Date women from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 26 year old

Date single girl from Oakland, United States. I live in Oakland and I love it! I like to explore new places and try new things. Recently I have been thinking more and more about just packing up my things and moving to the mountains and away from the city life. Some part of me is longing to feel a deeper connection with nature and just grow my own food and live in a cabin in the woods.
I enjoy all things outdoors: hiking; camping; paddling; sailing; backpacking; and geocaching. If you would like to meet up for a hike I will always been down!
I also like good music and bar hopping. My favorite bands are: Arcade Fire; MGMT; Best Coast; Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros; The Cure; The Velvet Underground; The Rolling Stones; Fleet Foxes; Neutral Milk Hotel. Nothing is better than making breakfast Sunday morning while listening to the Velvet Underground.
I hope to meet fun, inspiring people who are driven.
I have a beagle named Bodhi and he is a little crazy but very sweet.

Meet a girl from Oakland, United States. Where to begin? I little bit about me? IРІР‚в„ўm guessing thatРІР‚в„ўs why youРІР‚в„ўre here ;)
I’m a driven girl with lots of good things going on in my life. I’ve worked really hard to achieve some big life goals and now I’m looking to share all the “good stuff” with someone else.
I hope to meet someone who is willing to share all their “good stuff”. Chemistry is important, as well as good conversation, a sense of humor, confidence, and mutual respect. I like to hang out with positive, optimistic people who work at being the best version of themselves. If the same things (and others?) are important to you this could work.
It sounds like all work and no play, but I do have a less serious side – if you’re able to help me let loose and induce a fit of laughter you’re in!
IРІР‚в„ўd like to think IРІР‚в„ўm funny, but sometimes itРІР‚в„ўs hard to tell if people are laughing because they are amused or because IРІР‚в„ўve made a terribly awkward comment.
I wish I talked more like Terry Gross – soothing and calm, taking these long pauses to think – in reality I’m kind of loud, I get easily excited, and can be pretty chatty. I'd never make it on NPR :(
Generally, I enjoy being active and try to get out of the house often for some “physical activity” even if it’s just a walk around the lake. I’m currently training for my second half-marathon – I’m still amazed this running (well let’s be honest, it’s more like jogging) thing has stuck and I really enjoy the feeling of working toward a big goal. I also just started taking some Cross Fit classes. My success here has yet to be determined, so you will have to give me some time to form an opinion and get past the soreness.
To balance all this “physical activity” out, or rather cancel it out?!? I enjoy my local culinary scene, as well as spending time in my own kitchen. I hope my cooking club ladies will back me up when I say I can make a mean contribution to any themed potluck! If you’re the hungry type, I think we could get along.
I’m open to trying new things, so if you have some activity/hobby you think is worth sharing let me know…after the first try you can decide whether you want to keep sharing :)

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. my friends would describe me as very serious, reserved and well organized person. i would like to meet someone serious, who wanna settle down. someone who will be able to accept me at my worse and appreciate me at my best. humble honest, respectful and know exactly what brought him here. no players thx.

Meet a soulmate from Oakland, United States. I'm the girl next door with a naughty streak. I am vivacious, compassionate, smart and loyal. I love to make people laugh, learn, and spend time with my family and friends.
In my spare time, I enjoy running, Skype dates with my nephew, yoga, hiking with my dog and being outdoors. Other hobbies of mine include reading, having game nights, going to comedy shows, bocce ball, baking, trivia nights, singing in the shower and dancing.
I work in the healthcare industry, and I'm fortunate to enjoy both my job and the people that I work with. So, I've got that going for me...which is nice.
More importantly, I am trying to be the best aunt, sister, friend, daughter and dog mama that I can be!
Miscellaneous Likes:
Fist pumps, Stefan, sweet potato fries, bad jokes, dog parks, the snooze button, sledding, thunderstorms, crossword puzzles, inappropriate comments, Chris Farley, cough drops, bear hugs and long naps.
A good match for me is:
A dog lover
You should message me if:
You are grammatically correct.
You think that everything is better with a puppy.
You need more cowbell.
You are a good kisser (No, seriously. I want to hear from you).
You aren't afraid to be silly.
You believe that brown eyed girls are the most beautiful.
You will let me have the last bite.
You are a lover not a fighter.
You can name this movie: "So you're telling me there's a chance?"
You call it like you see it.
You have a funny YouTube video to share.
You will dip me on the dance floor.
You won't tickle me.
You are a closet nerd.
You need a fun date to a wedding.
You would still be taller than me in my 5 inch heels.
You like to be the big spoon, but will occasionally switch it up.
You have something unique to say.

Date single girl from United States. I am an ESL teacher. I am kind, friendly and compassionate. My friends would describe me as loyal, generous and fun! I love my job and my relaxing lifestyle. I am looking for a good conversationalist. Someone who loves to laugh. I want a laid back type of guy who likes staying in as well as going out. I'm looking for someone who has a sense of adventure and enjoys traveling.

Meet a girl from United States. Well.... I'm a very strong-minded individual, feminist, open to new ideas and perspectives, talkative, driven, passionate, spiritual, who loves to laugh. Only interested in fulfilling my life's purpose, living and loving life, meeting new and interesting people who I can have great conversations with, growing and becoming a better person..... Who is important to me is God, my family and friends and what is important to me is advocating for those who do not have a voice in this society.
My perfect match would be someone who is passionate about life and helping those that are less fortunate, has street smarts and book smarts, open-minded, ambitious, LOVES all kinds of music and dancing, confident in who they are and what they believe, doesn't anger easily, loves to laugh and make others laugh, SPIRITUAL, who knows how to carry a good conversation and who is humble enough to admit their faults/mistakes as well as have the courage to call me on mine. I want someone who truly BELIEVES in LOVE and MONOGAMY.

Date someone special from United States. My friends would best decribe me as a caring, loving, artistic, out going, passionate woman. I'm very involved when it comes to the dental field, our team and our patients. I belive in healing though Art. I hope to attract someone who is passionate about life and compassionate about others. A man who loves the outdoors and Art. A man who is also very driven when it comes to his spirituality, family and career. Things that make me laugh would be silliness and nerdy jokes. In a relationship i'm looking for a bestfriend, love, respect, commitment, romance, partnership, positive encoragement for each other and fun. I'm most passinate about my family and friends, helping others, Art, dental, nature and enjoying life.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Describing myself isn?t one of my strengths, so I asked a friend to do it for me?
Cindy is very outgoing and loves to go try new things. She loves adventure in traveling and trying new food. She enjoys playing most sports and watching them also. She is very family oriented and has strong values. She isn?t a gourmet chef but she can cook a good meal. She is a big goofball but she?s a workaholic. So that?s why I made her get on this website to find a decent man for her.
OK, so her ideal date would be someone with similar interests although she does want to meet someone who can take her out of her box. I picture her with a fun, honest, easy going guy with a good sense of humor. She?s not looking for the best looking guy out there. She wants to be with someone that is adventurous, can treat her like a lady and has good morals. Send her a message if you are interested.

Date single girl from Arkansas, United States. I'm a regular girl with my life together...most of the time! I love my job, am close with my family, love to travel, and watch and play sports....
I'm thankful that I love my job and get to do something that I'm interested in everyday. I work a lot but I don't let it interfere with my time outside of work. I get to travel a lot for work but love to travel for fun even more. Currently looking forward to Vegas, Hawaii, Colorado, and Chicago this year.
Family is very important to me, even though mine doesn't live close by I still see them often and keep in touch. I have one younger brother and he is a best friend to me. We're very close and I look forward to everything that we do together.
As far as my everyday life here in the bay goes I like to do yoga, dance, watch baseball, visit farmers markets and flea markets whenever possible, and generally just enjoy all the wonderful food and drink choices around here. I'm very go with the flow, down to earth and honest. I'm a very independent person, very comfortable with where I'm at and what I'm doing with my life. I'm looking for someone who feels the same and is also looking for the extra piece to their puzzle. Someone to share dinners, go to Giants games, travel, and enjoy life with :)

Meet a girl from Arkansas, United States. I am currently in graduate school and work full time. I enjoy watching football, basketball, boxing and sometimes baseball lol. I enjoy reading and going to the movies. I am pretty laid back but once in a while I do enjoy going out with my girls for some drinks and dressing up. I am in search of someone who is looking to settle down in the future and wants something serious. I am a very honest person and I expect the same. He would have to enjoy going out on some days and just staying in to watch a movie on other days.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I just moved back to the Bay, and am interested in meeting some new people and having a good time. During my hours off work, I enjoy going outdoors and getting some sun, exploring the city and discovering cool new beer bars, vegging out and watching the Daily Show.
I'm hoping to meet a guy who is interested in fun activities, relaxed conversation and hanging out on the weekends. Hit me up if this sounds good to you.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. My general outlook on life: :D
My friends never know what to expect when I describe something as "FUN", such as: hiking in dumping rain, getting lost, working out, dancing in public, trying weird everythings, karaoke, playing with my food, or biking til you can't feel your butt. Haha. If I am learning new things, pushing myself harder, and laughing.. I am having some fun.
I am an easy going, passionate person that's easily excitable and a little nerdy. I am half Mexican and Italian, which means I am almost always 5-minutes late, opinionated, fun-loving, artistic, clumsy, and can cook! :P
I work diligently as a graphic designer for a woman's activewear company in the East Bay. I moved back to the Bay, a year ago, after living in the Central Coast working within the wine industry developing wine brands and labels. I really enjoy being back on my home turf.
When I am not at work, I am outside, practicing yoga, training hard at the gym for Rainier and Tough Mudder, dancing in my apartment, illustrating, thinking amongst silence, thinking amongst the heaviest of tunes, buying A LOT of concert tickets, cooking, volunteering, playing pool or at a show with some friends.
Aside from the day to day grind, I am making a bigger effort to travel. It's hard to get past the beauty of CA and the West Coast. (Lucky us.) Right now, I am focusing on domestic travel. Spain, Italy, and the vastness of Patagonia are on the horizon. Oh, in August I will also summit Mt. Rainier raising $3,800 for an organization that provides equipment and training for kids to get outdoors and away from the tube and conflict at home. Can't wait!
I've learned that it's the element of surprise that really makes a strong connection. Therefore, I don't have a checklist for the perfect man, but I do know how I want to live my life. I seek an active, happy, healthy life full of adventure, family, and warmth with guy who is active, honest, courteous, positive, and sexy. Finding the balance of play and work is very important to me.
Don't just wink. Write!
---Quotes That Resonate with Me---
"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is most poetic thing I know about physics. You are all stardust."
---Physicist Lawrence Krauss
"The general root of superstition is that men observe when things hit, and not when they miss, and commit to memory the one, and pass over the other."
---Sir Francis Bacon
If a man is alive, there is always danger that he may die, though the danger must be allowed to be less in proportion as he is dead-and-alive to begin with. A man sits as many risks as he runs.