Date single boy from North Park, United States. I don't like these so I guess I'll just type things as they pop into my head:
I'm an engineer at an aerospace startup
I really like Haruki Murakami
I'm a big dork (according to a friend helping me with this...)
I love traveling (Cambodia, Hawaii twice, and Japan in 12 months)
I'm an uncle now and I love the kid to death
I'm from the LA-area, moved down to SD for school; I live in North Park now
I'm into photography (anyone on Flickr or 500px?)
I like old things/antiques, crafts/hand-made things
I'm a huge Lakers and Chargers fan
I like rock climbing, running, kayaking, hiking/backpacking, cycling
I like watching foreign films
I was on Gizmodo for making a Stormtrooper costume (srsly)
I train in boxing and muay thai; I'm at the gym usually 6 days a week!
I replay songs in the car to practice singing. It makes no sense why I do this. I'm sure it amuses other drivers.
I don't really like saying who/what I'm looking for because I sense it will sound really generic - we all want to meet honest people. I think a good relationship is one in which we can learn from each other - maybe if you have a cool hobby, or you like trying new restaurants on the weekend...or if you want to just laugh at the way I dance.
Meet a boy from North Park, United States. What's up, I moved back to San Diego a couple of months ago as the last leg of my life adventure down the California coast. I went to school up in the Bay Area, lived in San Francisco for a while, then Los Angeles, and here i've arrived! I live up by the North Park because I love culture, good food, fun bars, live music, and anything entertaining, really.
I don't lift weights 5 days a week or pretend I surf. I'm from here so I like to skateboard, body womp, people watch, make fun of zonies and non-locals alike. I don't try to be hip because I already know i'm cool and comfortable in my own skin. I have a dog, and she's more interesting than a lot of random people i've encountered. At the same time, I meet awesome people all the time because i'm extremely open and always welcome to new and exciting conversations.
What am I looking for? Someone who is down to earth, smart, honest, and happy with who they are. I don't need a crowd pleaser or a person who's friends get to decide who they date. In a perfect world you would meet, hit it off, and call the rest history - that's what i'm talkin about! Obviously there is a process, and now it includes the internet, so i'm just trying to see if it'll work!
At the same time, I'm hoping to meet a good person on here, someone I can potentially have a relationship with. I understand there are a lot of free dinners and drinks to be had by meeting people on a site like this, but i'd really like it to all mean something. If thats sounds good, then we should chat!
i'm Carl, by the way...
Date someone special from North Park, United States. I am a born-and-bred Minnesotan of 21 years who took the chance to see what the west coast (San Diego) had to offer back at the end of 2006. Now 5 1/2 years later I have come to realize just how fortunate I have been to have established myself here in southern California! Having previously bartended for nearly 6 years I built up my repertoire of clientele and have developed connections in/around the city from restaurants/music scene/golf...even airfare! I have dabbled in the backpacking culture and have toured 19 countries over the past 4 years, covering most of Europe and a chunk of Southeast Asia! I even recently made the escape from the food/bar industry as of last November to pursue the home-improvement field which has netted me a much more respectable income and has me laser-focused on purchasing my 1st house here in San Diego (hopefully by the end of 2012).
I also have become what I like to call a "self-appointed Ambassador" for the non-profit, "pay-it-forward" type of website known as the project. I have hosted 40 groups/individuals from all corners of the globe and have allowed them to stay at my bachelor pad here in North Park, playing tour guide for free all over the county :D I have utilized this genius site to meet travelers and also have a place to stay when abroad...the beauty in developing solid relationships with locals is priceless!!
That being said, it should come as no surprise that I am quite confident in what I'm doing and where I'm going and I would be ecstatic to be able to find someone who shares some of these same ambitions. One day I will get married in the Swiss Alps in the tiny village known as Gimmelwald and it will be the most romantic, amazing day of my life : ) I plan to complete a bucket list that is a 1/2 mile long....skydiving/speaking a 2nd language fluently, playing a musical instrument fluidly, and experiencing all 7 continents on Earth...and maybe space :D
If any/all of this is peaking your interest, I would love to hear from you!