Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 31 year old - page 6

Date a woman from United States. I want someone who is caring, considerate and humerous. I want someone who is motivated, enjoys to work and play. I enjoy trying and learning new things. Life is an adventure, let's go explore it together!

Meet someone special from United States. Honestly I'm just checking this out to see what or who is out there. I'm not a huge fan of online social stuff, generally prefering to meet people in person, however, being open minded I thought I could try before I judge. :)
Like I mentioned I'm just looking and if I decide to continue to pursue this I'll definitely put more up here, but at the moment I suppose I'll leave it at this (since I had to put something here, at least 200 characters...).

Date a soulmate from United States. I consider myself to be a private person. I like to cuddle with a special someone. I want trust to be foundation we build on. I love to take long walks with the one I love, ad have special dinners for the two of us. I want him to be my everything...

Meet a woman from Anchorage, United States. Head strong native artist. I've very strong willed and I would like to meet someone of a similar nature, some what out going and into being at home at well. Funny , of course. And open minded. How hard can it be. I think its easy to just enjoy someones company if you really fit together.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I was born in Alaska, have lived here ever since, and am still loving it! I'm excited by the outdoors ~ camping, hiking, and being on the water, whether swimming in a lake near my house or out in the Inlet hooking salmon. I have a passion for photography and almost always have a camera on me. My taste in most areas is very broad ~ music, sports, food and entertainment . I love staying up late (somehow ALWAYS have a second wind), seeing live music, roadtrips, and games with friends. I would love to meet someone who knows who they are and who is comfortable with themselves. I love spontaneous people and the ability to make a fool out of yourself for the sake of a smile is a definite plus. I'm not only looking for someone who has the exact interests or personality as myself...I like to think there is excitement to be found in the ways in which people differ as well as the way they are the same. I am a Christian, non-denominational, and it's important to me that whomever I'm with have the same faith.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I am looking forward to meet man to share life with, whom i cant stop admire and adore. Who will hug me and carry in his arms. I would like to leave in marriage, to create strong family. For me the family is the most important in my life

Date a woman from Alaska, United States. I'm a quick-witted and edgy woman with a kind heart. I am honest, true to my friends, realistic, funny, outgoing, and adventurous. If you are someone similar who can treat me with respect and be honest, trustworthy and who is comfortable being themselves and knows what they want then I will have an open mind.
I enjoy warm weather and plan on moving somewhere that is connected to the rest of the world in two years. I have a career and stay busy with two jobs, exercising, spending time with my family, friends, dog. I also enjoy cooking, working on house projects, and sometimes sitting down with a good book.
I found it difficult to meet real people, and often find people show you their representative instead of their real self. My theory is that if you are true to yourself, up front and honest, you can save others and yourself a lot of time.
I am new to this on line experience, But i am a quick learner. I have already learned to be very descriptive in what I like and dislikes. Education, hard work, and an intellectual conversations are all very important to me. As well as having a great sense of humor, ability to laugh at yourself, and ability to roll with the flow. I cherish quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. I tend to live in the moment as tomorrow is never guaranteed and living in the past steals the moment.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Want someone fun who makes me laugh because its my favorite thing to do. I just got out of a nasty relationship that lasted way to long and its time to have some real fun with a real person who likes me and my boys for who we are.. Silly people :)

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Well, I'm 30 years old. I have a 14 year old daughter who lives with me. I have a regular 40 or hour per week job that I enjoy but it doesn't fulfill so am currently pondering the thought of a carreer change.
I'm not exactly sure what I am looking for. Honesty is the most important thing.
I will update this more later.

. I am an easy going girl. I love my life and am looking for someone who enjoys life and living it to the max. I don't feel like I am other girls I like going out with my boys and can get along with anyone. My one girl thing is shoe's!!! I love shoes! The best thing in my life are my kids I have 2 and they come before any and everything.

. I arrived in Alaska about a year ago and have met a few really great people but I'm still in need of some unique personalities to fill up my life. It's hard to describe myself because whenever I write one of these things, it doesn't seem to ring true the next day. So, here are a few facts about me:
I subscribe to New Scientist and Outdoor Photographer magazines.
I have way too much space on my computer devoted to obscure music.
I grow tropical houseplants as a hobby but they kind of take over my life sometimes.
I love to vacuum.
I'm a great speller.
Astrology is a bunch of crap but I still read my horoscope weekly.
I love playing bar trivia.
In addition to my horoscope, I read books voraciously. Reading is fun. Seriously.
I listen to music in my car at full volume because it's fun.
Indian food is my favorite food.
Road trips are when I feel most alive.
To me, boring people don't exist but some people are hard shells to crack.
I want my life to be meaningful AND fun. Nothing is better than laughing.
If you've read what's above, I'm sure you can deduce that I'd like to meet someone who can make me laugh and laugh with me. Somebody who believes life is not about flatlining contentment. I want my life to be full of great adventures, comic errors, astounding beauty and crushing blows. I want to see and do everything and I'd like to share it with someone who will love it as much as I will.