Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 32 year old - page 3

I am looking for fun dates and someone to laugh with. I like a great time with friends and family. Family is important to me. My friends are my family out here in Phoenix! I also travel a lot to San Diego and other areas because I love the ocean we just have the beach and no ocean in Phoenix! I want a guy that makes me smile! I want to be with a guy that is honest, takes care of himself, smiles, and is wanting to explore the world with me!!
Romeo and Juliet are not the perfect couple...grandpa and grandma are......... Also I prefer clean cut and guys that show off their faces... I don't mind tattoos or piercings but show that gorgeous face off :)

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. My ideal match would have to be able to hold a steady job! Be respectful and someone who would rather sit down and discuss if we were having a argument then screamigad yelling I want someone who will treat me good and my kids. If you have a temper or anger issues please don't reply.

Date a woman from Chandler, United States. I like to think I can do anything. If I don't know how to do something that doesn't usually stop me from trying to figure it out. I can be pretty independent, but can also take help when I need it. I bought my house almost three years ago and it was a total fixer-upper. I didn't even move in for the first six months I owned it. After remodeling the inside and just recently landscaping the front, all I have left is the back, which is no small task. My backyard currently has numerous piles of siding, insulation, and drywall from the demolition involved in tearing out an enclosed patio. Needless to say I spend a good amount of time working around my house.
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I love to laugh. It's just so easy to have a good time when you're with good people. It doesn't really matter what we're doing.
I like to think I'm more athletic than I probably really am. I enjoy being active and doing outdoor things like biking and hiking, but in reality don't do them on a regular basis. I also like trying new things like wake boarding and skiing. I tend to get a little competitive, and becoming somewhat accident prone tends to follow shortly after. Last summer on vacation at a lake and only my second time ever wake boarding, I felt like it was time to try and get fancy with my limited skills after only a couple days and I totally hurt myself. Thankfully none of my adventure-inducing injuries have been too serious. I like to be healthy but going to the gym is not my favorite thing to do. I try to exercise but I'll be honest, mowing the lawn or doing some demo counts for a trip to the gym that day. I also try to eat fairly healthy, but who doesn't like ice cream or pizza every once in a while?
I'm Catholic and my faith and relationship with God are very important to me. It's the center of who I am and how I live my life. I'm looking for someone who appreciates that about me and shares the same values.
I'm also looking for someone who is confident in who he is and what he wants. I'm a pretty traditional girl who likes when a guy opens the door and takes the initiative in dating. I want to find a genuine guy I can trust my life with, but also have fun and be silly with. I love my life. I'm a happy, easygoing person looking for someone who is in a similar place in life.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Well, I grew up in the Midwest in a small town on Lake Michigan. I love living out here in the desert, but I definitely miss the water. Thank goodness San Diego is close so I can get my water fix once in awhile. I enjoy traveling (I've been all over the US and Europe, and looking to explore South American and Asia), reading, hiking, going to the movies, and hanging out with friends. I love my job and feel fortunate that I've found something I enjoy going to every morning. I like sports - I grew up on a softball diamond. Love watching the Detroit Tigers and Lions (yeah, someone has to watch them!), as well as my college football teams. I'm a pretty open person and I like trying new and fun things.
I'm looking for someone who is laid back and funny, who enjoys hanging out, who is hardworking and dedicated. Someone who likes hanging out with friends as much as staying home and enjoying one another. I'm a pretty independent, self-assured woman, and I'm definitely looking for someone who is self-confident enough to not only be okay with that, but enjoy it. I don't want a guy who wants a woman to need him all the time. I want a guy who is ready and willing to debate a topic with me one minute, and cuddle with me the next.
I hate the whole game-playing thing. If you want to say something to me or ask me something, do it, because I am certainly going to do the same. My friends would definitely agree that I say what's on my mind, good and bad, and I expect the people in my life to be just as honest with me. I have a lot more respect for someone for being upfront, open, and honest about something with me, especially if it something I don't want to hear.
The whole party/bar scene is really not my thing. I would much rather hang out with friends over happy-hour, and once in awhile going out dancing for special occasions. I'd much rather be at a BBQ or finding something fun and laid-back to do with friends. I like a good tasting beer at an Irish Pub as much as a nice glass of wine over a good dinner.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an outgoing, passionate and energetic person who enjoys outdoor activities, hiking, live music, sports, and exploring new places in and out of town. I equally love hanging out on the couch at home with my dogs, a good movie and some wine or beer. I am sincere and fun loving. My family, friends and pets are the most important things in my life and I am very lucky in both. I love animals, music and being active. I'm typically in the gym 6 days per week and maybe doing a race/hike or yoga on my day off. I have three dogs, so if you're allergic or that is a deal breaker best to move on now!
I am lucky to have a job that I love (most days, let's face's still a job). I am the Director of Human Resources & Administration for a family-owned Aerospace Manufacturing company. We manufacture escape systems for commercial aircraft. It's challenging, diverse and rewarding.
As an FYI, the guys in the photos with me are a couple of my very best platonic guy friends for over a decade (not exes). I'm so blessed to have a huge extended group of diverse friends that are like family to me! If having male friends is a deal breaker for you I defer back to the dog statement. I'm open, honest and happy to include my significant other in all of my friendships but I'm not ok with ending one due to someone's insecurities or baggage.
I am looking for someone who shares my interests, someone I can have a good conversation with, who has a good sense of humor and doesn't mind a little sarcasm. I tend to be independent, have a large group of friends and can have a pretty busy calendar with fun social activities at times, so I am looking for someone who doesn't mind this, and is also up to join me. The right person for me is someone must be a good communicator, have a good sense of humor and don't take themselves toooooo seriously and isn't into playing games. My mind-reading skills are poor at best. :)

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. What are you looking for in a relationship? I'm looking for a fun, honest, nice guy who like to be adventurous. Someone who likes to do things anywhere from movies.. Hiking.. ...Or going to a new place

Date someone special from United States. Honest, determined, funny, focused and happy. Looking for someone that shares those same qualities and is looking to enjoy life. Just moved to PHX and would like someone to show me what this area has to offer!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm confident but humble and try to find the positives in situations instead of dwelling on the negative. Not into the club scene, but like the dive bar atmosphere on occasion. I'm up for doing something 'out of the norm'. sushi and sake.. I prefer chucks to heels but like having an excuse to get all dolled up on occasion.
I love throwing out random movie quotes when I'm in good company. It seems there are more appropriate times than not to throw one out there, and especially funny when it doesn't quite apply to the situation. The Big Lebowski is the best movie ever made! Are you a little urban achiever?
I'm passionate about my occupation and have found a challenge I believe is a worthy one. Family and friends are very important in my world and I hope the same is true for you.
I'm looking for someone that I can feel at peace, share the simple things with as well as the new and exciting ones. Someone who likes being affectionate and not afraid to be a man and take control. I find being "handy" a very sexy trait in a mate. Tattoos are a plus, but not at all a prerequisite. I sincerely appreciate a witty and sarcastic sense of humor, I think a great match would be someone that could make me laugh, especially if the chips were down. I'd love to see you passionate, able to engage in intelligent conversation, spontaneous, witty and sexily dark in humor. You would never take me too seriously and could make me laugh in case I took you too seriously.

Date a woman from United States. I am a very happy person, I love my family and my friends. I am looking for someone who would share the same intrests as me. I need to feel like I am an important part of someones life. I am originally from Connecticut and move to AZ in 2002.
My career is very important to me. I love my job and continue
I am a very social person, I love going out and meeting new pe to go above an beyond my duties to better myself. I needs someone who also enjoys there job. Someone who strives to be the best at what they do.
ople. I get along with all sorts of personaltiies. I laugh as much as possible and always try to have a smile on my face :)
I have been single for about two years now (by choice), but now and ready to get back out there! I am a very independent, strong & motivated person! I know that can be intimidating to most men! But I also like to be taken care of! My friends tell me I am too picky, but I just know what I like and dont like. I dont think that is bad thing. Why waste someones time if you know it isnt right? I am old school so I believe asking me out should be only be by phone call not texting!
I am looking for a Real Man. I love a man who takes charge. Who isnt afraid to be real. I am a T-shirt and Jeans kinda girl, however I always try to look my best. I am looking for someone who is emotionally ready to be in a relationship. I am not in any hurry to jump in full force, however I am not looking for someone who is just looking for a good time.

. I'm honestly very new to this whole online thing and it kind of freaks me out but I'm gonna give it a shot LOL!
I'm really just looking for a genuine person to spend my time with. Honesty is huge for me. I have learned that without this, there cannot be a successful relationship. I want to find my best friend. This person must also understand that my daughter is my #1 and she will never come second to anyone or anything. We are a package deal!
I'm a pretty laid back mellow person who just wants to be happy! (-; I lead a relatively drama free life so when drama comes my way I tend to turn in the opposite direction! I'm at the point in my life where I'm ready to settle down with the right person. I've wasted so many years on the wrong types of people and I ready to spend some time with the right ones! (-;

. Hmmm, let's see, what can I tell you about myself that will make me stand out more than all the other women on this site? Lolz, well, if you're reading this I obviously caught your attention somehow! Maybe with my smile, or my eyes, two of my most prominent features. But one thing I hope that you will notice someday is that I'm a good person, just trying to find someone to spend the rest of her life with, looking for a friend more so than anything else. What I'm looking for in a man is someone who I can talk to about anything, someone I can joke with, who doesn't take the little things seriously and can see the humor in most things. I'm a very monogamous person, once I get comfortable with something it's hard for me to break away from it. This is a strength, but it's been a bit of a weakness for me as well. I want someone who makes me feel safe.
I love change, especially when it turns into something positive that can grow and develop. I guess that's something else that i"m looking for in a man, someone that I can grow with, that doesn't just settle for something and that's the end of it, someone who is always trying to better himself. I know that the standard prerequisites are wanting a guy who has a job, who's responsible, makes you laugh, etc. I believe most men fit that description already, what I want is something more than the standard. I honestly can't tell you what it is that makes me feel like I want to get to know a certain guy over another, maybe it's something about his smile or his eyes that caught my attention. In the end, it's the little things that start it and as a relationship grows, whether it started as a simple friendship or a wink on a profile, it's all about taking the time to get to know that person.

. I'm an easygoing person that surrounds myself with good people with positive attitudes. I am looking for a person who shares the same interests and values. I love hanging out with my famiy and friends, running, dancing, watching movies, laughing, etc.
Good compatibility is essential. I'm looking for someone who is honest, caring, funny - I love sarcasim, and a guy that can actually leave me in the dust while running a 5k.
Maybe this person can show me something new. I believe that chivalry is not long gone, I appreciate a guy who opens doors and makes me feel like a "Southern Belle..." lol...Did I mention I love sarcasim?