Date men from United States / Alaska / Hoonah, 57 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. first time in se ak. love living in hoonah this is my retirerment 20-yrs ago fished bearing sea for 10 yrs spent 20yrs s. great to be back this should be good once i learn to troll have been getting closer to the lord don't drink or do drugs anymore my last wife turned into an alcaholic it made me stop learning to be by myself but would rather have someone to share with enjoy sex like simpler things in life have gotten into the talk radio use to good older rock n roll still enjoy longhair or what most others call classical really like piano use to play the oboe tried to learn harmonica owned 2-street bikes for awhile hung out with the same people drove semi truck for 4yrs just happy when i stopped and here i am just a little lonely use to travel to other countries now i'm just trying to find myself it'd be nice to find someone that enjoys boats fishing and hunting and living in a village like hoonan,ak