Date women from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 64 year old

Date a woman from United States. I'm hoping to find a man who loves his life, is active physically and stays active in his community (even if he is no longer drawing a salary). I really like talking things over with a partner: my day, my thoughts, my questions but I do not like analyzing my every thought and deed. I like finding balance in life: being by myself and being with another, restful part of the day vs active part of the day, things like that. I think walking and talking is one of the great pleasures of life. Whether it's strolling on the beach, walking in the Oakland Hills and a serious hike in Yosemite, there is nothing like it. When I travel, I like the cities where you can walk everywhere.
I love to read and read alot - it's my favorite winter pasttime at home. I watch baseball in the summer and keep up with the stats as a form of amusement. I have a "family" at the ballgames so it's not a must that my partner like watching baseball!
I love live theatre and have a subscription to Best of Broadway in SF. Also go to Berk Rep and ACT with friends.
I do alot of volunteer work so time is valuable and I love to spend time at home with the animals and in my garden.
I'm very open to see who is open to meeting me.

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for a companion who shares my interests in nature, hiking, travel and learning about other cultures. I am grateful for good health that allows me to enjoy an active lifestyle. I have recently begun attending a church in my community and would like to meet someone who is open to church membership as well. I am looking forward to enjoying a stimulating lifestyle in retirement. Experiences are more meaningful when shared.

Date a soulmate from United States. Looing forward to enjoying companionship with a person who likes to go places and do things in my golden years. I enjoy cooking meals--I follow recipes and watch the cooking channels on TV. I love to sew and decorate my house. I like to plant flowers in my garden and I have indoor plants.

Meet a woman from Oakland, United States. People might describe me as focused, determined, bright and articulate, but what I really value comes from the heart. Close friends know that a violin concerto can move me to tears, that I'll pull the car over to catch the end of a Terry Gross interview, that I spoil my cat rotten, and that most of the 950 photos on my iPhone are of my granddaughter.
In junior high I was a cheerleader, and the ability to cheer people on still feeds my soul. I enjoy mentoring younger people, and networking as much as possible. I'll never shy from the truth, if you want to hear it, and if you need encouragement from a good listener after a hard day, I'm your gal. I'm very social but not a social butterfly and move quickly from small talk to getting to know the real you. I enjoy my own company, as well as that of good friends.
Romance delights me but conversation and companionship light my fire. I'm a little old fashioned and prefer a guy who opens doors, takes my arm when crossing the street, initiates activities and doesn't shy away from picking up the check. My guy will be smart yet warm, thoughtful but outgoing, practical yet adventurous, with a great sense of humor and openness to life.
My idea of the perfect date would be a walk in a beautiful place followed by a great meal. Candle light is always a plus.
I can't resist a guy who can make me laugh. Could it be you?

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. Open and generous heart, outgoing, cheerful, I love to laugh and I do often. I enjoy attending theater, concerts, movies, most particularly walks with my dogs in the park. For me, experiencing the California landscapes is as necessary as breathing. I hike daily in the east bay hills, great for the soul and body. In a previous life I was a dancer so Zumba and salsa at the gymare part of my weekly rituals. My cozy bungalow in the Oakland Hills is shared with my dogs and is always open to sunshine, family and friends. We seem to get lots of company. I'm the oldest of six. I love to cook and I'm experienced at entertaining and organinzing travel. there is ver y little music I don't enjoy and I've been known to sing/hum along. I'm very visual and creative and am called on to help with family and friend interior design challenges, whether a kitchen or wedding centerpieces. Painting is a great passion. I recently got a 2nd masters for the from the San Francisco Academy of Art University. I love dancing, I've been taking tango lessons, even took a quick trip to Argentina to see how it is properly done. Full of passion. The Malbec and beef were wonderful. Over the years I've done quite a bit of traveling, usually the less travel paths, Tibet, Southeast Asia, Africa, India.
I'm looking or a partner, Someone with a rich sense of humor and a caring heart. someone honest and direct; intelligent with wit. A person of character who gets the big picture. Intelligent coupled with a sense for the romantic. I have 2 children, both doctors, involved with world public health. I love the joy of sating my curiosity by reading, traveling, or attending lectures and classes. I have a real passion for music whether making it or just sitting back and enjoying it. I have a passion for painting. I have converted my garage into a studio and enjoy my creative explorations. Couch potatoes need not apply.

Meet a soulmate from Oakland, United States. IРІР‚в„ўm spirtitual, creative, funny, and generous. My work provides both left brain/right brain opportunities, and I get to be with smart, engaging people all day long. Movement is my joy. I dance and work out regularly. I remain an artist at heart in all that I do. Time for self-reflection is very important to me, and I build it into each day. IРІР‚в„ўm an independent spirit and very receptive to exploring a partnership with someone. I look forward to sharing my evening meals, the "how did your day go" conversations and the fullness of heart a relationship can bring. I enjoy science fiction, appreciate performance arts, organics and meditate. My essence, persona and physical self belie my age.
YOU... don't need to know how to dance - yet have an appreciation for movement. You are spiritual, self-reflective, and love to laugh. You are a good listener and like to share your knowledge, emotions and opinions. You are inclined towards random acts of kindess. You know how to be happy, and the nature of reality fascinates you...

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I'm not the type to actively seek a relationship. But I asked myself - How's that working out for ya? (Not so much!)
Don't know who I'm looking for until he shows up! Some qualities that might appeal to me: someone in or sympathetic to the arts, humor, intelligence, independent.
I'm perfectly happy being single (or so I tell myself). Career is my focus. Love to swim, garden, quiet time alone, family.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am warm, ethical, pretty, and have been told that there is beauty in my presence. I liked that.
I am grateful for my family. I am hoping to attract a person who values family and friends above all else. I am looking for a person who is able to fall in love and is kind, respectful, and fun.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm adventurious, like to have fun. Love having the kid in me periodically show up. Can adapt to most social groups weaing a formal to grubbies. Love travelling and taking mini vacations (i.e., local trips, discovering other locations.) So......., grateful for God in my life. I'm looking for a man that knows what he wants, spontaneous, sense of humor, adventurious, do open and honest communication, family oriented. More to come if you're interested in new beginnings.

. Still singing, 'Fairy tales can come true', and wondering how the lyrics and tune should sound in this new century. I am pleasingly attractive, blond, big brown eyes, petite, fit, and of Italian descent. Having achieved a reasonable level of professional, financial, and emotional success, I am looking for the same in my partner. I am in awe of the Universe, both the science of it, and the spiritual mystery intrinsic to life.Hopeful,optimistic, romantic,and looking for a best friend and lover. Let's compose the perfect modern romance. You are comfortable with your power, and mine, too. I mean this in the best sense of the word, not as in 'power hungry', but simply as it is defined: able to gracefully influence the outcome of interactions. This opens space for great banter, intellectually, and especially with humor. Can you laugh with me? I hope so, wit is such a turn on. Is your heart open?
You like taking risks. You might like hiking, cycling, travel, sailing, opera, the theater, and picnics in the moonlight(well, sunny ones, too!). And, of course, like me, you are still filled with wonder, and capable of commitment to the right woman. I can't wait to meet you. Yes....You are secure with yourself, your success, and your sense of humor is infectious. You value intelligence,aesthetics,spiritual curiosity, and good taste. You are looking for a real partner in every sense of the concept. You are serious in your search for the right woman, and honest with yourself about your preferences, you're one of a kind, and you are appealing to the eyes.. And: I will forward my photo, if there is a mutual interest.( my career makes it awkward to advertise my photo.)

. Take a chance on a woman who's looking for a second step in life. There are so many things I'd like to do, but I'd really like to do them with someone. Don't decide on a photo alone. Get to know the person behind the photo.
I'm an English as a Second Language teacher and I've been doing this for 33 years. I really enjoy being with my international students and learning about their lives and cultures. I was married for 27 years and have been widowed for almost four. I will be 64 in January and hope to retire at the beginning of 2013.
I have a 23-year-old son who's just completed his first year of work. I'm very proud of what he has accomplished, especially since he didn't have his dad around to encourage him.
I would really like to find someone with whom to share activities and affection. I'm just getting back into hiking (I'm definitely not a speed hiker) and would love to hit the trails with someone. I was recently in the redwoods and it was so beautiful and peaceful. I'm not into fine dining. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich can taste great on a hike. I enjoy movies and am quite content to watch them at home. I joined the de Young, which also includes the Legion of Honor, and have enjoyed the recent exhibits from Picasso to the Dutch Masters.
I'm looking for a person with whom I feel at ease and who can make me laugh. I haven't done enough of that lately.

. I am 63 years young, a writer, a mother and grandmother; lover of life, synchronicity, nature, art, dreams, and spirituality. I am retired and love to travel. I am currently learning Spanish in preparation to spending a month in Ecuador this year.
Dreams, synchronicities, stories, myths, and visions are the energy sources that charge my psyche and point me intuitively in the direction my soul is beckoning. When I work with the symbols generated by the unconscious that creates them, I feel in synch with the larger reality of my existence. Finding ways to apply the lessons from my meditations, dreams and visions to my daily life is the grounding mechanism I use to stay focused and share my gifts with others. But learning to apply my inner knowing to my everyday life has been an ongoing process for me. I have never found the work easy, and consider myself a late bloomer in the Life Mission department. I have certainly experienced my share of hitting walls at the end of dead-end roads along the way. But, lately I feel I have found the right vehicle in the Transpersonal Studies Spiritual Guidance Mentoring Program. And, by taking up the proverbial “pen" again, I am finding a way to share my insights with others (creative writing is a gift that I exhibited in early in childhood and gave up in adulthood for the more formulaic writing called for in marketing and sales). I also intuitively know that I am on the right road that is leading me to greater passion and freedom in my life.
I am looking for a person who share my interests in things beyond the merely physical but, at the same time, someone who is well grounded and living life to the fullest. Preferably, someone with a love of family and a sense of humor.