyal, kind, fierce, prone to sulking if I don't get my way, a natural born leader and am hugely successful if I am loved. I fit all of those. No need to deny it. It is what I am...period. Don't like it? Have a pleasant day. I am VERY proud of me and what I have accomplished in my life!
I'd love a woman that can be a lady, best friend, companion, laughing partner, gardening partner and a passionate lover. One that understands what love is and one that I can love. I am a very passionate man...about ALL that I do.
I do not chase for very good reasons. This Lion doesn't chase everything that looks easy. If I view your profile and "you" might be interested, your choice. Chasing expends too much energy on futile efforts. I would prefer a more traditional courtship. In today's day and age is that possible anymore? Do most women know or want a gentleman?
I have my own, good job.
I have my own, good vehicle.
I have my own, good home.
I have my own, good life.
I don't have my best friend...

Meet a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. I'm looking for someone who is open minded, fun, who loves to travel, and likes kids. I like to cook, and enjoy clean surroundings. Not a huge sports fan, and I rarely drink - the equivalent of a six pack of beer a year would be about accurate.
I have an 12 year old son, and an 18 year old daughter. Great kids who have huge hearts. My main activity is being a parent. I work shifts including nights and occasional weekends and spend my off time with my kids.
I love to travel, Europe being my favorite hot spot. I've been to 26 countries so far ... and still counting!!! Probably my next trip will be to Italy, I'd like to visit Rome, Naples, and the Amalfi coast. Possibly Venice as well. Other trips out there in the ether include India, New Zealand, Thailand.....and of course, back to Europe again!!
I have an Associates degree in Communications and a Bachelors in Management.
I own my home in Wasilla.
I just got my motorcycle license and bought a new Yamaha Raider SCL, could be the coolest bike in Alaska!! I love it, I've put almost 1000 miles on it since June 18th :-).
I've been in my current job over two years and my previous job almost 22 years.

Date someone special from Wasilla, United States. Well i hate this part.... I am an avid fisherman. I like pretty much anything outdoors.... I am most comfortable in jeans and a tee shirt. Who i am looking for.... there is only a few things.... MUST like the outdoors.... as little drama in their life as possible... must like kids.... i have a couple of them.They are my world.... I feel my relationship with them is VERY important. I am leaving my legacy with them so not only am I their father I am a mentor to them.... I have made some mistakes in life. Who hasnt??.....Anyway Id like to think Ive learned from them. Like it says Im currently seperated and hoping to move on with my life SOON. And would like to meet someone who would like to join me AND my kids in the journey....

Meet single man from Wasilla, United States. I am a real man with real needs. i am very humorous and damn fun to be with Mr exciting I like happy people and i am honest and hard working I am looking for a girl that can keep up. anyone out there.

Date a man from United States. I consider my self a nice and caring person. I take good care of myself and would hope that my partner would too. I love the outdoors but also don't mind staying in for dinner and a movie. Life is too short to do it all by yourself. I work two weeks on and get two weeks off.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I've traveled all over the world, and been to all 50 states, but I love Alaska the best. I love the outdoors but need more motivation to get out there lately. Life, work, kids -- they've all slowed that down some.
I am just looking for someone to talk to and maybe get outside with.
My friends all call me funny, I work hard, and I have a good job. I struggle with being a work-a-holic, but now that my kids need me more often (when I'm a single dad), I'm finding it much easier to balance work with living life.
Any chance you're looking for friendship, too?

Date someone special from United States. I would like to meet someone average looking, with a caring heart who is looking for companionship. I was born and raised in the valley and enjoy outdoor activities.
If you are a caring, happy person then contact me .

Meet single man from United States. recently divorced. Decided to see what the online dating scene is all about. Some coworkers have tried it and like it. Due to my profession I cannot post a profile picture but I will send one if you ask for it.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. I live life to its fullest, I know its too short not to. I treat other people how I want to be treated. Living life with as little stress and drama as possible is what I'm about. That is what keeps me feeling young. Going out on the town is always fun but staying in and enjoying someones company is better. My match would be a fun happy woman with a serious side. We would be friends to start with and see were it leads.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. honesty love happiness fun outgoing enjoy being out doors camping fishing hunting ridng 4wheelers kids are great like to teach them new experieces and learn from them as well looking for a good friend to keep me company and some one to just talk with. I was born in Alaska and proud of it.would love to visit the whole world but this is whereiwant to live

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I won't bore you with the standard "I am looking for the one person who meets my criteria, and I meet theirs" mumbo jumbo. That's what we're here for after all isn't it?
Instead I'll just ramble off some thoughts/descriptions that may either want you to seek further information, or a restraining order...But that is entirely up to you.
I'm a 42 year old Father who has been through a very ugly Winter/Divorce with what I thought was my lifelong partner. Who knew, right?
My once perfect life has been destroyed, and now I find I am a Family of 2. Myself and my amazing daughter. She's in the 1st grade, loves getting dirty around a campfire, just as much as she loves dressing up for the theater. So far so good on THAT front.
Life is a trail and now that I have slogged through a particularly rough section of it, it's time to break out the compass and keep on keeping on.
Nothing makes me more content that sitting next to a river, fish or no fish, and listening to the sound of....nothing, and everything. In this World of Emails, Cellphones, (online dating sites) Instant Messages, etc. sometimes we forget to reconnect with what centers us.
I love animals (ok, I warned you this was gonna be a rambling introduction), Dogs especially. I wouldn't consider myself a "cat person" tho' if the right one came along......
Never been one to enjoy large gatherings of strangers. Not to say I don't dig a good music festival, but I do prefer smaller gatherings with good folks as opposed to masses of people I don't know, or care to know.
I haven't posted any pictures of myself yet, once I get this hump surgically removed from my back and my uni-brow separated, as well as deal with the rehab over my recently severed club-foot, I'll work on getting one on here...Yes, that was all sarcasm....Or was it?
Alaska is more like a small town than the largest State, a fact that can be wonderful and worrisome all in the same moment on occasions.
Politics. HMmmm. Where to start...?
I am far, FAR from conservative. However I hate being called a Liberal. Can we invent a new polarizing catchphrase for someone who thinks for themselves and shuns organized parties or thought police?
Religion. You die your way. I'll die mine. "There's a thin line between Saturday Night and Sunday Morning." - J.B.
Family. It's important. More important than bank statements, bling, or any other modern trapping.
Fun. Should be part of the Five Food Groups, without it Life ain't living. Dance like no one is watching, sing like you have a talent for it, laugh EVERY day, regardless if it is the worst one of your life.
Travel. I wanna see the Beaches of Normandy, as well as the surf off of Fiji. Walk the Appalachian Trail, and follow in the hoofprints of the 7th Cavalry. Swim in a pool at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and sit quietly as the sun sets over some remote mountain range in Central America.
While I strive towards those goals, I will satisfy myself with rafting, camping, living, and exploring the greatest, Last Wilderness in the U.S. with my Best Friend, and Life Long Buddy...My Daughter.
Well, that should cover the pertinent stuff.
If you've read this far and not reported me to the cyber-police, maybe there is a reason?

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Would like to meet new friends. What do you like to do for fun?
I'm attracted to women who are really nice, pretty, intelligent and successful. Are there any out there?
If you'd like to meet a new friend and see how it goes from there. Contact me.