Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 47 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I've raised my family and now it's my turn.
This is the difficult part. My friends tell me that I'm a very caring and passionate person. Fun to be around. Reserved at first but as I get comfortable, I open up. I've been single, by choice, while raising my children. I am a tomboy at heart (I don't mind putting in a hard day in the yard/garden and then cleaning up and going out). I enjoy a lot different things: cooking, fishing, museums, movies, being on or near the water is very important to me, spending some of the summer at the cabin, watching sports (participating in some), reading, attending cultural events. I like going for walks on the beach and stopping to make sand castles and making snow angels in the winter. I have a nice laid back life with little drama. We all have a past. It's just nice to not live in the past, but to live in the present and look toward to the future. My kiddos are grown and married, so I am on my own and exploring life. I'm open to many new experiences and revisiting some things that I liked in the past to see if I still like them. I am blessed to have a job that I love.
Who I'm looking for: A friend and a partner who can be silly and make me laugh, who is not afraid to truly enjoy life, who is honest and true to both himself and me. Someone who does not thrive on drama (won't find much here). I'd rather be with a guy who has big dreams and no money than a guy with no dreams and big money. Someone who enjoys some of the same things that I do, but doesn't have to enjoy them all. A person who is not clingy and jealous. Not overbearing. Someone who I can be myself around. A person who is comfortable and content with being in the same room together but doing different things.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I am a very hardworking and independent woman looking for a someone to share a good conversation with and some laughs! Must love dogs! My free time is mostly used up training dogs or spending time on walks enjoying the best of Alaska. I also like to camp! Looking for a good and honest guy who has his head on straight, no games. Drop me an email and let's see what happens.

Date a woman from Anchorage, United States. I love outdoor Alaska adventure in the summer, hunting, fishing, camping, drives, the scenery. When the weather keeps me from being outside I like watching a good movie, listening to music, bbq's...just chillin.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. My social life is a loner. Iam looking for a partner who is healthy. Iam currently going thru chemo and radiation. Please no drama, no lies. Must be dependable and not self centered. No booty calls. and No one night stands.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I don't like liver,liberals ,root canals and making my bed but i do like sushi , patriotic folks and brushing my teeth in the shower. i am a very positive and up-beat person that has an inner desire to create positive change for people less fortunate than i. i can be very opinionated on some issues. Yet i temper on a daily basis that with light heartiness and humor. i am told that i am very easy to talk with. having an unpretentious attitude i try to "walk in the other persons shoes." i believe we are all here for a specific purpose and trying to find that purpose is a daily challenge.
i am seeking to find that "best friend." Someone that can share life's ups and downs and to accept life on life's terms. Also having "fun" every day is definitely a must! Life is too short not to!
We are blessed to live in the greatest nation on earth and i don't take that for granted. So i make it a priority to be happy and know that the "best is yet to come!"

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. Trying this again, but am a little apprehensive, because the first time around was ... interesting. I am fun and witty, but also loving, sincere, kind, caring, passionate, dependable, faithful, and sometimes a little saracastic. I enjoy living life and can generally find fun in most things. I like activity and movement, so I am looking for someone to workout with me, go for walks, bike rides, and hiking. I enjoy spending time at home with my son, time with family/friends, reading, listening to music, and/or watching movies. I love live concerts (most kinds of music), going to the PAC, and 1st Fridays. I have one child and he is my greatest accomplishment and a true blessing. A little tidbit about me is that I am a 2nd degree Black Belt in Jujitsu and a 3rd degree Brown Belt in Judo. I enjoy spending time together, but I also enjoy time by myself, with my son or my friends.
I am looking for someone who wants to begin as friends and see where it goes from there. If there is someone called an "ideal" person for me, I envision him to be a man of faith, strong in his beliefs whether it's religion, politics or what wine he thinks is best. But he should also respect other opinions whether or not he agrees with them. I see him being honest, hard-working (which means he has a job or a means to support himself, bcuz I do) and not into playing mind games. He has a great sense of humor and enjoys life.
Please note ~ I am NOT interested in falling in love within a week after a few emails. Nor am I willing to send you money or let you borrow money. Just felt the need to include this to weed out those with ulterior motives. Oh, and please be currently living within the great State of Alaska.

Date someone special from United States. I am very caring individual sometimes too much. Watching animals at play can make my day and keep me smiling. I am grateful for the true friends that I have that are always there for me know matter what. I am looking for someone that is willing to accept me as I am and not criticize what I do with my money or my time. Someone who believes in trust; without trust you can never build a good solid relationship. I would like to find someone that likes to be with me and it does't matter where or what we do as long as it is going to make me happy.

Meet a soulmate from United States. How to describe myself? I think my friends would say I'm intelligent, kind-hearted, loyal, well-read, articulate, vivacious, funny. I have a good, albeit irreverent, sense of humor. Things that are guaranteed to make me laugh out loud are The Daily Show, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, Flight of the Conchords, Ricky Gervais, Graham Norton, Monty Python, and damnyouautocorrect, among others. I have a tendency to think too much and I'm a bit of an introvert at heart - need quiet time to rejuvenate - but I'm always ready to laugh and I enjoy talking to people. I'm an Alaskan girl, very practical and willing to get my hands dirty. I can fix a flat tire or a leaky faucet or whatever. I also like to wear makeup, dresses and heels on occasion, and I enjoy the finer things in life sometimes. I suppose I am - like many people - a bit of a chameleon, and it's hard to capture all of me in a few paragraphs. I know that in the past I have surprised people who judged me on first appearances.
I'm a longtime Alaskan. I like to stay active and keep fit, at the gym if not outdoors. I enjoy swimming, running, hiking, biking, camping (I do enjoy sleeping in a tent!), backpacking, canoeing and kayaking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing. Recently learned rockclimbing -fun! Would love to go sea-kayaking. Love to sail if the opportunity arises. (As you can see, my activities tend towards the non-mechanized, but I'm willing to try almost anything.) I love to travel anywhere, through books and maps if I can't actually get away. I enjoy visiting cities, foreign and domestic, going to museums and historical sites, seeing live music and exploring the local culture, but also hiking in the countryside and listening the to birds. I am rarely without a book. I'm an NPR junkie and rarely listen to anything else. Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, This American Life, Fresh Air, Radiolab are some of my favorites. I'm pretty liberal, politically, and not religious at all - so if chuchgoing is important to you, better look elsewhere. Of all belief systems, I can relate the most to Buddhism/Taoism, but I'm not quite there, so atheism is how I describe myself. I really consider myself to be a secular humanist. I think the mysteries of the universe lie with science. I enjoy thinking about and discussing that kind of thing - science, philosophy, beauty, art, culture. I also have a very strong ethical center. I get pretty incensed at injustice and inhumanity, whether it's on a personal or global level.
I'm looking for ways to meet new, interesting people and get out more. I'm spending too much time at the office lately. Someone to go out for dinner, have a good conversation, watch a movie, listen to live music, go to a museum, go out hiking or biking or for an impromptu picnic lunch. If a relationship develops after meeting as friends, great. If not, being friends and hanging out is good too. Winters are long. There are lots of cool things to do, but most are more fun with someone else along!
As far as a relationship, I'm looking for a nice, caring, intelligent guy who can keep up his end of a conversation, has a good sense of humor and playfulness, someone romantic and affectionate, who likes to stay active and get outdoors, but also doesn't mind getting dressed up to go out for a nice meal and a show. He should have a sense of intellectual curiosity and be open to new ideas. Someone who is giving and forgiving. A travel companion who is willing to try new things and new places and get out of his comfort zone a little -and get me out of mine! Above all, I would really like to find a man who will be my partner along the way, with mutual respect, open communication, honesty and trust (those are key!), a man who will encourage and support me in my interests and help me try new things, and for whom I can do the same. I figure that everyone above a certain age has a bit of baggage, me included, but the right relationship will help you unpack a little bit...

Date a woman from United States. So where to start: I'm an typical mid-western girl with values to match. I work hard, keep a nice home and am a really, really good cook. I am close to family here and back in the States. We have family reunions most summers where we BBQ, drink beer, shoot off fireworks and play poker. Good times! Oh, I almost always go to a baseball game when I get Outside. Love that, especially night games. I enjoy gardening, hiking, biking, walking (summer and winter) and just cracked the 200 mile mark on my treadmill. I enjoy working in my yard, eating out, going to movies, attending events at the PAC and listening to live music. Blues and rock are my favorites but I enjoy most types of music. I still think Zepplin is the greatest rock and roll band in history! God, I sound old, but I don't feel that way at all. I am a goofball with a wicked sense of humor and if you can keep me laughing you have made me happy girl.
I would like to meet a man that is secure, confident and intelligent. Please have a sense of humor and a manageable ego. Honesty is an absolute necessity, we don't have to agree on everything but I would like to have all the facts. I am seeking a tolerant, kind, compassionate individual who has a soft spot for old dogs, old people and baseball movies. Not really into the whole hunting/fishing/camping thing but willing to experiment, a little. I'm sure you have buddies that you can drown worms with.
My favorite things include: travel, good food and wine, roller coasters, film noir, the blues, old rock and roll, political debate, gardening, cooking, theater, shopping, road trips, puppies and the Cardinals, the World Champion Cardinals.
Thanks for reading all the way through. .

. I am new to and this is my first experience with online dating. I thought I try it and see what happens. I am not looking for FWB on here - really. Men who ask for casual sex are everywhere and evidently a lot of them are on this site as well. I would like to meet someone for friendship, companionship, conversation, entertainment but my hope, wish and dream is to find that special someone to spend my life with and maybe I find him here. In any relationship, what I ask for from the start is honesty. Being from Europe, naturally I am more of a city person for the most part and love anything cultural, fine dining etc. but I also enjoy sitting by the fire, or walk along the beach and collect seashells. I can spend all day in a bookstore and forget about time and also I am a very romantic person, appreciating candlelight dinners, flowers and cute little surprises.
I also love adventure and trying new things, but I am not a bar or club person, pretty much not a big crowd-person. I do go to concerts and plays though, recently saw "The Lion King" and it was amazing. I could see it over and over. Also enjoyed "STOMP" very much. I like Art Galleries and going to Native American events, like tribal dance etc.
My weakness is sensitivity, taking things personal and getting my feelings hurt easily, so please do not do that and try to be considerate of someone's feelings.
Last but not least I am a Christian and would like to connect with somebody who has the same values and spiritual beliefs as myself. Having a connection with god helps me through many difficulties in life. I do tolerate all religions, because I believe that are are many different avenues to the divine.
Thank you for viewing my profile. God bless and have a safe and good day. Keep in mind, every day could be anyone's last and it is always good policy to make sure the last thing that we have said to someone else was something kind, because we might not get another chance.

. I am a hard working single parent looking to step back into life. I love the outdoors and romantic nights. Want to meet a kind hearted man who enjoys life and quiet times at home. I want a man who knows who they are about. A man who can also accept differences in opinions. I want to share my life and what I have to offer.

. I am friendly, kind, compassionate, generous, non-judgemental and non confrontational -- very easy to be around. I am creative and intelligent and can be witty or downright silly. I am very open and honest, with a great deal of integrity. I am looking for someone who shares these traits, to be my friend, maybe more. Will it be you?