Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 65 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. My Alaskan friends are many and have known me for over 35 years. Came to Alaska right out of college with a teaching degree and taught school at Eielson AFB for five years. Escaped to Honolulu to "thaw" out but Alaska beckoned me back! Have been in Anchor Town since 1980. Have been employed and retired with the oil companies but currently working in the public sector and liking it.
I cherish honest communication and a sense of humor. Love to travel, experience the arts and music, and adore my Chocolate Lab of 12 years.
Even though I've lived successfully here many years, I really do not fish or hunt but enjoy the taste and flavor of salmon, halibut, caribou, moose. So if you are a huntergatherer, I would appreciate all your efforts. I love the out of doors, fresh, clean Alaskan air, and the amazing beauty of the landscape. Sitting around a campfire with friends and that special companion's arms around me would be heaven.
I'm looking for someone to adore and who would return the favor.

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I Am An active, healthy woman with a wide circle of friends. I am semiretired, own a nice home in Anchorage and in general enjoy life. I get lots of exercise and consider that an important part of my life. I enjoy a good adventure whether in Alaska or anyplace else on the globe. I have an interest in social issues and wish I could do more to make the world a better place.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Hi! I was told this is a good cite to meet a good person. I would like to meet a man for serious relationship who has energy and desire to enjoy the sunset of life. It is important that this man is honest, kind, smart, fun to be with, the one who also appriciates the same qualities in his partner. I would like to meet a man who loves homy home, yamy food, morning cup of coffee for two, cuddling, travel, adventures, walks, music, nature, movies, discovering new horizons and pleasures. My freinds would describe me as romentic, warmhearted, classy, energetic, super sweet, affectionate, enteliggent, adventurous with sense of humor person. Write me a note if you like what you read. Thank you for taking time to read my profile.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I lived in Alaska for 10 years, then I returned to Mo. I've been working back in Ak each year since. I have been going from Mo. to Alaska for several years...the past 10 or so! My family (whom I love very much have migrated to Mo & Co), so I have a reason to be in Mo & Co, but my heart is still in Ak.
I am looking for...Someone who is caring, has a sense of humor, laughs a lot, honest, considerate, and knows what he wants.
I would be interested in a good Christian man walking beside me for the rest of my life.
I love to travel, have traveled lots in the lower 48 as well as Ak., as well as Canada. I'd love to travel in an RV, retired and meeting people!
I'm looking for my soul mate...

Date a woman from United States. I have a number of "use to" activities that I enjoyed & would love to rekindle some of them.
I love to downhill ski, however it has been a quite a few years. I have skiied at Alyeska mostly, have gone heliskiing in Canada & skiied a number of ski resorts in lower 48.
I once enjoyed water skiing at an intermediate level....dropped this sport back in 96.
I enjoy bicycling at a novice's been several years since I have gone.
I am a certified scuba diver, going only on a few trips back in the mid-90's.
I have enjoyed kayaking at a novice level.
I once enjoyed snowmobiling mostly in the Petersville area, but sold the machines when my husband died.
I enjoy RV travel in the lower 48.
I have enjoyed travels to Europe & would love to one day travel in December to see the holiday lighting.
I have my land & sea private pilots license, but haven't flown in far too many years to call myself a pilot anymore!
I enjoy walking.....& hiking at a slower pace than flat terrain walking.
As you can see, I have done a "few" things. I do not mind doing some things alone, but it feels like something is always missing.
One individual on this site said it very well....
"It's amazing what can be accomplished over a cup of coffee."
I would like to add...or a glass of wine or a walk on some of Anchorages beautiful trails.
There is much in our beautiful world to of the most important is the ability to share.

Meet someone special from United States. I am spontaneius, laugh alot and others laugh with me. I love to walk or xc ski in or near the woods. I enjoy advebture but know how to relax. i am casual in dress and considerate in onversatipn. I isten to others. i like people of all ages. People say I was beautiful as a young woman. i think I still look the same but of course O do not.
That he has a good sense of umor and will laugh with me. Is confortable with soending money. Not obsessed with gettining a deal. Is affectionaate, is comsiderate of me and others.
I live to sail boats but am not asking to owon one.

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I love adventure, new experiences, new stories to tell. My grandkids mean a lot to me and take up a lot of my summer. I travel in from September thru May. Alaska has a lot to offer summer and winter. I enjoy all of it.

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. I recently was introduced to a online seminar titled, CALLING IN THE ONE" That seemed correct, I am calling in the one. I can sense you are out there somewhere. Distance makes no difference to me, I am free to travel. At this time in my life I am ready to just enjoy life. To play, to laugh, to share, to have good conversation with someone who is passionate about living. Personal integrity ranks high for me. You need to know your own ego. I think you really need to know and love yourself before you can truly love another. I am looking for a good man who thinks not just reacts. I love dancing. Currently I am in Alaska but plan to live south by next spring, where there might be even a palm tree. Life is an incredible adventure and to me you need to stay focused on what truly matters in life. In reading other profiles I have realized my first attempt at this was not open enough. My belief is that we are all here to grow into ourselves. I believe we are all magnificent. We are already complete. People tell me I am easy going but also direct, a good balance I think. My intention is to live the best life as full out as I can imagine. Life is so good and it could be exciting to have someone to share it with. I am very open to new experiences and learning. I am also a artist/painter with my own style. I am semi-retired. There is so much beauty in the world it brings me to tears just thinking about how awesome life is. I am in deep gratitude. I am looking for someone who would like to travel, have new adventures, likes to laugh, who is honest, monogamous, has a good sense of humor and is willing to talk about anything. I'm a good cook but after50 years it has lost it's glamor somewhat. I'd like a person who thinks well of himself and others.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I was married to my high school sweetheart for over 30 years. After a very amicable divorce, I have enjoyed my freedom and independence the last few years. I have a very full and active life but occassionally, I think maybe I am missing something. The thought of on-line dating kind of freaked me out, but with encouragement from friends and family, decided to give it a try and see if I am missing something.
I am easy going, enjoy life and am fairly active. In the summer, I especially love boating and camping. In the winter, I enjoy skiing, prefer downhill at Alyeska, but x-country is fine. Plus a winter warm weather vacation. This year it was Hawaii, last year kayaking in Thailand and the year before Mexico. Variety and adventure works for me.
I am looking for someone without drama, not controlling and an overall good guy. I would like him to enjoy adventure, but who can also relax.

. Am a lover of manners, reggae, dogs and horses, museums, a child's logic, tulips, Bill Evans, getting lost, Somerset Maughm, fado, the desert in bloom, the open road, rock and roll, an exquisite glass of wine, a field of sunflowers in Provence, gorillas, funny people, convertibles, the cello and Bach, Il Postino, backroads, outdoor concerts, a good tent and candlelight.
Am most appreciative of a man who listens with his heart and is guided by his willingness to put pride aside in order to be open to the teachings of new experiences. Am attracted to a man with an intelligent wit and who doesn't take life too seriously. Greatly appreciate a man with a ruggedness as well as a poetic soul. Find it appealing to be with a man who can dress to the nines, hit the finest restaurant in town with no pretense and turn around and kick it in jeans and hang with the regulars at the local dive. Looking for a man with unwavering curiosity and wanderlust, whose word is good, his heart open and who can build a fire, ride a horse and dance up a storm - and whose arm around me feels right.

. Looking for some fun out of life. Cancer survivor, 11 yrs, down to earth person who loves to travel and meet all different types of people. Not a social snob. Will not go to any place where there is smoking. Held very responsible Fed Gov job for 20 yrs. Can do almost anything if I put my mind to it. Looking for a kind person who wants to get to know the real me. Sex not important, not a deal breaker. Need kind person who does not judge people. Except for traveling likes the simple life, home and family very important. Can laugh at self but not make fun of others. Ever since the cancer try to live each day to the fullest and thankful everyone I get. Love little surprises and kindnesses, they make me smile and happy. Retired early due to being hit by car while crossing street. No permanent damage. Figured this was my wake up call to start living for ME. Very private about personal matters. Try not to brag or complain. Looking for sensitive person who can read between the lines. The most important thing in my life is my Granddaughter and my two little dogs. I enjoy doing things for others to show them they are appreciated in my life. Good passenger on motorcycle. Do not like tent camping, or hunting. Don't mind fishing especially salt water, love boating. Might as well tell right now, have four tattoos, but can't see them unless in bathing suit.

. animal lover quiet love people normaly people dont love or like see beauty in people i am an social intovert shy hope to meet a very happy person easy going loves life someone i can trust be friends do things with listen to music watch tv