Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 36 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. im jus looking for someone i can count on wen i really need someone to talk to an some one who is willing to share their life stories with or who is wanting to hang out an go walking or watching a gud movie wit

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Characteristics that apeal to me: sense of humor, nice smle, handy if not resourcesful, outdoorsy, good at holding a conversation, to two feet and knows how to move them, likes music and considers himself open -minded.

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I'm a pretty laid back women love to get dirty and at the same time get all dolled up to. I'm a big sports nut, don't mess with my Yank's. Enjoying being outside and trying new adventures. I still got to finish up my bucket list, and the list got a little crazy.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I'm a fun person to be around and I tend to laugh at the small things in life. I'm very grateful for my friends and family I want to find a kind person who enjoys being active and likes to travel. I love to read and listen to music.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I tend to be very organized and responsible, but am looking for an adventure buddy that can push me to do more. I don't always have time to plan opportunities weeks or months in advance, but I love a variety of activities and trying new things. Driving to Denali, astronomy gazing, trying a new restaurant, shooting, mudding, camping, beer-festing, or snowboarding are all great activities to get out of the house, but sometimes on a cold winter's day it's nice to just curl-up with a fluffy comforter, a warm friend and hot toddy while watching football or a crime drama. I am hoping to find an optimist who loves life's challenges. I do want children, but that is a little further down the road.

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. I grew up in a suburb of New York and lived in the SF Bay area until Dec 2010. Now I call Anchorage home. I grew up playing soccer and gymnastics, but currently spend my athletic time hiking, skiing, swimming and doing yoga. Friends and family are my priority, and now that I am tri-coastal, it has become a bit more challenging. I am inspired by the overlaps of spiritual philosophies and a healthy lifestyle. Work to live, not live to work. Life is amazing, full, challenging, ever-changing, and beautiful... I am interested in the true wholeness of humanity.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am excited to start a new chapter of my life. I want to make the most of each day and experience new adventures. A few things I enjoy are watching sports, hiking, travling ,and hanging out with friends.

Meet someone special from United States. I am a loyal, sincere, and genuine person. I am into taking care of myself, fashion, and looking good. However, I am down to earth, humble, and have a level head. I am very confident and secure with who I am. I am blessed with exotic beauty from my Creole-African American, French, Indian, and Hispanic roots. I am intelligent and I communicate well and can hold an intelligent conversation. I am a strong and educated woman. I believe in God and love to help others. I have strong family values and morals instilled in me. I adore children and hope to be a Mom one day. I am a happy and sweet person by nature. I am usually the person my friends, family, and associates come to for advice and to act as the mediator in situations. I am calm, laidback, and easy to get along with. I don't like drama. I'm not one of those females who feels the need to make my man jealous or upset to prove he has feeling for me. I don't understand people who hate on others or hope others fail in order to feel better about themselves. I believe its about continuously striving to be the best person you can be, and if you are truly happy with yourself or someone's friend, you only want and hope the very best for others. I am a very mature individual and understand relationships are about give and take, compromise, setting aside too much pride, and putting forth the time and effort to make it work. I am looking for a man who is honest, motivated, and can appreciate and knows how to treat a good woman. I enjoy sports, dining out, good food, traveling, and spending cozy nights at home. I am not into playing games or spending time with players. I am looking for a man to share my dreams, make happy, and accomplish goals and become successful overall in life with.

Date a woman from United States. Im a great listener, loyal to my friends and families, Im a family oriented type of gal, dislike DRAMAs and extra baggages, I love a man that knows what he wants and is not afraid to go for it, someone who is does play games or mind games for that matter, someone who will hold my hand no matter what the situation is as I will do the same. Im very passionate about music. i play the piano and is a good tool for me when im stressed or down.

. I'm a straight forward person, independant, caring, loving, affectionate, loyal, honest, hard working, and believe in God with my whole heart. Im not saying im holy, but I trust and believe in him, next to that is my famiily they are my heart.....Things I enjoy are the movies, bowling, sledding, cooking, walks, love to laugh, kareoke, traveling, watching football, basketball, history channel, dateline, Oprah etc...And most of all being a mommy and spending time with my son:) he is my heart and joy in life! Qualities that I would like in a man would be God first and of course who loves kids and is family oriented, honest, loyal, hard working, loves to laugh and knows when to be serious when needed! Faithful, has morales and values, loves spending QT......

. I will spare you the normal run on sentences using all of the top ten dating buzzwords to explain myself. Basically, I would love to find a meaningful partnership, but I'm not in a hurry. I enjoy my life and my time alone but would love to have some company when I go for hikes! So many incredible things happen throughout my week and sometimes I just wish I had someone to tell those stories to. I'm not expecting magic, I'm hoping for intelligent conversation. Although, I do believe that magic and love still exist in this world.
Now....before you go lecturing me about not having a picture up, just take a breath, write a brief but intelligent email and please be patient. I would be happy to send one in an email, but it's a little scary to put it up right away.
I'm a passionate, creative woman who expects and gets a lot out of life. Travel and free time is important to me, but I tend to work a lot when I'm here and I love what I do, so I consider myself very lucky.
If you're interested in planning a fun hike or other outdoor activity this spring, send me a message and let me know. It's too beautiful outside to stay in.

. I'm ready for something more than casual but I'm not going to skip that step to get to the next level.. Fun, laughter, adventure, comfort, feelings and sex are more than temporary states of being/emotions that I want to experience every now and then. I'm looking for a connection. My match is comfortable with himself and his accomplishments. He is goal oriented and ready to devote a marginal amount of time to dating and developing relationships that could go beyond the obvious. My match is fun, intelligent, quick witted and good natured. Color is not a barrier.