Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 46 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am a divorced mother of 3 great boys who live at home with me and a beautiful daughter who lives away from home with a beautiful baby girl I recently became a grandmother to! My good friends would describe me as kind, generous, dependable, a good listener, compassionate and fun. I enjoy staying busy and active. I love gardening, bike riding, walking, hiking, cooking, traveling, going out for coffee and spending time with my kids. I am looking for someone who has similar interests but most importantly has a committment to family. Someone who maintains a healthy balance of work and play, is dependable, respectful, appreciates the simplicity in life and enjoys stimulating conversation. I am most grateful for my kids, my family, close friends and my life experiences thus far as they are what have gotten me to this point in my life. I enjoy the Irish culture as I am from a large Irish family. I am the oldest of 8 and have 20 nieces and nephews. It is my dream to travel to Ireland in the near future and explore my ancestory in County Claire! In general I am looking for someone who is simple, down to earth, comfortable with who they are and where they are in life and want to have fun!

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. This will probably come out sounding very typical, which I'm not but here goes...
I'm an outgoing woman and enjoy time with friends and family. I'm a life-long Alaskan and I do love the outdoors. I ski (fast) and play hockey. I like adventure and am usually up for most anything. I haven't spent as much time out fishing as I would like but I'm hoping to change that up.
I think a bright mind and sense of humor are very attractive in a man. I love a great conversation!
I like a man who's honest, and has values and ethics. Someone who knows how to give a girl a little space. Doesn't hurt if he's tall, dark and handsome. Oh...did I mention tall? :)
What's unique about me? I'm smart, sexy and confident. Maybe a little cautious right now but always optimistic..

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I am a down to earth person. I like to have fun and have a good laugh. I am a family orientated person. I love my 2 grown kids and try to spend some time with them every week.
I am a teacher and love my job! I work way past my contract hours so I strive to be the best teacher I can for my students. I have lived in Alaska for 40 years and my immediate family lives here as well. We get together for the Holidays. I would like to start exploring Alaska. Crazy at it may sound, I should have done this years ago. I love to travel. I have been to Hawaii at least 20 times. I would like to go to England, Germany and other places besides the USA. As I get older the winters get longer here. I would like to move someday to a warmer area, say Washington State. I love 70's rock and new rock. (Greenday, The Fray, Nickelback) I also listen to country and jazz once in awhile.
I am looking for an easy going adventurous guy with a sense of humor, career goals, and family orientated. Honesty, communication, and a moral compass are three of the most important values my guy must have!
Let me clarify, I do not want kids myself, but I do not mind if a guy has kids that still live at home. After all I am a teacher and I do like kids!!

Meet a soulmate from United States. just a good person who enjoys life and has interest in the world and learning looking for same. must value life, love, family, outdoors,the arts and current events. must love pets and the planet. should be capable and friendly.

Date a woman from United States. I see things in pictures. I'm a photographer and a writer. I've edited newspapers and magazines, done desktop publishing, been on literary review boards, taught English at a university, acted in plays and been a reader. I don't know what the future holds, but God does, and he's much better at planning than I am. I just get to show up sober and trust. I have two kids. I have a 13 year old from a 15 year marriage at home much of the time, but I do get away from time to time, and the dad is involved and helps out.
I would like to have an experience of places and brave adventures with someone with whom I will be able to recount those stories. I would like to live a great yet gentle love story. Let me know through an email if you are genuinely interested in pursuing an acquaintanceship then perhaps more. I don't drink, but I'd love to go out for a San Pellegrino Limonata or something equally interesting somewhere they serve good nonalcoholic drinks.
Along these lines, if a doctor has suggested you stop drinking but you haven't, please do not contact me. I have learned through experience to accept people the way they are. I cannot change anyone. I seem to attract alcoholics or problem drinkers, and I'd rather have fewer connections than drama. I am drama free. Yay!
Another issue I've had with online dating is this: People post photos more than a year old of themselves. Does it seem like a good plan to walk in the door and have her squint and wonder who you are and why you look so much older? No. It's not a good plan. I'm 46. All of my photos are recent, except my high school graduation photo. If you must put old photos, date them. Still, somewhere in there, I expect wrinkles on a 40-50-year-old person. It's real. Real is a turn on. Being comfortable with who you are and where you is good..
Seems like I'm focusing on the negative, but I only do so to save you time. I'd like to sit in a church with a man. If you'll never walk through the doors of a church, I'm not interested. I don't want to reform anyone, just share spiritual moments.
If you're separated but not actually single (divorced/widower), don't email me or message me. In my mind, you are married.
Finally, if you are looking for a gal to be available whenever you need or want her, recreationally, for travel, snowmachinging, four wheeling, etc., I may not be your gal. My life is devoted to my daughter, and everything else is secondary. Thus, if you have kids, you may understand; if you haven't had the joys and frustrations and maturity that having children brings, you likely will be frustrated when I am not available for trips or when something comes up, and you are not my first choice. I would like a loving, serious, mature, and respectful relationship--one where we share moments.
Again and Again by Rainer Maria Rilke
Again and again, however we know the landscape of love
and the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names,
and the frighteningly silent abyss into which the others
fall: again and again the two of us walk out together
under the ancient trees, lie down again and again
among the flowers, face to face with the sky.

Meet someone special from United States. So...after years of searching for men who are active, adventurous, travel-worthy, self-aware, attractive, ethical, humorous, respectful, open, communicative, intelligent, honest, diverse, and financially stable....I've finally found you! You're all on Match! Regardless of the possibility that every match will not yield impeccable chemistry, finding friends who enjoy similar interests is a fantastic residual outcome.
Ultimately, the goal here is to connect with one who can also appreciate my attributes, as here it goes.
-I'm a very passionate person...I come by it naturally through my Scottish heritage...oh, and being a Scorpio. (Those of you who don't believe in astrology can chalk it up to coincidence.)
-I am honest and real...I can't stand pretense in relationship. No one needs to tell me what I want to hear...unless it truly comes from the heart.
-I grew up in a family that didn't have all the advantages that I have today. I have worked very hard to achieve and I am grateful for everything that I have.
-I think I have a good sense of humor...of course that is subjective. I love to laugh and I hope to find someone who "gets me" :)
-I'm not a "party girl"...although a great night out at the theatre, opera, symphony, laughing and dancing once in a while is always desirable. As much as I love bouncing around in the wilds of Alaska I appreciate the opportunity to defy the "worst dressed city" label and throw on my stilettos.
-Although I value shared interests...I also look forward to discovery. I want to be introduced to new experiences that may come through our introduction.
-I retreat to the mountains and the woods to find peace with my little hiking-ski dog and would love to share my activities with a wonderful friend and-or partner.
As I read over what I've written I feel like I've said nothing and yet said too much ;) If time with me sounds appealing and you wish to learn more send an e-mail.

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Clever, intelligent, strong willed, hard working, daring, loyal, creative, fourth-generation Alaskan. Enjoy meeting challenges, every day is an exciting adventure.
On the rare day off you can find me riding horses through the rainforest, jumping deadfalls while ducking tree branches, grinning from ear-to-ear.
Have explored most of the North American continent - looking forward to discovering the rest of the world.
Love big dogs, sirening wildlife, five hour sunsets, intriguing cinema, provocative literature, warm salt water, creative statesmen with brilliant ideas and backbone, competitive sports, passionate music, waist-deep snow, and salmonberry lemonade.
Enjoy chairing the boardroom, walking the runway, driving dump truck, bloodsport politics, landing 350 pound halibut, hitting inside the Q on a FBI qualifying target, opening night post show parties, driving in blizzards, investing in my community in a meaningful and substantial way. How do you know when it is substantial? It hurts a little.
Blessed with an amazing large extended family, friends who are the best and brightest, and a demanding, unforgiving land generously filled with opportunity.
Worst thing about 2011: my stunning, beautiful 35 year-old friend was diagnosed with a grade three brain tumor. After chemo and radiation she is still so vibrant it is difficult to process her life expectancy is measured in months. She is exquisite and exceptional.
Best thing: Guided by AlaskaРІР‚в„ўs most experienced bear expert, I hand fed an 8 ft wild grizzly carrots and pet his head. He licked me!
Ones world view is seen through the lens of their internal view. Mine is filled with joy.
Profoundly defining experiences - holding the hand of a loved one as they left this life, being invigorated by the magnificent beauty that surrounds me, awareness of everyone's struggle to do the best they can with what they have in the moment they are in.

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. Looking for someone to enjoy these beautiful Alaskan summer days and nights. No drama, just fun and relaxation after work and on the weekends. I'm a great lady with much to give the right man. You should be a great guy who wants a friend or more.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. wine educator, inventor, global citizen., exotic currency investor. crazy, funny, intelligent. Quit Mensa cause the people were weird. lol. Hoping to move back to France in 2012 and live in the SW near Spain. Single for the first time since college and don't like it at all but also not ready for long term relationship. What am I doing here? haha. I guess I am just looking and trying to remain open to what this bleeping universe has to offer, even if I come kicking and screaming!

. If you are recently out of a relationship, and/or are dealing with unresolved feelings for someone, I am not interested! You are simply not ready to date or be a potential partner for anyone if you are emotionally unavailable.
I've decided not go into detail here about myself or what I"m looking for. To be honest, in the time that I've been here, I've yet to meet anyone who is who they say they are. Words do not give you a true reflection of the person, so I think it's simply easier to just start by getting to know someone through their actions. If the attraction is mutual, then we should meet and then learn more about one another.
For those who are wondering, my children are 25, 19, and 17.

. Someone who has a great sense of humor not afraid to show the softer side. Someone who has love for music, likes to travel. dining out or just a romantic evening at home with a romatic dinner. Going out dancing, shopping. Not affraid of holding hands in public showing affection in public I can go on and on but I would like to save some for later.

. I am honest, caring and strong in my convictions. I say what I mean and would rather talk things out than argue. Trust is a major issue for me. I am dedicated to my beliefs will always be myself. I do not believe in violent outbursts as a way to start communicating something is wrong. If there is problem just say it. I like to know how a persons mind works so I ask questions.