Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 43 year old

Date a man from Kodiak, United States. I'm only in Kodiak for the summer I will return to the Louisiana after my work here is complete. So, I am not looking for anything long term, just someone to hang out with have fun with while on the island. I am usually the comedian among the guys that I work with, and if you think my stories are funny, that'll usually win you points.

Meet a soulmate from Kodiak, United States. In order: My friends would likely say that I'm a decent man- perhaps an idealist. Monty Python and watching kids playing make me smile (not kidding). I'm proud of raising two wonderful kids. I'm grateful for my friends. I hope to attract someone that is developed enough to get along with me. I have a few good friends and a lot of acquaintances. The people I don't get along with I can still talk to. I'm not sure what I'm looking for in a relationship because I haven't felt that yet. I'm most passionate about honesty and as mentioned above, laughing.