Date a woman from United States. This is a first for me. I've been out of the dating scene for a long time. I consider my self very independent, never relying on another person whatsoever. I have everything I need material wise, home, car etc. No, I figure it would be nice to meet some one I could relate to. Go to the movies with, see a live show that I never go to. Something like a campanion, and who knows? I think the person I would like to meet would probably need to be able to handle anything, not so sensitive, strong & independent, but considerate and understanding. Especially down to earth, and I mean that like understanding what is real to a fantasy. He would have to at least care about him self, if not at least try. Oh and I like basketball. I read the sports page everyday, but then again I also read the want ads! I think I am just a average person looking for an average person............
Like comedy, real funny stuff, but some consider me hard-core & serious.