Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 46 year old

Date someone special from Kodiak, United States. I'm a hard working man that hasn't had much time to go to the dating scenes and find someone that I could get to know and possibly grow with..I'm here to change that and hoping to share my likes and dislikes with a caring and understanding women.

Meet a man from Kodiak, United States. no b/s no excess baggage, someone that appreciates hard work honesty and the love of the outdoors must like to hike and explore and camp out no sissy's if your a girly girl stay home no whiners we alaskans dont whine we just suck it up and get things done

Date single man from Kodiak, United States. Fun loving fisherman, not home much looking for a gal to spend the off time with. Fishing months are January, February, March, June, July, August and September and sometimes November. Pretty much work six with six months off.