Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 31 year old

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. Down to Earth chick looking for a hippy guy to hang out with and share fun times. My friends would describe me as very laid back but open to new experiences. I live a very healthy lifestyle and am looking for someone who does as well. I love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, mountain biking, snowboarding pretty much anything outdoors. I really love yoga and would love to find someone who is into it as well (big bonus). I'm not much for watching TV I would rather read or go for a walk, I love to take hiking adventures and explore AZ. I am a happy person in general and am looking for the same, someone who is not too serious but can still get deep about their philosophical views on life. I am super into my career and it takes up a good deal of my time but I still try as much as possible to find balance and recreation. I am a vegetarian (another bonus) but do not mind if other people eat meat I'm cool with the fact that it is a personal choice. Who I am NOT looking for.... Someone who just wants to hook up, if that is you, please don't waste either of our time. I am not saying I want a serious relationship but lets be honest, a girl can tell when you are being sincere.

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. Really don't know what to say about myself. I was born and raised in Michigan and moved to Arizona during high school. My friends say I live at work but I been finding out I have alot of free time on my hands. Hanging out with my circle of friends never gives me a chance to meet new people.
I love to hang out with my friends and family in my spare time. I'm always taking my niece and nephew to the park, movies and playing video games with them. My friends say I'm weird because I love to play video game, mainly Mario. I'm shy at times but once you get to know me my real sense of humor comes out.
The main thing I?m looking for is someone to hang out with that would love to try new things.

Date a woman from Chandler, United States. Ready for something more, companionship to be exact. Would-be nice to meet someone and let things happen. Would like to have at least some common interests, doesn't have to be all. Honesty is big, must be comfortable with yourself. I'm not a materialistic person, actually quite simple but do enjoy having fun at times. I'm huge on communication, so you must be able to communicate.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Not sure I can summarize well.... so my closest friends would describe me as loyal, hard working, funny, and fun. I love being active, time with my family, travel, good food, and better wine. I am in sales, financial services... a work hard, play hard type. I have a 15-year old who has become a fantastic young man, one of my biggest accomplishments.
I am grateful for the life I have been given. I love to laugh. I love to love. I really just want to have fun, and create more of that ....
Will add more pics soon ;-)

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Absolutely loving life! I work hard during the week and am currently a full time graduate student. I always look forward to the weekends and love heading out of city to do some camping, swimming, or road trips!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Im a hard worker,i love to go dancing, im fun & friendly. Im looking for someone to accompany to go out to the movies, or out to dinner. I also would love to go out to the cantina y ir a baliar mi encanta mucho.

Date someone special from United States. *Must have a sense of humor and see the comical side of things* Seriously, it's not that serious!
So why are you on here, and why am i??? Well, I am hoping to find someone special who i am able to connect with. I love to be pampered, wined and dined , and laughing is mandatory:-D Annndddd also my schedule can be so busy sometimes to the point i dont get to meet many people. But i can make time for the right one;-) That said, being a single parent i am very selective who i bring around my kids so if we do happen to hit it off after the first date or two or three and it continues to go that way , please dont take offense if you don't get to meet them yet.
If you are interested send me a message and we'll go from there:)
The saying is true "Love is a gamble" but you can't win if you don't play.
Is it worth it to you?
p.s. i hate to have to add this note but it looks like i have no other choice. if you are over emailing me and not hearing back there may be a reason for it. please do not keep emailing /etc because that just comes off as stalking and you will be blocked. yes, i know that is blunt but some people need to be told...
Also please include a photo, or you definitely will not get a reply back not to mention be blocked. Thanks:)
Guys here's some helpful advice, you should probably think twice about posting pictures of you with your lady friends hanging all over you, it looks tacky and is a big turn off. Really not sure what you're trying to accomplish with that. . .

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am an independent woman who has all of her ducks in a row. I have completed my education and have a career that I love. I am looking for someone who is put together, has family values and morals and is looking for a relationship down the road. I am a huge dog lover so liking dogs is a must. I like to get out and enjoy the outdoors...just looking for someone to do it with. I hit the gym 4 days a week, spend time walking the dogs, enjoy relaxing, going to movies/dinner, reading...I am really up for about anything.

Date a woman from United States. Yes I'm looking for that special someone to spend my life with, or at least have a little fun with now and again.
I enjoy life and would love to find someone who wants to enjoy it with me. I'm a registered nurse with a 6 year old. I absolutely love my job, but I bring life into the world every day. I've never been married but would love to meet that special someone to sweap me off of my feet. I enjoy good food and would love to travel more. My family means the world to me, and would hope to find someone with the same values.
I've lived in AZ my entire life, was born and raised in Northern AZ, and now live in Chandler. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl, and appreciate when a guy is a gentleman, and treats me like a lady. I enjoy a quite evening in just as much as a fun evening full of dancing. I enjoy a social drink now and again.
So enough about me, I would love to meet someone who shares some of the same values as I do. Someone who believes that family is important and who would love to travel and enjoy life. Is it you?

. I grew up on the East coast, outside Washington DC and still have a lot of that Easterner attitude. I am close to my family and they've all migrated out here too. Spending time with my family involves lot of swimming, games, big family dinners, and evening walks with good conversation and the ocassional debate.
I've been told I am level headed and very honest, one might even say blunt. I would prefer to date someone who is excited about life, likes mini adventures and has a good head on their shoulders. A man who smiles, like to joke around, be silly and enjoys to read would be my "type." My match would be someone who can have stimulating philosophical conversations and then watch something stupid on TV.

. I like to dance around in front of a mirror in my underwear to music that's way to loud, and just maybe in front of you ;) going on flashlight adventures, pulling the ultimate pranks, taking pictures of everything and everyone, and laugh so hard i fall to the ground, I want a man who can give it to me right. who gets turn on just by me walking away, who doesnt think about only himself, selfishness is such a turnoff, but who will respects me enough to put my needs first, who thinks about me and what he wants to do with me, and vice versa. i want someone who will keep me on my toes or keep me on my knees. a man who doesnt care what his friends think, because all that matters is he wants me, needs me, and appreciates me on the streets and in the sheets. I like sexy bodies, against me is evem better

. Originally from Chicago, I've lived in San Francisco for a long time, and now I'm figuring out my place in the East Valley.
I enjoy ethnic dining; shooting photography (amateur, just for fun); museums; reading; dive bars; learning; teaching; kayaking; light hiking; travel (European); road trips; nature; jogging; laughing;'m sure there's plenty more!
I can be outdoorsy, but in moderation - I'm a city girl at heart, enjoying the suburban lifestyle. I like getting dressed up and enjoying a nice meal at a romantic restaurant once in a while.