Date women from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 60 year old

Date a woman from United States. At this point in life, I am mostly interested in enjoying life to the fullest.
I have worked hard practicing law for 30 plus years and have reached a point where I can enjoy life more...and there is much to enjoy.
I am self-employed and have a lot of flexibility in my schedule. I would love to meet someone who is similarly situated and who would love to travel and see how much fun we can have from here on out.
Please don't "wink" at me. I receive way too many of those to keep up or respond.

Meet someone special from United States. My daughter is what I am most proud of and for which I am most grateful. She is that big gift we all hope for in life. Now I am hoping to find my next big gift in you. It's time for me to have a trusted friend, companion, and mate. I would like to share my time with someone who will grow to be very special to me. He is very smart, openly giving, funny enough to keep me in stiches, and always loyal. I am a friend for life, appreciate my blessings, and am very high energy. So will you call me maybe?

Date a soulmate from United States. I consider myself an intellectually curious person; always learning something new. Brain researchers tell you that if you don't use it, you loose it, so my mind is always growing. I enjoy beauty in art and in nature.
I use to have a little "Honda 100" until one day I looked around going 70 miles an hour on the freeway and decided, "this is just too scary." I guess I am some what of a risk-taker, not afraid to try new things. I've never been what you call a globe-trotter, but I've been some places, I'm active, and I'm open to new people and new adventures. I could say I want to go here or I want to go there, but ultimately it's who you like being home with that matters.
Something you should know about me:
Part of my childhood was spent on a small farm and my job was to milk the cow after school each day. We had raw, unpasteurized milk and and no one had lactose intolerance. I feel strongly about the effect of what I eat on my OWN health and well being; so I won't nag you. I work to keep myself healthy by keeping up with anti-aging research; I'm a self-taught herbalist, I make herbal medicines and sauerkraut, and shop at the Farmers Market. I have grown wheat grass and like to make healthy juices. Not a fanatic, I do love southern fried chicken, steaks, and veal cutlets as long as they come from grass-fed animals. Just planning to live well past 90, and when that time comes I will still be walking, talking, laughing, living, and breathing all on my own.
I care:
I am politically active, meaning I join in and speak up about issues that are important to me. I send letters and take part in making the will of this one person known. I care deeply about the environment, the politics of food, alternative medicines, injustices, and about the kind of world we are leaving our children.
What I want in a life partner:
It's hard to say I want this or I have to have that in a person, because some things are worth compromising for and others are not. I've fallen in love when it was the farthest thing from my mind. Chemistry counts, and it can show up when you least expect it. There is nothing more rewarding than a shared life with a mutual friend and partner. Yes, I could give you a long list of requirements, but finding all of them in one person would be impossible, so I've given up expecting a perfect man. If you are right for me, then you already know what women want. I'm really looking for someone who brings a smile to my face, and in turn, someone who smiles at the thought of me.
An ideal relationship:
Would be two people who like to have each other around, and who are non-judgemental and share or are supportive of each other's dreams. They know how to work, play, agree and disagree with harmony. They allow one another their own space and timing; yet they have many common interests that keep them coming back together. I'm not looking for someone exactly like me, nor do I expect to be exactly like you.
I promise I won't judge you by past relationships, so please don't judge me by mine. We are all seeking success in finding the right one, or we would not be on this site.
The pictures are recent and I'm woking on some more. If you want to get to know me more, I'm really an easy person to talk to and I don't bite. I feel very strongly about meeting someone face-to-face before before giving out a lot of personal information.

Meet a woman from Oakland, United States. Let me start with who I am. I'm a tall, affable, affectionate, intelligent, self confident, easy going, fun loving, sincere, warm, passionate, eclectic and physically fit woman that has much to offer. Whew - did I use enough adjectives? Oh yeah, I'm a red head too. lol
I love to smile and laugh. I enjoy making other people do the same. Most people are happy to see me - well most people.
My true loves/passions are music (especially blues and jazz), archaeology and teaching, but not necessarily in that order.
Having grown up in the Bay Area during the '60s/'70s I've heard a lot of great musical artists. I enjoy live music anywhere whether it be classical, rock, jazz, blues or other genres. Music soothes my soul and makes me happy to be alive. I hope it does the same for you.
I love what I do for a living - teaching our youth to become problem solvers and contributors to humanity. Yeah I know, somebody's gotta do it. I am a life long learner and enjoy others who also seek to expand their mind. My students tell me I'm a very cool teacher, which --coming from them --is a great compliment! I also help coach my school's badminton team which consumes a fair amount of my time and is lots of fun.
I'm a gypsy/explorer at heart. I've been involved with some interesting archaeological expeditions (however I'm no Indiana Jones) and I actually discovered a tiny (but authentic) site in Australia. That's a funny story.........
I feel and definitely act years younger than my chronological age. My kids/students tell me I'm more fun than their friends their own age.
Staying healthy through exercise and diet are a priority for me but I must confess I've got a weakness for fresh baked sourdough bread, cotswald cheese and Rombauer zinfandel - ah, a little bit of heaven.
For pleasure I enjoy reading, music festivals, concerts, movies, museums, travel (I spend a lot of time in Chicago - love that city) and try new restaurants. I'd like to learn more about photography and also find someone with the patience to teach me how to golf.
I've been on my own most of my adult life and enjoy my independence, but I'd like to meet someone who might share some of my interests and would want to share theirs with me as well. I'm looking for my best friend, my sweetheart, my passionate lover, a companion to explore the world with and someone who is simpatico with me.
My ideal match can make me laugh out loud and he can show me tenderness. He's able to be a kid sometimes and have fun with me. I'm attracted to him because he has a good heart and a way with words. I find articulate men very attractive. Oh yes, I also love a man that is good in the kitchen - a definite plus!
I'm looking for someone who works at staying healthy - physically, mentally and emotionally. Please be open minded and fun loving. I'm up for adventure and fun - how about you?

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. I am independent, loyal, trustworthy, optimistic, and busy. In my spare time, I pursue my artistic endeavors, particularly fiber and textile arts. I love cooking and entertaining for my friends. I always manage to fit in a new dining experience. I thoroughly enjoy experiencing new cultures and traveling to new countries. On a daily basis, I enjoy walking my dog, bird watching, hiking, and gardening. Camping and flat water kayaking are other activities I enjoy.
I am looking for someone who makes me laugh, not by telling jokes but by finding the small ironies in life to appreciate and enjoy. I am looking for someone I can trust; someone who is honest and not a game player; someone who doesn't need drama to feel alive. I would like someone to share fun times but notI don't want to be smothered. I have been very independent for a number of years.
I have many wonderful friends and stay busy, enjoying each day, but I miss the spark I would share with one someone special. ItРІР‚в„ўs been five years since my husband passed away and I have practiced savoring each day. Life is a gift.