Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 52 year old

Date a woman from United States. I'm a very compasionate person that is a lot of fun being around. I try to always see both sides of everything and not judge. The ideal match for me would be someone who is just real. Doesn't play games and truly enjoys life. I love to laugh and try to find the funny side to just about everything. That sometimes tends to get me in hot water. Oh be it. Life is too short to sweet the little stuff.

Meet someone special from United States. About me, well, here is what has been said: Big heart, sensitive to others, positive, sweet, a friend you can depend on, smart, sense of humor, stable, attractive, stubborn… There were probably a few more negatives but I must have glazed over them, LOL, you know that selective hearing :)
I work in a professional environment so like to escape that when possible (who invented neckties anyway?). I enjoy working out, walking, biking, golf, generally being active. I like to socialize, watch movies, watch sports, cuddle, etc. I would like a friend, or more if the chemistry is right, to enjoy life with. That special someone you have an unspoken connection with, who has your back and you have his, no matter what the circumstances. Chemistry, honesty and respect are high on my list as well as someone who cares about their health, appearance, etc. but isn't high maintenance.

Date a soulmate from United States. Likes water, mostly boating, I love the water
Likes to travel - anywhere, start with AK, Hawaii, and "America"
Likes me to be his best friend. I like people with large extended families however mine is not. I will be an RN within the next month. I'd like to live in a city with a hospital but close to the woods,country, water.

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. What about me? I am trying to think of what a friend or family member would say about me. Random thoughts on that:
Kim has a passion for mother nature, she's grounded and lives in the moment. She is comfortable with spontaneity. You'd find her calm, centered. Very much a humanitarian. Loves to be in the mix at times, but you won't notice her stand out, might guess introverted. Kim is focused, sets her mind and works toward what she is focused on, persevering. Sees the big picture, cares about balance, self care, and care for others and mother nature. 'Runs with a mellow husky, her partner in adventures, life and work. Low maintenance comes to mind, a minimalist definitely. Does not want much, but she is long overdue for a good partner!
What about you?
Do you have a passion for mother nature? Easy going, enjoy life and your pursuits? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Chivalrous? Know how to treat a lady, and others? Tries to live by the golden rule. Sense of humor, a plus. Might favor a trip to Denali Highway for a weekend camp or cabin and enjoy long weekends in Hope on a hike or hanging by the campfire. Self sufficient, capable, ok with hanging with others, or alone.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I'm an open book, I love my family and friends. They are a big part of my life. I think my friends and family find me funny, loving, passionate, caring, creative, etc.... I've pretty much been a workaholic for quite awhile except when I go on vacation and decompress. I'm finally cutting back and have decided it's time to take those baby steps back into enjoying my life.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I lost my workout buddy! I would love to find someone who likes to workout with me and spend time hiking and riding mountain bikes! And then go for a good microbrew! I like to eat out (hence the need to workout!) I love t) ravelling but I haven't had much time to do so. Any time spent in Hawaii is quality time and worth doing more of. I got to go back to Kona (I lived there) this last January after 23 years away. They say you can never go back, ahhh, yes you can. I loved it even more! I work a lot which has made it difficult to date. I just procured a new dwelling to remodel, yay! Now that's fun!

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I am ready to embark on the next chapter! Me? I am, like most intriguing women, a complex being, but God helps me keep it simple; I am funny but very serious sometimes, wise but truly a fool, humble and confident, very youthful but old enough to know better, energetic but love to rest, intense and tolerant, opinionated and open-minded, strong when need be but tender and loving...
I am raising two beautiful girls who are my heart. I take my responsibility as their example of a strong woman of God seriously. They hear my words, but watch what I do and that's what God sees, too. They need a strong, patient man of God - as does their momma!
Integrity is the most important quality a man can have. If a man has integrity, he answers to God, honors himself and others, is trustworthy, protective, honest and knows what's most valuable in his life. He knows God's truth about himself. Being handy is also a good thing!

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I am complex - strong and independent, but committed and passionate with a great partner. I am outgoing, I love to meet people and my laugh is my signature - somewhat loud but engaging and is gift from my Mother! I am invested in our State and my community and believe strongly in public service. I love my time volunteering as a ski coach and seeing young children exceed their own expectations. I love to be active but also enjoy quiet downtime refilling my energy levels with good food, outdoor fires and movies or books.
I am a survivor of terrible trauma that took my husband's life 5 years ago. I am so very lucky to have had such a wonderful, fullfilling life with him for 10 years. He left me with a strong belief that life is pure joy and it should be lived fully. So I am blessed to know that I can have great relationships in my future, but if I don't, I know I've already had a great one that will last me a lifetime. It is an interesting place to be in life, still vibrant, active, passionate, but not needy or desperate for a new relationship to fill the void he left. I realize that I am belssed to have this focus!
I find that at this point in my career and probably my age it's a bit slower to meet available men to explore dating. I've had several enjoyable relationships in the last couple years but they've been with men that are somewhat unavailable, like those living out-of-state. So I am interested in seeing if the online services will assist me in finding someone to play with and enjoy this life!
Men I'm attracted to are first and foremost those that are enjoying life and willing to share that enjoyment. I love people who expose me to new experiences and are willing to try new things with me as well. Someone who is physically active is an attraction as I love to play hard. I enjoy listenting to music and visiting with friends but I love to dance. So men willing to dance with me are a bonus! I am looking for new friends to play with and maybe a longer term relationship if I happen to find that strong connection. Passion is so important in my life and finding someone to enjoy that passion with would be wonderful!

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I enjoy taking drives to view the beautiful Alaskan scenery - especially to places I haven't been to yet. I enjoy photography, wildlife, sunrises and sunsets. I was raised on country music, and I enjoy the classics from the 50's to current, including good old rock & roll. I like trying new recipes and I'm always up for a taste test.
I am adventurous and am up for many things...from kayaking, to weeding a flower bed, from trying new restaurants, to sitting by the fire with a good book and a glass of wine, from stimulating conversation to watching an Aces hockey game, from going to the PAC to camping. I love the smell of a campfire even if I'm not camping and listening to thunder even if its just from the front porch. I don't watch much tv but when I did I liked CSI, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, occasionally NASCAR on Sundays, or if I was really lucky PBR (Professional Bull Riding). Favorite singer/song writer Alan Jackson, favorite author Nora Roberts.
Honesty, Fidelity and Communication are extremely important in a relationship and to me. If one can't be honest with themselves, how could they expect to be honest with anyone else? With regard to Fidelity, everyone needs to be able to at least count and a relationship = 2 and no more. Communication can make or break a relationship, but I do believe if someone is not sure of how they feel about something, " I don't know " is a perfectly acceptable answer, at least for a while.
Natural chemistry between two people is important, simply put it's either there or it's not. I hope I have not presented myself as gruff or abrupt because I don't mean to be, you just need to know up front where I stand. Thank You for taking the time to read this. Want to know more? Just ask. Not interested? Then Best of Luck to you in your search for someone special.

. HI there,
In order for me to respond to your hello your profile must include a photo. I find men who do not include a photo are often times married.
Originally from Chicago, for the past 10 years I have lived in Manhattan working for a Tony Award winning theatre company. On
2-1-2012 I relocated to the Sanford/ Orlando Florida area in order to be near my family. Once again I'm packing my suitcases. Recently an exciting, wonderful work opportunity was offered to me in Anchorage, Ak. I'd love to meet a great guy to share in lifes pleasures, leisure time, smiles and introduce me to all things ALASKA!
I am sensation seeking! I enjoy being active, yet need quiet time. My passions are dance, music and theater. Being outdoors near mother nature inspires me. A day at home enjoying each others company, listening to music, making a great meal, watching a movie snuggled up on the couch can be the perfect day.
Dance, music, theater, reading, gardening, exploring, enjoying natural beauty, taking care of my home, The New York Pops at Carnegie Hall, Broadway, Central Park, roller derby, walking, cycling, "Dancing with the Stars" and perfume are on my list of favorite things..
Words I use to describe myself: affectionate, adventuresome, artistic, assertive, sensitive, stable, playful, curious, loyal and true. I'm told I'm fun to be with, charming, down to earth too.
If you are a gentleman who is neatly groomed I'll be attracted to you. If you wear cologne even better! You are an extrovert, adventuresome, live a healthy lifestyle, enjoy the cultural arts, have a desire to travel near and far, and you like to KISS............... me. If you enjoy partner dancing..................... lead me to the dance floor.
There is more time behind us then ahead of us. All our dreams and desires should be lived now. I am seeking ONE caring companion, playmate, lover. Affection, passion, emotional security and safety. A soft place to fall for both of us. I'd like our first great date to grow into endless wonderful dates. I am interested in a relationship, a boyfriend. If you are a player/ insincere, PLEASE DON"T WINK, DON"T CALL move on. Although I may not look it I have a bit of TOMBOY in me. My interests are vast and varied. If you are a hunter who kills animals for amusement, or sport .................we would not be a match.
I am 5' 7" tall with heels 5' 9" and wear a size 12 dress. If you are attracted to petite women who are in the gym on a daily basis I'm not the girl for you. In fact, I am 57 YIKES !

. I am a widow of 4 1/2 years looking for friendship and companionship with the possibility of growing into a long term relationship with someone like minded. I laugh loud, I cry when needed and always make time for my kids. I enjoy beach vacations but also enjoy the Alaskan winter wonderland I live in. I am well rounded and outgoing. Ready to meet someone to share my enthusiasm of life with.

. I like the simple life. This is what I yearn for after being on a fast track for so long. Life is sweetest when you have time to savor its sensuality.
I am looking for someone who will turn off their cell phone when enjoying a fine meal. If this is you then we should me.