Date women from United States / Alaska / Chugiak, 48 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. This is hard to write down stuff about myself and who I am looking for. I am from Minnesota and Wisconsin. I lived in Alaska several years back and really loved it up here and so we are now back. I have 3 Boys. The 2 youngest ones still live at home (10 & 11) and so it is the 3 of us. I enjoy watching sports, especially if it is my kids playing or someone else I know. I like to spend time at home just relaxing and maybe making a nice home cooked meal or trying a new recipe. It is fun to cook with someone special helping you and maybe enjoying a good glass of wine or jus conversation while cooking. I am also very spontaneous and can just totally change plans and drop everything and good for a drive somewhere to watch the Northern Lights or check out a cool little town or something. Family means a lot to me and it would be a must that my partner feel the same way.
I like to get dressed up and go out to a nice restaurant. I have always wanted to go see a live musical or play. I have just as much fun going to my Sisters house and hanging out around a campfire and watching my kids have fun on the 4 wheeler or snowmobile. I have goals I'd love to share with someone special when I find him or he finds me. I love the snow and enjoy sitting in front of a warm fire while it is storming outside just snuggled up next to a special person. I am a vary caring person and honest. I love to joke around and laugh. I think it is very healthy to find the humor in stressful situations and it helps to put things into perspective.
I am looking for a man who is not only attractive to me on the outside but especially on the inside. I want a genuinely caring and sensitive person who has a mostly positive outlook on life. I would like to find someone who can finish my sentences, knows what he wants in life and is ambitious enough to go after it. I want to find the person that will be sitting next to me on the porch of our home and reminiscing about our life together and being just as much in love as we were in the beginning of our relationship.
If this sounds like you and your at a point in your life where you want to find the person who makes you complete, drop me a line and lets see where it goes. I look forward to hearing from you. If this doesn't sound like you then I wish you the best in your pursuit.