Date men from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 49 year old

Date single man from United States. I am a solid, stable, quality guy with a positive "can-do" attitude and genuine heart. Smart, funny, honest, loyal, witty, and adventurous. I'm just a regular guy with a big heart that longs to serve and help others. I love kids and wish I had more, but I cherish the one God gave me and consider her truly a blessing.
I have a successful career and a job I love. I work hard and play hard. I am ambitious but not a workaholic. Family and friends are most important in my life, so spending time with them is my focus. I enjoy working out 4-5 times a week to stay fit and healthy. I may not be built like a gym-rat, but I do take care of myself. I love the rush I get from an intense Zumba workout. Can't believe I can shake my booty like that (Lol!).
Genuine, faithful, sensitive, hilarious, and dependable are a few words that describe me. I have a playful side that will keep you laughing and guessing what comes next. I am comfortable with who I am and know what I want in life.
Mutual physical attraction and chemistry are a must. I am looking for an angel who is as beautiful inside as she is outwardly. One that I can't keep my eyes off or wait to see again. A girly-girl who can amaze me with her athleticism, yet charm me with her wit, intelligence, and sense of humor. One that steals my heart with a flash of her eyes or her loving embrace that tells me I'm her man and nobody else in the world matters. Chilvalry still exists and I wiil show you how.
I am looking for friendship first and foremost. If there is a spark, we can go from there, but not too fast. I am NOT into hooking up ... I am a gentleman. I am a Christian man and my faith is an important part of my life.
Thanks for checking my profile.

Meet a man from United States. "It's just a walk! Not a marriage proposal......" (Harry (Jack Nicholson) - "Something's Gotta Give"))
I'm just looking for someone to take a "Walk" (metaphorically speaking).......... We'll see where it goes........
I'm also seeking a woman who is compassionate, considerate, and so basically stated....... Friendly. I know this limits my choices, but that's OK, I'm a patient man.
I'm just a guy looking for a girl. I'm looking for my best friend actually.
This girl........ this women...... is a LADY! She doesn't mind when I open her door or pull-out her chair at our favorite restaurant. She actually prefers it that way.
This LADY is HONEST! She is SINCERE! She understands what it means to have INTEGRITY! This Lady is refined, well educated, successful in her career but yet she will love to spend the weekend relaxing; hiking(so cliche' on match - HIKING), picnics, whatever looks fun at the time in the great outdoors! Especially the BEACH!
She loves dressing-up for dinner and parties but is also comfortable in a t-shirt and shorts. OR in one of my dress shirts!
This girl, this woman, this wonderful LADY I envision is also more importantly my best friend. She would be the first one I'd think of calling when I hear about something interesting in the news. Something exciting that just happened at work. Someone I'd call when I heard a great joke. Someone I'd call when I just did something funny and I can't wait to share it.
This woman is the one I'd be able to see from across the room at a party and our eyes would meet and although no words were exchanged...... our mutual glance said it all.
I want to find that woman that when we first meet there is an instant 'spark'. Do you remember when you last fell in love? Do you remember how it made you feel inside? Do you remember how you thought about that person every minute of every day? Do you remember how you couldn't wait to see them again or just to have the opportunity to talk to them on the phone? I am very much looking forward to THAT one day!
Me? I'm a grounded, level-headed man with a superior sense-of-humor and an incredible positive outlook on life. I despise negativity. There is absolutely no reason to be anything other than positive and to make each day better than the last.
I am very atheletic. I enjoy sports but I also enjoy movies and books of all types and have a soft-spot for romance. The smallest of gestures can be a true testament to how much you really care for one another.
I have traveled extensively in my career and I have visited a lot of great places and I look forward to sharing those great places with this woman and exploring new places of our own.
I love to cook and entertain for friends and family. Great friends, great food, great wine and great music all mixed together...... make for a GREAT evening!!
MUSIC! Music is such an important component of each and every day for me. I love a wide variety of music and I find that it is great for the soul. "Music is what feelings sound like."
I love the ocean and can be happy on just about ANY beach anywhere however Hawaii is dear to my heart. I love the history and culture of Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii about 20 times now and I am looking forward to another 20 !
I'm 48 but I would say that in Mind, Body and Spirit it's like this with me. Mind = 27'ish; Spirit = 34'ish; Body = 40'ish........... average that out and I'm 33.67 years old. Age is just a number however.......... and even sometimes a label. I am looking forward to another 48 years!
Contrary to what you've just read........ I'm a talker....... NOT a writer so I look forward to talking to you.

Date someone special from United States. Again, I seem to have to replying things twice. I would like to find a romantic realationship and a possible long term one as well. I am stready and dependant. I would like that in you as well. Hope we can have conversations in the evening, romantic nights in the evenings as well. Let us get together and see where this can go.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Newly single and looking to meet people.I am a working professional who enjoys helping people. No, I dont have a dalmation. I am a part time father to 2 daughters.I enjoy getting away from the heat by going up to Northern Arizona. Also enjoy movies and television. I enjoy comedies like Daily Show,Colbert,Big Bang,How I met Your Mother,and Family Guy. Also like Bones and my daughters have me hooked on Grey's. Born in Chicago area but have pretty much lived in the Valley since high school.

Date single man from Chandler, United States. I am looking for a woman who wants to have fun and is open to the possibility of a LTR. I'd like to find a woman who I can connect with emotionally, and intimately. I am honest, down to earth, spiritual, sophisticated, silly sometimes, intelligent, educated,quick witted, dependable, financially secure and emotionally stable....and RESOURCEFUL... I enjoy music from the 70's and 80's and 90's.......
So here goes. I have two boys 21 and 22 years old and they live on their own, i try to see them often....I'm in really good health...175 poundsl 6-1..and looking for a woman that is the same but much lighter and a little shorter......all my pictures are currant except my Cat Wonka..that's about 3 years should see him now!
My interests and things I like to do are:, and with someone is even better...I love Music...Alan Parsons to P. Floyd to the "One Hit Wonders' like "moonlight feels right" to "Wildfire" the song about a Pony that got lost.." Hotel California" aka The Pink Plaza Hotel...Located in Beverly Hills.....anything I can understand.. I'm a one woman guy and always have been...always will be....Love Ghost Towns, concerts....having fun.....
I believe in making the person your with feel special all the time, and I know how nice it feels to touch and be touched while just simply driving together or sitting face to face from one another.
Interests in the near furture. One day soon I would like to visit all the Missions (21) that were designed and built in the 1700's to the 1800's that go from San Diego ,.. North past San Fransisco as I do like old buildings....and New york in the Fall....
I studied weather @ when it rains i'm loving it and we get some really Beautiful Sunset's and Full Moon Rises in this state. My occupation is differant from what I studied in School...pretty common..and my income is differant that was is i don't want to disclose that info unless asked...and till I figure out how to put "Tell you later" in that no deception there.
I enjoy romantic nights and days.. walks...I like .. Payson, Tempe, Jerome, Bisbee, California, Disneyland...Vegas...I enjoy the Outdoors, Camping...or staying in a Cabin......Kohls Cabins in Payson is nice...Just to get out of the heat once and a while...and the enjoy the snow..(when it snows... )lol.....I enjoy going to the movies and watching a nice DVD at home and just snuggling on a couch with the one I adore..Dining out or eating in..I like to BBQ and know some good recipe's...Dancing is fun and . Naturally, these interests are funner when your with your " significant other". I feel a woman should receive Roses every month and on special occasions...I've always been able to achieve that.
I'm traditional, in that...I feel a woman should be treated like a woman should be treated! ..Always opening the door for her, lots of roses, however, we are equals and walk side by side,,,and respecting each other for who we short treating a woman like a woman SHOULD be treated....without over doing it...everyone needs alone time and I respect that, like "Girls Night Out"...Kinda like "Guys Night In" lol....Everyone has a past and i'm looking to the presant and the future .and once I get to know you I can be so intriged by your life and your WONDEROUS's fun to talk about how we were able to get by without P.C.s, IPODs, Cell Phones and the good luck and hope to hear from you...
P.S. I feel meeting for coffee or lunch is a good way to meet, and talking on the phone a few times is fine too...need to do that we can set a time to see each other..........My pictures are resent....and were not taken to post on this I may be adding more soon....:)

Meet a man from Chandler, United States. As you can tell by my title I am wondering does anywhere on this site write to anyone.
I have a difficult time myself writing about myself so I can understand the nervousness and hesitation.
So who am I well lets see I am financially and morally responsble but I am not a dud. According to several female friends(all who are married sadly) say I am witty,confident,very funny,handsome in a when shrek became human kind of way.
I enjoy being outdoors,like to shoot,swim,hike,or just go for a weekend drive.
I am interested in the political scene again I know what you are thinking boring,but cmon with whats going on in the world how can one not be interested.
I want to do all the above things a lot more I just would like to share the experiences with someone special.
I workout 3-5 times a week but the only mirrors in my home are in the bathrooms. I ussually wear t-shirt and jeans or cargo shorts.
It would be so nice if someone would respond with some interest just start by meeting for drinks at a nice place early evening happy hour. I really am a decent man the type you can really be comfortable around and who knows you may even laugh .

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. When I think of myself, I feel very blessed to have my life and my children, my family around in my live to share with them all life has to offer. I am learning about sharing and that relationships are the treasures we will take with us or be left with when the ones we love are gone in this life.
I wish to meet a unique person to share thier collective experiences and blend our lifestyles in a happy transition. Life is work, and this is work for me and not in my comfort zone. I look forward to a an experience.

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. Mostly honest when it counts. I'm a cat person and if you don't like cats that your not my type. I am also reserved most of the time and sometimes have a difficult time opening up to a person. More to come later.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Time 4 change.. What I want ... Someone to share with,live,explore the second half of my life. Someone without boundaries ,willing to be my better half. I want her to look me in the eyes and feel complete.i want to dance,ride,travel and all those amazing things two people do that want to be together do..I hope she is out there...
Simple.. Honest

Meet a man from Arizona, United States.
Hey there, I’m new to this dating scene, it has been 24 years now since I last dated. Back then, I think it was easier to meet people. I had this reckless freedom to do anything, go anywhere and no real responsibilities. Now my biggest priorities in my life are my two beautiful daughters that live with me. My oldest daughter that just turned 19, and my younger daughter is 17?. (female hormones? “hah” I think I would do better at wrestling with a grizzly bear!) but love keeps us together, and no their names are not Sonny and Cher.
About me, I’m somewhat of a sensitive guy, with a big heart , love to laugh, have fun, and can be witty at times. I have always lived for vacations! I like to get out of town as much as possible, i am happiest at 0 elevation (the beach) or at 8000 ft elevation (THE CABIN OR IN THE FOREST) i love camping,boating,fishing,and hunting! I am an avid archery bowhunter that i love to do. I get my stuff done and go. My vacations are simple as an overnight stay at the lake, a weekend in the pines, to a week on the beach in Mexico. Heck who knows when this world could come to an end. “ Live for the day”. When I look up at the stars, I wonder where does the universe end? Or does it ever end? Alright getting too deep, no more vino, back to me. I guess who I’m looking for is an energetic, athletic women, that would enjoy some of of my interests in life. She must trust me to be there when needed, I might be 49 years of age, but I am a hardworking busy body, and feel and act like I’m still in my 30s. I’m true to my name Adventuruss, I’m not great with words or computers. I think I am much better in person to talk to. So if you are up for the challenges of my life, let me know. P.S. Don't let the "currently seperated" scare you away. I will never get back together with her. I am not divorced yet because of the health insurance coverage for me and my girls. I also don't want the "smoker" thing to scare you away. I quit last spring and and could do it again for the right person!
Thanks Russ.