Date men from United States / Alaska / Juneau, 28 year old

Date a guy from United States. Born and raised in Southeast Ak. Been a Fisherman since I can remember, I like being outdoors and doing exciting things. I love good food, I like to stay healthy and in shape, Hanging out with friends and family, hiking fishing. Pretty open minded, need a good woman to keep me out of trouble, wild man

Meet a boy from United States. I'm from Juneau lived here most of my life. I love it and hate it at the same time. I recently started working at the Kensington gold mine. So I have a job a car and a place. Since I know most want at least that. I am laid back but not lazy. I like to get out and be active. I like to fish, hike exercise, play sports, and just be outside. I don't mind staying in and relaxing with some good company. I also like to cook which may surprise some people. I have a playful sense of humor so I hope you do too. Either way I rather talk or meet in person than try to interest some with a paragraph in a box.