Date men from United States / Arizona / Litchfield Park, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Litchfield Park, United States. OK about me first off I wanna say I love kids they r great they do funny things and they make me happy. I enjoy being someone they can look up too. Now i am originally from Rochester NY born and raised now currently live in prince frederick MD and been working on moving out here to arizona.. altho my family all remains on the east coast i love the west far more lots more of what i enjoy doing is out here. i love to travel see the sites go camping boating what ever comes to mind. i also love riding my quad in the open desert i love to wake board and snow board when i have to chance. as for the east is great for the holidays get to see the snow and spend it with my family who is very important to my life. i also have 2 very beautiful nieces back there as well.
i love my sports just like most others out there i am a big hockey fan (buffalo sabers and bruins)
football i am a giants fan all the way some yrs they are bad but i stand behind my team.
i love going to nascar races NHRA races and even race when i get the chance.
on the other hand i do love just sitting around the house entertaining friends and or just relaxing. i like to cook and my fav smoke meat
I try to live my life the best i can with as much fun as i can get into it. I love my family and have very strong family values. i also have a couple very close friends that are great and funny people. i like to make people laugh. i work hard and play even
harder. im real easy to get to know. im a traditional guy i treat a lady how they should be i make them feel as special as possable. ask anything you want.

Meet single man from Litchfield Park, United States. I enjoy a good laugh and I try to make others laugh and smile. Life is too short to be grumpy all the time. I think of myself as optimistic but I am also a realist and I have my feet grounded. I can be a bit sarcastic at times but in a humorous way, or at least I think its humorous. I have always thought that if you cant laugh at yourself then you shouldn't laugh at anyone else. I like being outdoors, hiking, exploring, travel, sports venues, coffee shops, wine tastings going to movies and things of that nature. I enjoy staying healthy both mentally and physically . I have recently started to run obstacle course style 5k runs, (gladiator run, warrior dash) and I have really enjoyed them. I do believe that there has to be physical attraction between two people for good chemistry to work, so if my photos aren't working for you no problem I would rather you skip me over rather than get disappointed later.
I have three wonderful children that I enjoy spending time with them. As to be expected they are priority to me. With that said I'm looking for someone who is okay with kids. I am also looking for someone who has kids themselves as I feel they will be understanding to schedules and things of that nature. I hope to find someone with similar interests, good sense of humor that is open and honest. Someone that can get dressed up to do a fancy night out but can also go camping and get her hands dirty.

Date a man from Litchfield Park, United States. [A little about me:
I’m from Maine but moved here in 1997 to go to ASU. I stay in shape but I'm not a health freak. I like to think I have a lot of personality. I'm well mannered and know how to treat a girl. I'm generally easy-going I'd prefer to be silly and goofy rather than serious but I'm not one of those people who doesn't know when is the right place and time. A lot of people tell me I'm funny but I have never considered myself funny. I think it's because of how random I am. I have always been told how I think about things in a different way than most. I'm kind of an "outside the box" thinker.
What I am looking for in a girl
I’m looking for a girl who believes in herself and could be independent if she wanted to but would rather rely and put her trust in the one she loves (hopefully me one day). A girl who’s confident enough to know she’s pretty and that she has a lot to offer. A girl who is generally positive and optimistic (we all have bad days occasionally). I’m looking for a girl who wants to trust me and communicate with me openly so that when things aren’t going so well, we can get through it together. I want a girl who will put all her trust in me, until I give her reason not to. Hopefully we’ll learn from each other and share interests that we didn’t have before we met each other. I'm not looking for the perfect girl. I'm just looking for the perfect girl for me.
What I want in a relationship:
You spend more time with your spouse/partner than anyone else so you should be able to tell them everything and have nothing to hide. I want to have a ton of trust and communication so we’ll be able to make it through anything together. It shouldn’t matter what we’re doing as long as we’re doing it together. I want to do all kinds of new and different things so we don’t get stuck in a routine. I have recently realized there are a ton of great things to do in Phoenix that you generally wouldn’t think of if you check out Groupon and Living Social. Creativity is one of my strong points. We’ll keep finding new things to do together. I want you to feel like you’re a better person because of me and I want to feel like you make me a better person as well.
A really cool quote I found by Dr Seuss: “You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

Meet someone special from Litchfield Park, United States. For the rare few that actually read profiles....i am not a paying member. So unless YOU are, i can only wink back. Thank you :)
Im just a simple guy, relatively new to the valley. I usually spend the majority of my time at work or working/relaxing around the house. I do enjoy heading out once in a while for drinks or a dinner.
Im an electrician at a copper mine outside of town. Not exactly the safest job in the world, but i dont mind taking a few risks here and there as long as they're calculated. I am also currently enrolled in school to pursue a degree in engineering.
I do have high standards of myself and like the person im with to be just as critical of ones self. She should also be willing to share my time with my daughter. I dont get to see her nearly as much as i would like, so my time with her is VERY important to me.
I'd like to meet someone caring, understanding, honest and loyal. Im not shallow, but attraction always comes into it should when looking for partner in crime. Do you like the outdoors? Do you enjoy sitting at home and watching the sunset over the Mountain with a fire blazing, some music and good conversation? Do you enjoy cooking as i do? Just a few questions i hope ya answer yes to.
Drop a line and lets see where things go. :)
**If your not interested...please be kind enough to say so. Nobody likes to be ignored, and its rude on top of that. I promise, im not gonna cry. Cheers.

Date a soulmate from United States. My Story is quite simple. I have recently moved to Phoenix and have focused solely on work. Now I'm hoping to meet some fun new people and mingle. I don't have high expectations just looking to build good friendships and hopefully if we have fun together, maybe there will be sparks.
I would like to meet a girl who can relax and have fun with me on the weekends. Maybe do some fun activities such as go to a movie or a band or sight seeing. It wouldn't have to be anything special if I was with the right company.

Meet single man from United States. Well How should I start, I guess I`m currently at a place where I am looking to experience life as completely as possible and take as much as I can from my experience (whether it be meeting people or just hanging out). Anyway, for a guy to say that he is in a growth period and looking for the next chapter in his life sounds a bit feminine. I don`t care, I guess I`ll just have to stand by my guns and admit that I`m a guy who posses emotions and a bit of sensitivity combined with all the guy stuff. What do I do for fun? I spend most of my time making music or just spinning on my turntables (I`m really into music). I try to do that on my off time, but on the professional side of things, I spend most of the day working, and going to School. I`m really and outdoors person, but with my hectic schedule it`s kind of hard to meet new people. I do well at making money so I can enjoy my life. I am not a corporate guy but with my life style I find myself trying to live up to that corporate image, You no the suit and tie thing). I guess that’s one reason I moved toHawaii. I do a very good job at examining myself so while being confident I don`t become egotistical, or take myself to seriously, ignorant or dare I say "Ordinary". The goal is to keep myself balanced I guess. Hey, but then you have to be fun, young at heart, exciting with a dash of sex appeal... So challenging to be a single guy today! I believe that world views are important and I appreciate all the experience I gain while meeting people from other countries, and cultures. I know what I want out of life and I’m looking forward to sharing that with someone, so if I sparked your interest or got you a little bit curious then drop me a line.

Date a man from United States. Just checking this out not sure if I want o use this site yet. And I have to fill this box with at least two hundred characters. So I have to keep typing useless stuff until this is filled. Hmm I'm kinda running out of things to type.