Date women from United States / Alaska / Saint Michael, 39 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a person who thrives to living and exploring. As a social scientist/educator, I have great interest in people and cultures. I am hoping to find someone who is worldly, open-minded, and is adventurous in nature - not necessarily jumping out of a plane, but could be traveling to the most remote land to observe different lifestyle.
I don't really watch TV, nor do I follow sports; in fact, I didn't even know who Joe Paterno was until I went to Penn State. In my opinion, there is a much bigger world outside of a television. I like to live and taste what life has to offer rather than staying home and watching it go by; if I get bored, I'll just get up and walk out of the door, where something is always happening.
I am in very good shape. I do my best to stay healthy, eating well, and exercise regularly. Since I am the one person that will surely stay with me till the end, I will always take the best care of myself, as it is my top priority.