Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 50 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm a happy guy who looks at life with a positive spin. I do my best to see what's best in everyone, and have learned that everyone has their story. I've also learned Victor Leslie had it right when he proclaimed that "the great tragedy in acquiring wisdom is the final realization that you didn't have to learn everything the hard way"! Looking for an open-minded partner that see's life in a similar light, that realizes that they aren't perfect, and is capable of self-deprication, but not self-hate!

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I don't like to descibe myself,i would rather leave that up to the woman i,m dating.I do like living and loving.being loved is to me the most important thing in life.I work hard in the summer months but I like to take easy in the winter as far as work go' is somthing I would like to share with a mate.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. someone to love.i will your best freind,you will never wonder if i'm in love with you i will show you somehow will be there when you need me,in our spare time we can travel to places that we have never been.