Date women from United States / Arkansas / Springdale, 61 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm country girl,large but since like to look nice,I wear jeans 99% of the time,would like a country boy with good values,manners,who can open doors,hold my hand,who can go camping and be at home there as he is anywhere ,like to do many things, will try almost anything once, would like someone who will take me at face value,not try to change me

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. This is still a test. I just want to see how it works and then - when the time is better for me - I'll enter info seriously. Too bad they don't let for take a "sneak peak" or test drive before having to commit.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I have many intertests. I'm a pediatric nurse who loves my job but values my down time as well. Enjoy traveling; oceans and beaches or large cities, bring it on! I'm a huge kid at heart, love amusement parks or live plays. I live in jeans and scrubs but clean up pretty well. Enjoy arts & crafts fairs, antiques, flea markets or staying home and playing with my friends, family, grandkids and dogs. Looking for that someone who makes me laugh and has similar interests. I love playing cards, boating, swimming, country music and the Arkansas Razorbacks.... GO HOGS !!